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Everything posted by Nathanvoodoo

  1. You know... I might try n make this if that'd be alright?
  2. Skitari relic. 'The phase taser' forces initiative test after an unsaved wound. Failure causes removed from play. Seems very unlikely but situationally possible vs some GCs.
  3. I love it. From a 'those models are awesome and that will be a ton of fun to play' standpoint. I have no idea about how strong it will be, but I suspect it won't slouch.
  4. Okay, I want to clarify this right off the bat- this isn't a rules discussion list. I don't really care if you think this list is 'viable in a tournament' I'm posting this because I've been working at it for a while now and will have it done shortly and I want to know if you think it will be fun to play against? I think it will have a lot of potential to win, or lose, but either way it will be dramatic. Imperial Knights: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) (975pts) Formation (975pts) Gallant Lance (975pts) Knight GallantHeavy Stubber Knight GallantHeavy Stubber Knight GallantHeavy Stubber Skitarii: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) (1025pts) Formation (1025pts) Sicarian Killclade (1025pts) Sicarian InfiltratorsFlechette Blasters and Taser Goads, 8x Sicarian Infiltrator Infiltrator PrincepsConversion field, The Phase Taser Sicarian Ruststalkers8x Sicarian Ruststalker, Transonic razor, Chordclaw, and Mindscrambler Grenades Ruststalker PrincepsConversion field, The Omniscient Mask Sicarian Ruststalkers4x Sicarian Ruststalker, Two Transonic blades Ruststalker PrincepsChordclaw, Conversion field, Prehensile Dataspike Sicarian Ruststalkers4x Sicarian Ruststalker, Transonic razor, Chordclaw, and Mindscrambler Grenades Ruststalker PrincepsConversion field, Prehensile Dataspike So... That's it. I'm about 1 knight away from having it done/painted/ready... I recognize that 3 knights is pretty much 'a dick move' but the Gallant doesn't have a 'real' gun. Actually- the whole list only has 3 ranged weapons and one of them is a grenade. I think it's a pretty fun list that will be fun to play and to play against- for the most part. It will at least be extremely narrative- with knights throwing tanks and spindly little robot guys with freddy claws scurrying everywhere. Basically this list is my answer to the fact that I really want to play a somewhat viable assault army.
  5. You really can't stack god shackles. I really don't even think you can stack relics on any character. They are relics, only 1 is meant to exist. I'm not going to dig around in the rule book to find out why, but I'm fairly certain you can only give an HQ or special character 1 relic at a time. I believe you can only add the Mephrit relics to your list of available relics by using their detachments.
  6. Those look fantastic! Very clean.
  7. I did say- play it the way YOU want. I guess it just doesn't matter to the point of debate with me one way or another. Also for the record I've never even ONCE read the ITC FAQ. I get all of it thru the grapevine. I just like playing 40k
  8. A monolith if you have one? Orcs don't bring much that can touch one of those. More Immortals with Tesla rather than the C'Tan- In this circumstance I would say the Night Sythe is the better option as a transport since they also bring heavy Tesla firepower and Orc army strength often lies in quantity over quality. Those expoding 6s will lay out more wounds.
  9. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a 4 player 40k game? Could be fun. 2 Allies, 1250 each player?
  10. The list? Vs Orcs I'd toss the C'tan for more shooting. Specifically more Tesla. The Transcendent C'Tan is pretty underwhelming- in fact, if you just really want a C'Tan I'd go with the Nightbringer. Even a mediocre Necrons list should have a pretty good chance against most Orcs lists. You shoot much better and don't die, and you both have terribad initiative. Also, can you take that many relics on 1 character? I always just assumed it was a one relic limit per character? The Solar staff and The God Shackle?
  11. If you play with your friends that way, then continue to do so. No one is trying to ruin your fun. That being said, I don't think it really is too much to ask for us to keep our formation in 12 inch coherency to maintain the affect. The canoptek harvest is incredible strong either way- all it changes is your beasts run range vs your MCs. It makes you play a bit more strategically. It's as I said before- you have to be in an aura area for it to benefit/hurt you. A chapter banner with a 12 inch bubble doesn't help a unit that ran through its area of affect on the way to a fight. I really don't see the argument about it being favoritism at all. It's a game, with plastic space army guys. Their are plenty of players, myself included that play both imperial factions and necrons.
  12. Cryptecs can take relics, and are cheap characters and hq slots. Necrons have so few actual characters. Also, I own a necrons army as well as a few others and will proudly announce,that in my opinion, the itc ruling on them is totally legit, and not a huge nerf hammer hit. They are very very strong, at times without even trying.
  13. I'd say so... Tho I have no clue why it would matter.
  14. I would say they should be affected- it's not a shooting attack or anything. It's an aura. If you put a Culuxes assassin in a land raider his aura is projected from the hull of the vehicle- so I would assume a grey knight in a land raider right next to a Culuxes would be affected by the aura
  15. Destroyers are brutally slow as well. I can see it being a great advantage to capturing an objective.
  16. I'm not playing BA because I'm tired of playing a crappy army. I know they can win, but they don't very often. They have great fluff, cool HQs and tons of people love them- but they don't fulfill on what I want from an army- currently. They are still space marines- which makes them good. They just aren't very good stand alone. That and Admech.
  17. When/if my BA ever come back out they will be as Flesh Tearers- without a doubt. Their paint is great and the fluff is awesome.
  18. Survival Is Nothing Data Is All. No Knowledge is Useless. So a 10 point Conversion Field Upgrade provides a model with a 4++. When the Invuln is passed the surrounding units test initiative or are blinded (ws goes to 1) With Infiltrators Neurostatic Aura an opponents models suffer a -1 to initiative- so even marines have a chance of being blinded. We were playing it as his Terms WS was now 1- but is the Neurostatic Aura associated with Infiltrators cumulative with Blind? Would the two affects push an opponents WS to 0?
  19. Steel Angel knows... I think the infiltrator princep took down 6 Grey knights terms on his own. He actually ended up getting shut down when a scout squad charged in and added to it. Pro tip - Always purchase the conversion field on an infiltrator princep.
  20. So... Tonight's game... My infiltrator killed how many terminators on his own?
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