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Everything posted by scottshoemaker

  1. Whatever could it be? It certainly is packed well. Ooo, parts... Hmm, this is chipped up. No good to me except as a palette. Two bags here One of the bags is opened. Nice pretty parts. No bubbles here! Straight too! A big gun. Solid. A little trimming but not out of the ordinary. A fine looking head. A little extra packing on this guy. Nice touch. This panel does have some thin spots though. Some of the others do too. My, that sure is lots of parts. Pretty decent too. Sure hope I can figure out how all this goes together.
  2. I gotta agree with AP, all they did was rewrite the Assault Vehicle rule. It's poorly written. It would make more sense if it states "They may assault from the claw the turn it deep strikes" or something to that effect.
  3. The bottom is a scatter laser, at the time it was a multilaser. There tended to be cross pollination of weapons in that era. Guardians and IG both used lasguns, Orks used bolters, etc.
  4. Figured I'd share my notes. All paints used are Valejo Model Air. Starting with a black primer, I airbrushed Burnt Umber everywhere where red and brown were going to be. I was pretty thorough as this will work as a foundation and a shade. I then did a tone highlight with Light Grey to pop the red. Reds and yellows simply do not cover well over black. Then I layed down Ferrari red. I got some nice modulation and the burnt umber lent as nice base for the deeper red. The lights are a bit bright so I included a couple different exposures so you can see the shading.
  5. I'm loving this idea coupled with foot troop shleebs as men at arms.
  6. Airbrushed weathering powder on the lower part of the models to make'em dusty. Need more edge chipping though...
  7. I'm driving though BFE. So here's my basic idea for detailed knight combat. Power management for movement, weapons and shields via dice pools. Shooting would be via grid overlay like old epic or the even older vehicle manual. Damage would be by location so you could target weapons, reactor, head sensors, etc. Discuss.
  8. Time to spin up some knight dueling rules.
  9. They're like mini-me reaper titans. Adorable!
  10. I love the asthetic of the Warlord in the pic, mush better than the gen 2 Epic one. Like a 'roided up knight!
  11. I think I'll pop by Game Matrix. Hopefully I can say hi to any Ordos there tonight.
  12. Any game shops I should visit? I'd like to meet some local ordites if there is any Monday night action.
  13. south Seattle? I'm picking up my daughter at the airport Monday night.
  14. Maybe Chaos will get chainswords and power fists again...
  15. Are you actually telling someone they have a wrong opinion? I really don't think you get the point of the team event. In the end the LRC is the final arbiter so...
  16. @AP Poor attitude. Remind me to not play you.
  17. Alright, I totally started on the lifta droppa BW and realized I didn't like how it was going. I then decided to wait on the other wagon as it doesn't really fit the army. So here's where I'm at with the build: See how much smaller the first chassis is? I repurpose it as something else later. I've got a deadline to meet to paint this army before OFCC.
  18. This. Paint your vehicle showroom new first, then add weathering. If you were working on a display piece I'd say different, but for a gaming model follow Chap.
  19. Typhus corrosion. Stipple it on for easy, convincing muck.
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