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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2017 in Posts

  1. Well, the test is modified by the number of models lost, not by the number of wounds taken. So Multi-Wound models are in a better position to avoid taking tests in the first place.
    4 points
  2. You sir, are a genius. Quite a few of my ships have no flight stands yet but I will be doing that asap!
    3 points
  3. Magnetize the flight stand to the ship. There are a couple of products out there specifically for storing models like BFG. Although its relatively simple to makeshift a similar solution. http://www.ninjamagic.com/cgi-bin/gt/tpl.h,content=19&
    3 points
  4. Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, We are going to change gears. It is OFCC prep time. Please bring a 200 point list with one 4 point spec op. The mission is Armory. Please bring your awesome selves and try to get in two games.
    2 points
  5. Astral Claws here. Count us in! I just picked up my scouts today :}
    2 points
  6. Don't make assumptions until you see the new Statlines. There's no guarantee that they will remain that way. Instant Death is almost certainly out. That was a big part of the point of the addition of multi-Wound Weapons like the Lascannon Profile we saw. Also, with Morale Tests being taken on a single die, lower values aren't nearly as bad, especially for durable low Model-Count Units. Assume a Unit of 3 at Ld5. One goes down, they have a 1/3 chance to lose another, or the Unit altogether. In 7th, that Unit would be heading for the hills 2/3 of the time after failed Morale Test, and be unlikely to play a meaningful part in rest of the Game, given how harsh the Regrouping penalties are. In CC, they would just be dead. If they keep their Ld of 6/7, things just get better. At Ld 7, it's actually impossible to take further losses from a single downed Model.
    2 points
  7. I'm not near ar organized as Zorcon, but I definitely have a few fleets that I can get ready :)
    2 points
  8. [Reserving this space for future whining] Also, thanks. ?
    2 points
  9. I reserved 2 tables in the general area. Battlefront Team Yankee Practice Sat, May 6, 2pm – 5pm at Guardian Games I will be bringing 83 pts Soviet Tanks, and about 69 pts of USA
    1 point
  10. My only trick is I have a knack (aka OCD) for it. But in general, once I look it up and enter it into my spreadsheet, I have it down. I use the spreadsheet to track my collection, painting progress, as well as game points. Here is an example. The idea was shamelessly taken from a fellow blogger I follow.
    1 point
  11. Camping is good. I hope you have no rain. ITS are good, I hope you crush in Tacoma Petes are awesome, so his awesome will make up for your absences.
    1 point
  12. Work just upgraded my computer, and now I have a desktop with a SSD. It is much zippier then my old computer.
    1 point
  13. I'm really looking forward to a Solitaire versus Eversor match...
    1 point
  14. Oh I feel I came out good in the end. It was hilarious to watch all the rolls work out for him to fall on his face and go out of action.
    1 point
  15. Got in my game 2 on Tuesday. Rolled the Hit and Run scenario. It took us a bit to read through everything and make sure we were playing it correctly. I had to try and punch a Necron to death with ym 2 GK that could participate. My leader and my gunner with the Psilencer to part. My gunner was laying down good cover fire as my leader moved toward the necron that needed to go down in HtH. Unfortunately there was a long open walkway the had to try and get across. He began to sprint, when all of a sudden he slipped on some acid, and fell off the walkway to a building below. The gunner kept firing and took out the target with shooting (thus failing the mission. The Gk ended up running away due to a failed bottle test. Another loss for them. Leader is missing the next mission due to his little tumble. Bought my 4th GK though, so there is a silver lining. Oh, and my Gunner got scavenger, so that should help out a great deal going forward. Justicar 250 (+1 BS) MNG Stave 25 GK Gunner 200 Psilencer 150 Pair of Falchons 30 Scavenger GK Gunner 200 Psycannon 175 force sword 60 GK 175 Staff 25 Caches: 1
    1 point
  16. Looking good. Once I'm done with my Britons, we'll have to get to work on our Muslims for the team tournament.
    1 point
  17. Yes,high wound models in groups of 5 or so can take a beating with the Bravery system,,Oggors are a good example of that in AoS.However im sure all armies will have sources of enhancing Bravery and perhaps a generic ability for each armies General that would allow them to make one unit immune to battleshock each turn as per AoS. Overall horde armies got a huge boost in AoS with this Bravery system,,sure a block of 20 or so Orruks take 6 casualties,,then another 5 run away,,still far better than the entire unit running off the board.Im expeciting Orks to see a big boost from this system,,im itchin to see how a Green TIdes rules are affected now. Oh and also,,when those guys run off the board,,you get to choose which ones run,,so yeah pull your unit out of combat range if you like...can be a bit of a boon if your turn in next,ala recharge for a fresh set of bonuses and such:)
    1 point
  18. Most of my ships are not in any better shape than yours... I just like spreadsheets!!!
    1 point
  19. I feel mixed on Morale. It will punish hordes pretty hard, combining a generally low LD with being squishy. And while they may get rules to minimize this (Mob Rule, Synapse, etc..) the more rules there are that ignore it, the less impactful it is anyway. And if ATSKNF modifies it (that doesn't seem like a crazy assumption) then the majority of armies played will be able to reduce the impact it has on the game. On the flipside, I do appreciate that even close checks will impact high point cost, multi wound model units. Failing by 1 and losing a paladin feeds my grudge against paladins. It can also encourage spreading fire at times vs focusing fire. Forcing 3-4 units to make morale checks could be beneficial, rather than make 1 take a check with higher modifiers. I dislike LD in general (now Morale) and how it's done in GW games just because there are enough ways to ignore it, that it doesn't really matter. Immune to Psych, Fearless, Stubborn, ATSKNF, LD rerolls, Inspiring Presence.... they take so many forms. It usually seems that is punishes certain armies severely, while many other armies ignore it almost completely.
    1 point
  20. So I thought that number sounded a little low. After all, I can't think of many units in 40K with a Leadership Value that low. So doing some Google sleuthing, all the tactica articles I can find about Ogryn in 7th Edition list them as Leadership 6, 7 on the Sergeant. But even if they were Leadership 5, the would be screwed worse under the current morale rules. Because after taking 25% casualties (one model), they would be taking a Leadership Test on 2d6 (average roll of 7) against Leadership 5. So they would be running as soon as they take a wound the majority of the time right now. So I don't see how a 4 in 6 chance (assuming Leadership Value of 5 rather than 6) of being totally fine is worse than the current system (where on an average roll, they break and run. And on an average roll they fail to rally).
    1 point
  21. [Reserving this space for more updates]
    1 point
  22. Source: Shooting Source: Charge Phase Source: Fight Phase Source: Morale Source: Battle-Forged Armies Source: Large Models Source: Infantry
    1 point
  23. What the hell is Starlord doing in this picture? He's holding up his tunes in one hand, and then shooting off into wherever without looking, striking some sort of..."whoa...I'm falling backwards" pose. This is really throwing me off.
    1 point
  24. At least 2, possibly 3 for Team Yankee. I will bring both US and SOV. have 83 pts of Reds My ENFILADE army - LW Ger Panzer - still on painting bench. Prob start bringing that after mid-May.
    1 point
  25. Best ending gunfight in a Western.
    1 point
  26. Battle Number 1 M'yen Mal'caor Hunter Cadre vs SugarlessLlama's admech Shas'ui Kais led the team into the local area, eyes scanning from left to right for enemies. To the North he spotted imperial foces. An admech Sniper being led by what appeared to be the leader. Their leader gave quick burts of static and garble and their forces prepared for the tau. As his two snipers quickly took position the rest of the tau took the initiative and stormed forward. Using the crude large buildings of the Imperials to block their advance. As the force moved forward the admech let out a static burst as a round escaped from their sniper and struck down the gue'vesa john as he moved to position his own sniper. His partner, shas'la Kor'a took the moments before he could reload to move into his own position. The tau after reaching cover prepared to push into the enemy line. The enemy was prepared, having spread themselves out among cover As the tau advanced they met another salvo of fire and returned their own. It was after taking another casualty they knew it was now or never. Multiple tau sprung from behind cover, bellowing "FOR THE GREATER GOOD"!!!!!. They downed 4 enemy and forced the machines to retreat. It was with this time they could tend to their wounded. They found John had suffered a shot to the chest but had struck his head when he landed. His hate for the Imperials who cast him out only grew into a frenzy. The shas'ui realised this hot blooded human would be a danger in the future if the enemy dared show the whites of their eyes to him. The Tau found what the enemy had been searching for. Promethium Caches, these materials must be of some value for a team of admech to have fought so visciously for them. For now they would be stored at the team's hideout until what could be done is decided by the Tau above him. Game Results: Victory for the tau Tau specialist suffered a head injury and gained frenzy tau specialist gained ammo hound skill after having been injured. Tau Shas'ui gained Fast shot skill 3 promethium caches recovered. 100 points spent on Photon grenades for shas'ui new pathfinder with pulse carbine.
    1 point
  27. I'll be there later today with my tau.
    1 point
  28. Hi, this looks really cool and I'm hoping to attend. Question about Age of Darkness army lists- does this include playing an army from the Imperialis Militia and Cults list?
    1 point
  29. I have a lot of ships--More than I realized before making this list. Some models are currently unassembled, and most are unpainted (but I will get any we want to use in ship-shape before the event). The Space Fleet ships were intended for using the rules in Warp Rift 31 & 32, but they could be proxied as something else. I am heavily weighted towards Imperial, but if the Space Marines, and Rogue Traders went traitor that would mostly balance out my forces. 3005 CHAOS 510 Stix (Mark of Khorne) x2 225 Acheron (Mark of Khorne) 250 Devastation (Mark of Khorne) 240 Carnage (Mark of Khorne) 215 Inferno (Mark of Khorne) 210 Murder (Mark of Khorne) x2 200 Slaughter (Mark of Khorne) 135 Idolater x3 120 Infadel x3 150 Iconoclast x6 750 Blackstone Fortress 1595 SPACE MARINES 440 Battlebarge 580 Strike Cruiser x4 160 Strike Cruiser Carrier 160 Hunter 135 Nova 120 Gladius 1020 ROGUE TRADERS 185 RT Cruiser 185 Iron Clad Cruiser (Space Fleet Vessel) x2 160 Castellan Shield Ship (Space Fleet Vessel) 135 Gothic Lt Cruiser (Space Fleet Vessel) 240 Cobra (Space Fleet Vessel) x8 65 Galaxy Troop Ship (Space Fleet Vessel) 150 Xenos Vessels x3 975 PLANETARY DEFENSE 150 Space Station 240 Orbital Platform x8 120 Defense Monitor x2 160 System Ships x8 305 Orbital Mines & Mine Fields 1060 TRANSPORTS 90 Repair Tender 90 Super Heavy Transport 80 Heavy Transport x2 120 Transport x6 40 Fire Ship x4 180 Q-Ships x3 180 Escort Carriers x3 120 Recommissioned Escorts x3 60 RT Cargo Vessel x3 60 Armed Freighters x3 40 Galaxy Factory Ship (Space Fleet Vessel) 660 GREY KNIGHTS 330 Strike Cruiser x2 120 Cobra x4 105 Sword x3 105 Firestorm x3 4905 IMPERIAL NAVY (Various Sectors) 365 Retribution Battleship 365 Emperor Battleship 260 Mars Battlecruiser 440 Dictator x2 185 Tyrant 360 Gothic x2 220 Dauntless x2 120 Cobra x4 210 Sword x6 120 Firestorm x3 230 Exorcist Grand Cruiser 215 Emperor Cruiser (Space Fleet Vessel) 340 Tyrant Lt Cruiser (Space Fleet Vessel) x2 600 Thunderbolt Corvettes (Space Fleet Vessel) x6 300 Constellation Targeting Ships (Space Fleet Vessel) x6 260 Dominion Battlercruiser 105 Sword x3 210 Falchion Frigate x6 400 Blackstone Fortress
    1 point
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