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Tao Tsê-Mung

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GW's famous rules design in on full display once again. I'm reading the Marine Chapter's rules they just spewed out. WTF? So Space Wolves have to accomplish something in order to get a army wide ability, while every other chapter just gets to start with it?? Really? Which designer at GW has a hard on for Templars? They get to pick which ability they want. Must be nice. Have Templar kit sales been down? Need a little boost?

Ugh, [big bad swear word] like this just really pisses me off. There is simply no reason for it.


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I kinda like the chapter rules. Yes, the Sons of Russ have to “unlock” theirs, most chapters have a game-long fixed trait, and the Templars have a choice of traits… But it looks like the Space Corgis get really strong traits and they can stack them up and the Templar’s aren’t individually as great as the other chapters.

So it feels balanced to me. Space Wolves get a chance to get multiple strong traits, Templars get a choice of one from a list of below average traits (they’re great in the right match-up but specialized), and everyone else seems to get something middle of the curve.

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Ummmm how can you say that? The wolves have to actually accomplish something first...which may take a few turns to get done. So lets say the wolves are going to be without any boost for at least the first two turns. Then, if they get the task done, they get the bonus.


Black templars simply pick which one of 4 abilities to start with and then they are done.

SW - melee weapons get Lethal ---- same as BT

SW - melee weapons get sustained 1 ---- same as BT

SW - FNP 6+ ---- BT get FNP 6+ and LD 5+

SW - OC + 1 ---- BT 4+ invuln save vs psychic, and ALL melee get Anti-Psyker 4+

That....that seems even to you? Please, explain that to me, because it seems extremely unbalanced (compared to each other of course, not in general).

Granted, maybe they are going to balance it out in a different way...maybe SW get point decreases across the board compared to BT.... Not going to hold my breath though.

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Black Templars get to choose one of those traits to have all game; Space Wolves get a chance to unlock all of them during the course of the game.

It’s a risk-versus-reward situation.

Granted, the unlock conditions are all pretty much things any Space Wolf player is going to want to do anyone (have one of your characters kill an enemy character; capture an objective in the enemy’s territory; etc.) so the risk of never earning any one of isn’t huge… But you do risk not having them to start and you risk not getting the one you need when you need it. But you could get all of them. Potentially.

Either option seems a lot more fun than “Red Marines have +1 to hit in mêlée, Blue Marines have +1 to hit when shooting, Yellow Marines gain +1 in cover…” that we got with a lot of prior editions.

(Mind you, I am *not* ruling out GW somehow f—king this up.)

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45 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

Ummmm how can you say that? The wolves have to actually accomplish something first...which may take a few turns to get done. So lets say the wolves are going to be without any boost for at least the first two turns. Then, if they get the task done, they get the bonus.


Black templars simply pick which one of 4 abilities to start with and then they are done.

SW - melee weapons get Lethal ---- same as BT

SW - melee weapons get sustained 1 ---- same as BT

SW - FNP 6+ ---- BT get FNP 6+ and LD 5+

SW - OC + 1 ---- BT 4+ invuln save vs psychic, and ALL melee get Anti-Psyker 4+

That....that seems even to you? Please, explain that to me, because it seems extremely unbalanced (compared to each other of course, not in general).

Granted, maybe they are going to balance it out in a different way...maybe SW get point decreases across the board compared to BT.... Not going to hold my breath though.

Space Wolves gain access to potentially all of their benefits vs picking one. What else do I need to explain?

Also, rules balance? Why is that being brought up regarding a GW game? Like, when has ANY edition of ANY GW game been balanced? 

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Okay, as I read it, I got spun around on the "you can only select each saga once" statement...which is moronic because if you have an ability, what is the point of selecting it again? See? Talking does help. Wow, poor dark angels...makes their ability seem a bit lame. Granted, I understand how it can make a difference, especially with all the "take a battleshock test" abilities out there.

I'm going to reserve my judgement a bit longer then... but they will screw it up somewhere..you wait and see.


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The Dark Angels’ trait seems pretty good to me, although it’s certainly a lot less “flashy” than the other chapters. “Offense wins games, but holding objectives wins championships.” or whatever the sportsball cliche is.

The real x-factor will be how do these traits combine with traits given to detachments and to individual units. In editions past, Deathwing Terminators were the only Terminator squads that could mix ‘fist-and-bolter shooty termies with hammer-and-shield bashy termies, which made them uniquely suited for capturing and holding objectives. If they retain that unique weapons mix (and it looks like they will) and have this trait? Then the only to keep Deathwing from scoring an objective will be to kill them all… and that’s no easy feat.

Space Wolves have nearly always had options for taking more “character” models than other chapters. If a generic Lone Wolf or Wolf Guard is still considered a “character” and still costs a low amount of points, then all those Sagas that unlock after a “character” accomplishes something become easier to obtain.

Obviously, we don’t have a complete picture yet, but I’m liking what I’m seeing so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

question about Feel No Pain in 10th, do you only roll for the wounds that a model has left? So lets say you have a model with 3 wounds and they take 5 after all saves. Do they take 3 FNP rolls or 5? The battle report I just watched seems to indicate that they would take 3, and passing just one of them keeps the model alive. That seems wrong to me since they actually took 5 wounds. So did the battlereport get it wrong?

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5 minutes ago, Brother Glacius said:

question about Feel No Pain in 10th, do you only roll for the wounds that a model has left? So lets say you have a model with 3 wounds and they take 5 after all saves. Do they take 3 FNP rolls or 5? The battle report I just watched seems to indicate that they would take 3, and passing just one of them keeps the model alive. That seems wrong to me since they actually took 5 wounds. So did the battlereport get it wrong?

Sounds like they did it wrong, should be a roll for each wound you would take.

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Assuming no radical changes in the upcoming Forge World points, my Adeptus Custodes army seems to have gone down in cost almost across the board.

Dawneagle Bikers have had their stats decreased a bit (losing a pip of Toughness and getting their shooting reduced in effectiveness) and their points have gone up. But they were ridiculously underpriced and overpowered in the last two editions and I seem to be the only Talons of the Emperor player who didn’t spam them. So I’m cool with this.

I think I might have to break my “no new models this edition” pledge and at least buy a Blade Champion. A box of Wardens seems like a good idea too, but that’s a larger expense and larger painting project than just one hero.

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I may print a few new figures - but otherwise I have no plans to purchase anything for this edition. I can use the PDFs and existing figures.  So I don't need to break my vow not to purchase GW heheh.

Looks like Imperial Knights for OFCC for me. (5 models lol).


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