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The Age of Sigmar begins...

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So, just got off the phone with my GW rep. They are really going big on this one. I've been offered quite a few nice incentives to support the launch, and will be receiving free copies of the box, demo armies, credit on old product, posters, prizes, etc.  Thursday I'll receive a full copy of the rules with i will take home and eat with ketchup and spend a day digesting. Nice incentives across the board for retailers that take a bunch of them, support the launch, (and are currently paying their bills, of course.)
Info I was told:
-It's not 9th edition WFB, its a totally different game. There is no 9th edition coming. There is no huge rule book coming. Age of Sigmar is the main product. 
-Most of the leaks on the internet are wrong. I'll be able to confirm this Thursday. In particular the bit about different formations is incorrect. 
-The 96 page book is a hobby book, painting, history, how to play examples etc. The 4 pages of rules is indeed the rules. Laminated. 
-Each unit in the game has a War Scroll that has the rules specific to that unit. So rules for each artillery piece will be on that unit's scroll, each monster will have a scroll, etc. 
-The 4 pages of rules and all War Scrolls will be free and online July 4th at midnight. This will be a living document. 
lets say that again, since some of the words like "free" may seem surprising to some folks :)
-The 4 pages of rules and all War Scrolls will be free and online July 4th at midnight. This will be a living document
-Cost is 125.00 in the US
-There may be additional books in the near future, hobbyist/collectors items. Not at all needed for the game, and may not even have the rules in the them. Age of Sigmar: The Big Book of pictures and how to paint....etc. There is no HC big rulebook like we had in WFB, no 3 rule books in a slipcover like in 40k. Just the Age of Sigmar box. And the rules for that box are online and free along with rules for all the old models in your army.
-Supposedly doesn't matter how things are based. 
-Scales well from skirmish to large battles. Leave your models ranked and on bases if you like.
Looking forward to reading it all on Thursday.
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My local game store (Mythic Realms up in Salmon Creek is doing a release event on the Saturday of Release and will be going through the rules and gaming for 4hrs on the Saturday from 11am. If interested there is a signup sheet for the event at the checkouts in the store. :)

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Im feeling pretty good about these rumors. The free rules "as a living document" makes me really happy, as does the chance to scale from small to large. I dont like the idea of army books. The whole game has to be updated more often than that ornyou end up with underpowered beastmen and brettonians. Also, for maybe three years ive been constantly painting for army projects and ive been dying for a time I could just paint one model or one small unit for as long as i like, then move on to something else. I think this might allow for more of that. And the overly complex rules of 8th edition have never fully stuck in my mind. I still forget stuff and it sometimes costs me. Theres something frustrating about losing a unit because you forgot a little rule. Maybe the game will be a little easier to master.


Things I fear:

everyone jumps ship and I have no one to play with

The rules are too simplistic to allow for tactical depth

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Four Page rule book is what WHFB is now...wow.


Sure looks like they are taking the collectable card game route now with a small basic ruleset that becomes enhanced with additional card(Warscroll,Dataslate) releases that contain their own special rules,As long as those additions are free to all I suppose it could work.


I guess ill bite on it and see how it goes,I passed on the latest 40k SM dex since I run Wolves so I`ll just do the fantasy version instead!

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Im feeling pretty good about these rumors. The free rules "as a living document" makes me really happy, as does the chance to scale from small to large. I dont like the idea of army books. The whole game has to be updated more often than that ornyou end up with underpowered beastmen and brettonians. Also, for maybe three years ive been constantly painting for army projects and ive been dying for a time I could just paint one model or one small unit for as long as i like, then move on to something else. I think this might allow for more of that. And the overly complex rules of 8th edition have never fully stuck in my mind. I still forget stuff and it sometimes costs me. Theres something frustrating about losing a unit because you forgot a little rule. Maybe the game will be a little easier to master.


Things I fear:

everyone jumps ship and I have no one to play with

The rules are too simplistic to allow for tactical depth



Yeah,8th is a lot to keep track of for me as well though its ruleset makes for very rewarding gameplay.I was actually hoping that the new ruleset was a bit more simplified in some areas but with only four pages It leaves me concerned as well about it being too simplistic and thus not rewarding at all.

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Is it just me, or could you play Masters of the Universe with those models?

Just you and about 500 other people who had the same thought, even though the mounted dude is not on a cat, but a lizard, and the models don't really resemble MOTU in any way. ;)


edit: I don't mean to say that to be mean, simply to point out that the first thing that everyone does in these kinds of threads is to try to compare them to some prior art. It is perhaps part of the deep human need to classify things.

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Picked this up from the warhammer forum. The poster is a pseudonym for antoher poster who wants to be anonymous - no idea on its veracity but putting it out there for info. 


I have touched the promo set. I have seen it. It is real. Here's what I know. 

- you do not need to re-base your armies. Bases have one function only; to make your model stand up. All measurement is done from the model itself. A wing, a horn, the very tip of a sword sticking out...doesn't matter. If you want to re-base your army, stick your models on tiny weights so you can group them up as tightly as possible. Why? Because each model now fights against any model in a 360 degree arc. A sword can reach models 1" away, a spear can reach 2" away, etc. 

- army books are gone but the new rules are free. And not just the rules but the rules for EVERY FANTASY MODEL GW CURRENTLY SELLS. So you're going to want to buy a printer because each unit comes with it's own card. The old stats are gone and have now been replaced with the cards. Whether a Human swings at a Dragon, a Steam Tank, or a Zombie, he hits on a 4+. Zombies however are easy to hit so on the Zombie card they might have a rule that anything swinging at them gets +1 to hit so the Human would then hit on a 3+. However when the Human swings on a Chaos Warrior, he may hit on a 4+ but because of their armor, he may be -1 to wound them. Every unit has its own cards (I now understand why this is a low model count game). You can now field anything from any army. If you want an army to consist of warp lightning cannons led by a Wood Elf on a dragon, knock yourself out. But the minimum unit size is whatever was sold in the box. Witch Elves are sold in boxes of 10 so that is their minimum unit size. Only 1 Screaming Bell comes in a box so minimum unit size is 1. There are no maximum unit sizes. Weapon specifications also come on the cards. Elvish archers have a bow, it shoots 24" and always hits on a 4+ for example. Orcs have Choppas that give +1 to wound on the charge. It's all on the cards themselves which is why the rules pack is so small. 

- Brettonians and Beastmen still exist. There are cards for EVERY model. 

- Whatever your units used to do, it has all changed. It might be the same. But it probably isn't. 

- Wizards have cards just like everyone else. But they list the spells they can cast. So magic does exist. A Goblin Shaman casts different spells than a Necromancer. 

- This game cannot be used for tournament play. When Player A achieves one of a handful of victory objectives (like killing Player B's General), Player B then gets a "hail mary" shot where they can specify a particular condition they have to meet and if they do it, they win. For example, Player A kills Player B's General. Player B picks the option to kill player A's General within a single turn. If he does it, Player B wins. If not, Player A wins. It's like adding weights to the winner to make his actual winning more difficult. 

And then we run into the real problems. I am going to guess that the geniuses at GW did not bother to playtest the game because I saw no rules for fielding armies. Just show up, put down some models. 
"I brought 39 Skaven Slaves led by an Ogre. What did you bring?" 
"I brought 40 Star Dragons." 

WTF?! There is no points system? Like...none?!?!?! Just throw some **** on the table and start rolling dice?! Are you freaking kidding me??????? Ok, I get that you can now buy a box of anything and you can play. They figured out a way to beat the high entrance cost of the game. But...words fail me at the stupidity of the game. In its current release form, it is completely unplayable. In absolutely no way do I see how this could be even fun as it is. Without some kind of balance, there is no game. Now the rules are free and in theory they could update them at any time with point costs. And if that happens instantaneously, great! But IMHO the folks at GW needed to get it right and in the beginning or there will just be an exodus of players. If they fix this 3 months from now, people will have found a new game they like and not bother with the train wreck this looks to be. I would guess they have 30 days to fix it or their fantasy product is done. 


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