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Everything posted by Duckman

  1. Are they remaking Blade Runner or are they making Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? I love Blade Runner. The visuals and the contrasts are incredible but I was sad that they removed the unicorn and gave it a happy ending to suit the test audiences. I'd be interested to see what they did today when it is possible to tell the story that ends with him as a replicant.
  2. Nothing is sacred at this point as they rape the properties of my childhood in the hopes of turning another buck at my expense. To be honest, i doubt that I will watch this because like Ghrom, I don't want to see someones failure to understand yet another property. On the other hand, I was stoked to find out that DJ had signed up with DC for the Captain Marvel movie and better still, turned down the role of Captain Marvel for Black Adam because "he's much more complex and interesting as a character".
  3. Someone found Thor's skateboard? Guess it is easier for the unworthy to move because of the wheels?
  4. My response is NSFW (language)... I'd say pics or it didn't happen, but I don't think I want pics of this whether the guy is wearing the speedo or the ramen is. And how the heck is that related to the second half of the title?
  5. So they found a dumb way to spell "dump"?
  6. So what do you think of WarMachine Tactics? I was kinda tempted but have been on the fence since it seemed to focus on MMO play instead of single-player campaigns. (I know it has single player but the ad copy made those sound sparse.)
  7. This is an example of pecan pie when pronounced wrong. Maybe I'll bring you a piece of real pecan pie as a wedding present when I bring the Lizards south.
  8. While this may be true for the word pecan, it does *not* apply to pecan pie. There is only one way to pronounce it as there is only one way to *make* it. And while I agree with Jim in general and the sentiment "what part of pie don't you understand," I also have to point out that Cow Pie is also a pie and, like poorly pronounced pecan pie, is not a pie worth eating.
  9. I refuse to answer the question about pie based on the fact that I can't tell how you are pronouncing it. When pronounced correctly, it is food of the gods. When pronounced incorrectly it means that the baker is a wannabe who couldn't make a pecan pie to save his or her life. And if you try to put your [big bad swear word] nuts in my pistachio ice cream I will be totally offended.
  10. I'm trying to get models from Seattle to Prophesy in the Portland area. He and I have worked out a meeting in Centralia but if there is a bus making the trip sometime prior to OFCC (say no later than the 15th?) that would be willing to carry a box full of wayward Lizards I'd appreciate it (enough to chip in for gas). Post here or contact me by PM.
  11. Hi, Seth. When you stop tearing your hair out and begin working on a cure to gamer pattern baldness, please let me know. I too want to lose my life to Fallout Shelter but am too busy to continually lurk in any place that will let me know when the Android version becomes available. P.S. - Please post while downloading the android version as I fear any attempt to validate successful install could result in inability to post for indeterminate length of time.
  12. Am I allowed to make a megalomaniac my bunker commander? This could kill me when it comes to Android.
  13. I did not. I played Fallout and Fallout 2. I played Wasteland and tried to play Wasteland2 but have graphics issues (something about it and my current graphics card are not copacetic) that are as yet unresolved. I grabbed XCom when a buddy of mine demoed it on Steam for me and have looked at a couple of others that have been mentioned here but have not made time for them. (I'm in the process of trying to change jobs and expect an offer in the next week but for the last few month I've been incredibly busy.)
  14. You and I can go make our own X-Com fanboi thread, dash. :)
  15. I tried Fallout3 and just could not get past the FPS interface. Enjoyed the idea. Enjoyed the poking around that I did but just didn't like the game-play at all.
  16. To answer those asking, I am squarely in the group pax identified. I love the setting and the flavor but am not a fan of the FPS RPG format. My choice and no knock against the game or the franchise, just not my thing.
  17. I didn't dig Fallout 3 and didn't try New Vegas because of it. Here's hoping that they can sell me on this one.
  18. Ex Machina - 8.5/10 I went in expecting a psych-thriller sci-fi or horror sci-fi... It's squarely in the psych-thriller category. It did not set up surprises so much as tell the story you expect and do it well. Liked the writing, especially the little off-hand comments that rounded out the characters.
  19. My wife writes professionally (training and tech writing) and as a hobby. She's been given a great opportunity and needs some help. If you are interested in writing, this will probably interest you regardless. Anyone else interested in helping out is also welcome to come check it out. Below is my wife's request for help.
  20. I don't recall if this has been posted before or not but it still makes me laugh...
  21. LOL You weren't kidding when you said you had an expensive new hobby. Me, I was just selling stuff off because it never gets used anymore. Let us know what cool stuff you pick up.
  22. It would be a witticism about Midichlorians being unwritten. Maybe the single best thing about unwriting E1-3. And I say that being a staunch hater of JarJar. And as a side-note, I find that Machete Order (see Jim's post above) also results in Midichlorigones. Yay!
  23. Welcome to San Fransokyo.
  24. And for the lack of a comma, sexual innuendo runs rampant.
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