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I pretty much skipped all the above posts.  However, here is what I can tell you, based around your original post:


1) Vampires are not that easy to learn.  They may seem like they are at first, however, they can fail horribly if just thrown together in a list.  As far as them being a low model count army.  Yes, they can; however, the list I would propose to you wouldn't find you many games with most people on Ordo, so I'm not going to mention it here.


2) Current Dwarfs can be a low model count army.  They are fairly simple to use: move a little, shoot a lot, shoot some more, shoot one more time, charge in with the troops.  However, I would suggest waiting until the new book comes out before deciding on whether or not to go Dwarfs.


I would suggest testing a few games out with some people to get the feel for the game.  This is nothing like fantasy and the movement phase is not forgiving.  By testing out the game you will learn the mechanics and you should be able to decide which elements you are attracted to: i.e, shooting, magic, movement, combat.

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I pretty much skipped all the above posts.  However, here is what I can tell you, based around your original post:


Par for course, then?


Orcs are an army that plays in all phases (as in they have strong magic, combat, and artillery shooting), but you won't always be the one playing them in those phases.  Animosity is a detrimental artifact rule that really keeps them down along with strange point disparities across the board.  They are never a low model count army as even "elite" OnG armies are likely pushing around three hordes and still backed up by additional units.  I wouldn't recommend them not because of power level or ease of play (both aren't that high), but instead because they are an army that makes you ask "why would you design this rule?"

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I have and played O&G army and to this day I have no idea why that rule is still there. O&G are not a powerhouse army that needs taming, good yes but not good enough to have this rule. Number of times I had my Shamans unit go agro and I lost my movement, magic, shooting and combat phase for my keystone unit.


Truely is a game ender at times, and that is from playing both against and with them.


The rest of the randomness is fine with me though. Even when that Mangler ends 1" in fornt of my target when I only had to move 5". :D

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I play TK. A lot. I would avoid them.like the plague as a new player unless you really enjoy frustration


VC are not for new players either, they are very easy to build badly, and be disappointed.


Chaos is extremely forgiving but common as hell.


Chaos daemons offer everything you are looking for in an army and you can be really unique with third party figures.


Low model count potential, high magic, good fighters and have awesome monsters.

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hey, that's not fair...neither of my brothers plays them :-) And I am closer to nobody than everybody...

Did I say "Nobody and their brother plays them"? No? Well then sit back down mister! I play them, my brother plays them. (okay admittedly I have been building them since the late 90's and only play them occasionally...)


But seriously, its hard to make a game event and not face chaos last I looked.

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Animosity is only a real issue when you roll two 1s in a row, it happens, but not that often. Built into the O&G book are also Black Orc characters that can quell animosity in your important magic wielding mobs. This army is incredibly under rated... O&G have everything except skirmishes and only a single flying monster BUT they do have crazy WMs, big blocks, trolls, fanatics, manglers which can really control the board in whacky / effective ways. The magic movement spell is obnoxiously powerful on biguns and black orcs, foot of gork can win games with a stream of good rolling.


Can't stand peeps knocking Da Boyz!!!!!!


As for your army... You have to play what you just love. You'll be spending a lot of time with it painting, playing, and showing it off. Pick the army that you like the look of and character, tactics and strategy will come after all that.

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So the way everyone talks about selecting an army is sounds as though a person should


A) Figure out the look and general style of play they like

B) Pick up an Army book and get a sense of the troop choices

C) Build your army AFTER you have gone through the book


That sound right? There are some of references and acronyms being batted around that I assume I would understand more after learning about the Armies.


Are O&Gs that bad for a new person? Their random high jinks  peeks my interest a little curious. Though their high model count may quell that. Can the Black Orcs keep things in line (mostly)?





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O&G have been included in more starter sets than any other race. I think the are a perfect army to start with. The essence of the game is embodied in the orcs and goblins, have fun, roll dice, smash face... Plus they are as open ended as armies get. You can really play any style/theme you want to. YOu can shoot em up, do monsters, horde up with gobbos, go all orc for a great medium infantry army, go savages and run forward, NGs for a whacky character heavy build and squigg hoppin, or have it ALL going on at the same time!! Potpourri for the win!! 


 IDK... I love the options. 

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Orcs have access to some of the best units in warhammer:


1) Savage Orcs (insane number of attacks and come with a ward save)

2) Trolls (a horde of these things smash just about whatever they come in contact with and they put so much fear into any unit with a good armour save)

3) Squigs (extremely underated for what they produce)

4) Doom Divers (these things wreck armoured units soooo good)


However, the above options need to be used in moderation when playing your average opponent.

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So after a lot of back and fourth with this awesome community it looks as though I won't be able to make it this week. I'm a new driver and the roads are too slick for my taste.

I have taken everything everyone has said into account and I think I am "close" to making a choice. I am at a toss between Dark Elves and Ogres. If I am feeling real bold I might try and field some grey models next Sunday. We'll see.


Thanks again!


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