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Everything posted by WestRider

  1. Just based on what he did with The Incal, I would really love to see what he could do with Dune. I'm so bummed he didn't get to make that.
  2. There is some merit to the distraction argument in general, but Adrenal Hormies are too expensive to waste that way. Without the AG, they fit in more or less the same Target Priority slot as the Termies, which will make them more likely to live long enough to do something. Nids simply do not have access to good sources of low AP fire. It's one of the trade-offs you make when you chose the Dex. It's OK, tho, because they have excellent Torrent firepower. DakkaFexen are actually better at dropping Terminators than Exocrines. What makes you say it looks like it's designed with Apoc/Esc in mind? Looks like a pretty standard casual Nid List to me. OFCC-style, to me, suggests that, one way or another he'll probably be able to avoid AV15 if he doesn't want to play it.
  3. I think Wave Serpents are actually the better argument for AG on Hormies. On the other hand, with only one Unit of them, any Army that they're a threat to is going to prioritize them, and with only 15, they're not going to last long.
  4. Sublime - What I Got Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) T Rex - Ride a White Swan Kind of amazed that it didn't pick up any metal at all.
  5. My big problem with the BL Dex is that every time they mention Sorcerers in the fluff parts, they're Divining or Scrying or Prophesizing or something like that, and then none of that makes it into the Rules. Couldn't they have tossed in some references to Legion Sorcerers blasting people with warpfire or hulking out on Biomancy buffs, or melting people's brains or something related to the powers that they can actually get? Seriously, tho, it's a pretty awesome book. I mostly just have that one rant.
  6. Hey, I did find some that work. Ain't no problem here. I'm just saying that there really aren't as many options out there as you might think. It certainly doesn't help that sizing is so inconsistent, so especially when ordering online (because this stuff can get really expensive), it can really be a crapshoot. One survey found jeans varying by as much as 6" in waistline measurements from the listed size, and shirts can vary immensely, with some 4XL being the same size as other 2XL, and some of the same nominal size being very long and skinny, while others are shorter and broader. I ordered a dozen shirts direct from Hanes one time to get some extra variety in my work shirts when I was baking, all nominally the same size, no two of them fit the same.
  7. Honestly, once you get into big and tall sizes, finding a good fit can be really difficult. It was only a couple of years ago that I finally found a brand of jeans that fit me well and weren't discontinued within months. It would definitely help if fashion trended back toward higher waists, tho.
  8. I'd ditch Regen and the Rupture Cannon on the T-Fex, pick up a Thorax Swarm (probably Electroshock) instead. Maybe add Adrenal Glands as well. I've had fun with the Acid Spray, but the Rupture Cannon is too often just frustrating as the low number of shots miss or get tanked by Cover. Maybe drop a DakkaFex for some Biovores, a full Brood of fexen is kind of overkill, and the "reach out and touch someone" that Biovores provide is nice. Depending on how you do it, those changes might leave enough Points for a decent Brood of Gargoyles, which are one of my favorite Units in the Dex. Especially in combination with Venomthropes, since the Gargs are tall enough to provide Cover to pretty much anything. Not critical changes, just some other options to think about.
  9. Isn't Agile the same on both the Revenant and the Warhound? I just pulled it from the Rev because that's the one I actually have the Rules for on hand. And as much as anything, it's just a fluff thing. GW has established that Slaanesh's thing is being faster than Units belonging to the other Gods, whether in terms of movement speed, Init, or both.
  10. It's shouldn't be nearly as bad on a Unit that doesn't have Jump Jets. I would think that the ability to jump half the length of the table has more to do with the Revenant's problems than being able to run and shoot or run twice.
  11. In general, no. For something that size dedicated to Slaanesh, yes. A Slaaneshi war machine at this scale should have something like the Revenant's Agile rule.
  12. There are some possibilities for Counts-as for Nurgle, but the way the thing functions on the table is all wrong for Slaanesh, way too slow. Even as Nurgle it doesn't really feel right. Maybe it's just that I'm enough of a fluff bunny that using Rules for one God for a Model dedicated to another feels just plain wrong. I've also always been annoyed by their favoritism toward Khorne in the modeling department. Seems to be far and away the favorite Chaos god over there, and he's my least favorite of the lot.
  13. And Khorne is exactly why they're never going to sell me a LoS, but I would have been all over probably at least a couple of Knights each eventually for Slaanesh and Nurgle.
  14. Remember, tho, you can take Knights as well as a LoW. Why would they want to just sell Chaos Players a Lord of Skulls when they could sell them a Lord of Skulls AND three Knights?
  15. Having now actually read through the Knights Codex, there's one more thing that really bugs me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember anything in any of the older fluff for them about the psycho-conditioning that makes them far more loyal than even Space Marines. I know for certain that in 3rd ed Epic, Slaaneshi Hell-Knights made it into the core rulebook, while Imperial Knights didn't. So why did GW do extra work to screw themselves out of more sales by writing a bunch of new fluff about how incorruptible the Knights are, and how ridiculously rare Traitor Knights are, rather than just making them AoC with CSM and doing an Online-Only bundle where they charge an extra $25 to sell us a couple of Spiky Sprues along with a Knight?
  16. Orks don't actually have a glyph for 'x', they use 'ks' when they need that sound.
  17. Pulling out my copy of the Poetic Edda and flipping through, a few that catch my eye: Thund (Thunderer) Rathgrith (Plan-Destroyer) Sigfather/Sigvater (Father of Victory) Brimir (Odin's blade, the greatest of swords) Hnikar/Hnikuth (The Overthrower) Omi (The Shouter) Skilfing (The Shaker) Hrimgrimnir (The Frost-Shrouded) Hildolf (Slaughtering Wolf)
  18. As someone who has to take the bus, I really do not favour solutions that want me to bring along another 25-100% as many Models. I have enough trouble lugging a 2K Army around as it is.
  19. At most, Blind triggers per Model or Weapon, not per Hit from a single Model/Weapon. The Synapse doesn't recycle in that Dataslate, but you do get a Flyrant out of FOC. Triple Flyrant plus some supplemental ground Synapse should be solid enough, especially with how many fast threats that list can put up in the Opponent's face. We're talking a potential for 9 FMCs here.
  20. Ekzursistz, best as I can piece it together. You can look up how to convert that into Ork Glyphs here if you want.
  21. I think I still have copies of Lizard Music and Borgel around, but I know I don't have anything else. Haven't heard of the rest of those, but I was all about Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars and a few others that I'm blanking on the titles of now.
  22. @Pax: One reason this is really coming up right now is because of the Skyblight formation in the latest Dataslate, which brings 3 Broods of Gargoyles outside the FOC, plus they're Scoring and come back on a 4+ when the Unit's wiped. More generally: I think both versions are plausible interpretations of the text. I chose to go with one Test per Unit not because I think that argument's stronger, but because that way I know I won't be screwing anyone over, and if it gets FAQed the other way, or I get to play in an event where it's ruled the other way, I get a bonus, instead of having something taken away from me if the ruling goes the other way.
  23. Man, I haven't read Pinkwater since I was a kid. I should go get some of those out of the library again. Definitely gonna have to check this one out, too. Kinda hitting that same vibe that I like so much about Welcome to Night Vale.
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