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Everything posted by Nathanvoodoo

  1. Azyr comp was way off. For 40 points in that system I could bring 30 iron guts - and honestly I can't see much taking that down at a similar point cost. I think we should give the theoretic point cost system miniwargaming devized a try- as well as the BOLS 'leaked' system a try. Also- I don't ever see a comp system being very steadfast or something overly accurate. IE I can never see AoS being balanced to the point. Maybe to the+/- 10 points?
  2. I'll bring some ogres to take you on
  3. I'm glad you tried it. It sounds like it wasn't that bad.
  4. I suppose I would welcome it. I have enjoyed the couple of AoS games I have played- and if 40k received simplified rules then I wouldn't have to wade through piles of useless rules speculation on the Internet. No more "can a knight snap shoot a titanic explosion?" I never wanted to play fantasy, simply because I found the rules to be too stifling and the community rather harsh. I have always been incredibly fond of the models. I mean, I like painting models and playing games with cohorts. 40k is fun the way it is, but I do think the metric piles of rules and completely unbalanced points system often hinder many players experience.
  5. I agree. A guideline is nice, but point for point is never truly equal.
  6. I'll admit - the gold looks bad in pictures- and much better IRL
  7. I don't much care for them. I think it's the helmets...
  8. To assume that it will happen to 40k is to not actually understand how 'dead' fantasy sales were prior to AOS. Fantasy was less than 15% of GWs North American market prior to AoS. If none of us buy any 40k- and the player scene dwindles down to 10 guys who mostly just gripe on the internet- I could see 40k getting shaken up to that degree- Also- I would absolutely still play it.
  9. Ummmm... The AoS box is a great value- and beyond that I'd say GW has ALWAYS had ridiculous pricing. If anyone wants to trade me for half of my AoS box I'll have a rather alrge viable sized army right there- for the price of a 1 battle box. You aren't really stating anything new. Greasus Goldtooth for 57.75!?! Lord Kroak for 49.50?!? They have always had stupid over the top prices. They also have the best models and wonderful kits.
  10. Cool I'm gonna bring stuff to play.
  11. Basically, you can run any model you want. That is the rule. The general sentiment is that you stick within the four factions- those being destruction, chaos, death, and order. But - it's basically totally unbound according to the rules.
  12. Now I have to do an offsite catering event for rich douchbags on this day! I won't be able to make it.
  13. I live a walk away from that store and talk to Tyler pretty often. He's a very mellow guy who's never really spoken to rumors w me. If he doesn't have real info on a subject he usually just shrugs and admits to knowing nothing. Prior to its release he was pretty untelling and sort of wary of Sigmar. Basically what I'm saying is if he said all that- there is a pretty good chance it's true
  14. Just as a heads up- Wednesday nights are 40k night at guardian games so it'll probably be pretty tight in there. I really wanna give this game a try out as well.
  15. I really want to play AoS- I've seen multiple groups playing it and having - wait for it......... TONS OF FUN! They weren't squabbling about rules, or spending minutes digging around in rule books... No flipping through cards... Just laughing and playing with their models... Sign me up...
  16. I have two 40k Armies that sit unused in my closet. Since getting into painting miniatures I've always been partial to WFB models, but some how ended up with 40k. Either way- With the coming of AoS I'm more intrigued than ever- and figure some of you WFB players might want to try 40k out. I'm listing up my BA now to trade. I'm looking for Undead (I already have Nagash), or Ogres, or Goblins, or skaven, chaos... Empire... Basically just not elves... Here is what about what I have. If I get interest in this stuff, I'll actually pull it out and do a better inventory of it and get some pics up. Blood Angels- Astorath Mephiston An Old Metal Lemartes Captain Karalaen Sanguiary Priest Libby Around 30 bolter tacticals A good number of marines with special weapons 2-4 flamers 2 meltas at least 1 grav gun 3-4 lascannons 3-4 rocket launchas 1 heavy flamer a couple heavy bolters a couple multi-meltas Around 15 Terminators Mostly Power Fist Storm Bolter guys, but I have a Heavy Flamer, backpack rocket thingy, an Auto Cannon in there, Couple of Chain fists too... Rhino Vindicator Baal Pred with giant flamer 2 Storm Ravens 2 Pods (built to actually open) Around 30 Death Company with tons of different weapons and jump packs 2 5 man sniper scout squads with cloaks about 10 assault marines 2 regular Dreds, 1 has a fist and lascannon the other I think as a Melta... Either way have have bits... 2 Furiosa Dreds, 1 as a Death Company with claws and anger, the other as a Libby with Libby stuff... SO MANY BITS I think that's about it. It's all got paint on it. It's table top but not good looking. It was my first army and I rushed the paint/ didn't know what I was doing...
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