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Dark Trainer

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Everything posted by Dark Trainer

  1. LOL, now that's epic scale...
  2. I usually don't get to start this thing, but I'll be there tomorrow to finish up a model and get my planetary empires finish game in.
  3. Other than a ridiculous amount of S7 shooting, I plan to rely on high armor targets with Spyders (smash), Wraiths rending, Scarabs, and the klaws. Yes I have to close the gap, but at least it's something.
  4. Sent ya a PM, should have Crystal half and Rod...
  5. Ok Ally change per suggestions. Not sold on big shootas being needed. (Didn't realize Boyz were only S3?) Big Mek (KFF) [should I do a klaw or bosspole on him too?] 30 Boyz (Shootas) Nob (Klaw+Bosspole) 30 Boyz (Shootas) Nob (Klaw+Bosspole) 8 Lootas
  6. I have a spare Monolith new in box with all the pieces. That said, I'm fairly certain I have a HALF of the top crystal too, and have a whole one I painted back when, so I don't think I need the half crystal (I'll have to check when I get home). As to the portal and rods I have a couple of suggestions. I would just paint something plasticard in there? I don't think the back window makes a bit difference. The Rod's can be purchased from places like Plastruct and such. I'm pretty sure they have an equivalent green rod option. I forget the exact measurement, but it was pretty cheap to get a whole set. I bought all red and changed all my rods out. You in Portland area?
  7. On the KFF, OH REALLY? I have been told it's actual models underneath it now. If that is only affecting Kans that's vital, but I was told it was all models now. I haven't found it myself, it's the first time I've opened up the Orks I acquired. For now, I'm gonna run a Warboss with a PK and boss pole, 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa), 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa and BP), and 8 lootas. Not sure if Klaw is worth it as he can just be challenged and killed on Nobs... I'll mess with it, thanks for the great tips so far. I'll take more if there are any.
  8. So Fed played me a great little Necron list that I wanted to try out. Essentially he had 2 mobs of Ork shoota boys with a Big Mek and a KFF (before the FAQ limiting the KFF to actual models). That said, I'd still like to give this alliance a shot. I need a tip for a CHEAP HQ choice but decent for his points cost? I'm likely going to field 2 squads of 30 slugga boyz (told shoota boyz are better with overwatch and such, but I don't have any shooty ones), my 7 lootas, and some HQ. I don't know my Ork codex well enough yet. Need help with the HQ mainly (Warboss, weirdboy, etc), then I'll figure out what points I have left for Necrons. I was also just thinking a super cheap HQ, 30 slugga boyz, and my 7 lootas. The only issue was 60 boyz was something you HAD to deal with... Also, any wargear for the Orks? Nob +big choppa, bosspole, etc? The strategy is simple, they stand in front of the Necrons as a meat shield and assault when in range... Right now the list looks something like this: Necrons: Overlord (MSS, WS, Res Orb) - 145pts Destroyer Lord (MSS, WS, Weave) - 160pts Court (Destruction Cryptek with solar pulse) - 55pts 5 Warriors (Night Scythe) - 165pts 10 Immortals (Night Scythe) - 270pts 6 Wraiths - 210 3 Scarabs - 45pts 3 Spyders - 150pts Annihilation barge - 90pts Annihilation barge - 90pts Annihilation barge - 90pts Orks: Warboss (Big choppa) - 65pts 30 Slugga Boyz - 180pts 30 Slugga Boyz - 180pts 7 Lootas - 105pts 2000 point list Thoughts? Off the bat, I don't really have a good answer for AV 14 though (shy of spyders or maybe wraiths)...
  9. Honestly there's some questions you need to ask yourself. 1) Do you want OMGPWNED J00 type lists, then yeah the latest and greatest codexes are nuts (not now, until the next latest and greatest trumps it (as usual) 2) Since the above is not my style, then ask yourself what type of gameplay excites you? - Pure shooting and dice chucking, calculating cover, and angles of shots, etc. Then Tau is not only powerful right now, but purely shooty. Even Riptide's can assault at some point, but typically you just take the charges and hide in a corner shooting all game. - Do you like to assault mainly with shooting as a backup? Then your orks do fine. They haven't been updated, and I hear people belly aching about power lists, but you can't deny 150+ orks in front of you are a threat and tough to deal with. - If you want both, decent assault and decent shooting, then Marines have always been solid in both. Not over the top, but strong enough. Chapters do matter, but this is part of the synergy of marines (personally I am leaning towards getting rid of my marines, not my style). That said, just look at how you want to play. This may just be me, but there's my 2 cents.
  10. I'll be there to get my planetary empires game in when we start I'll be there early around 4pm too, but assembling a model
  11. Hah...Blackjack is the only true game for me at a casino. Reasonable odds that can be played just right. Other than that, I keep my money....
  12. I'm good for now. But yes, been playing dead island too. Just started act II.
  13. I missed my chance on Dante's, yeah I was going to pass on DS II for now, since you had offered before I think. I was just torn for $3, that just seemed worth it, heh.
  14. Game's only on sale for another hour, but is Dante's inferno any good? Darksiders II is also going on sale soon, it any good?
  15. I really love my yoga mat. Cut it in 2, cost me $12. I love how it doesn't have raised folds, etc compared to felt.
  16. I'll be there for planetary empires. I think I'll bring X-wing too since I'll probably be there around 4pm, will need something to tide me over
  17. Yeah, thanks for the fun! Kids can't wait to get started on their new minis.
  18. So before I go buy one retail just because Burk said I should. Just checking to see if anyone wanted to part with a y-wing because they had too many, etc. Just want the 1, pilot cards, dial, upgrades, etc.
  19. So I just learned something else about initial buy in. Some ships include upgrades that others do not. I wanted push the limit, so I had to buy an a-wing to get it for example. Not a big deal, but as you get into the game more, you may find other things like shield upgrades (falcon and slave I) and such might be useful. Not a deal breaker, but just for those looking to fine tune lists.
  20. The reason I don't like y-wings. Isn't because the ion cannon is useful, it's because you can ignore the 30 point ship. Focus on killing the rest of his force, and it's pretty much game over. The y-wing isn't really going to kill anything. So to me it's like starting the game with about 20 points less points. I agree it's nice if you can use the ion cannon to setup a kill, but the y-wing fills a support only role, rather than a kill role. Just my play style. I like my ships to all be able to contribute equally.
  21. I'll be there about 3:30/4pm/ X-wing burk? Then I'm supposed to get beat up on by Ando, Savion, or Bryan later on...
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