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  1. Production in the new shop space is online! The other half of the space still needs work The old space is my nightmare
    9 points
  2. Not to poke an old thread, but I ran across this while getting organized to move. This dice bag represents years of fond memories of Ordo and the OFCC. If you have a chance to attend, do it! If you're not sure you can attend, put in the work to clear your schedule - it will be worth it.
    9 points
  3. Fellow Ordo Fanatics, May this proclamation find you in good health and cheer. Per our charter, a new Senate has been raised from the glory of the old. Below you will find the roster of peers who have stepped forward to volunteer time and efforts to the administrative duties necessary to facilitate a most excellent environment for our fellow hobbyists and wargamers. Some of these names you will be familiar with – those empowered by you and your success – while others are new, seeking to emulate the dedication of those who came before. Each of us are here to build on our shared ethos of fun, quality time, and sportsmanship. Alex Elmore, Campaign Czar. @Spacy Barry Morganti, Fabricator General. @The Last Guardsmen Ben Bach, Senator. @Ben Bach Cameron Grimstead, Senator. @Teturact Chris Green, Senator. @zcaust83 James Idle, Proconsul. @JamesIdle Jeffrey Kauffman, Consul. @ninefinger Matt Goodfellow, Senator. @Dark Trainer Nate Perez, Treasurer. @Blustorm Pete Harper, Senator. @Exile Spencer Fisher, Senator. @54th Grumblies Warwick Rockbourne, Chaplain. @WarwickRockbourne 2023 was a year, in a long line of years, we will file under “interesting times.” As we process this life in the 21st century, your Senate’s hope is that Ordo Fanaticus will be a positive influence in your hobby and game journey. For the good of the Order.
    8 points
  4. The Columbia Clash (The Ninth Age) tournament was a resounding success. As the TO, I had 0 player complains, one arbitration call (and it was a very close one, the players both accepted the arbitration without bitterness), and a handful of rules questions where both players simply just where not sure on a particular rules question. I couldn't have asked for a more self sufficient group! The secondary objective shenanigans I forced my players to deal with where well received and even bore some excitement. Battle Points for the matches and rankings can be found on New Recruit here: https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/tournydetails/rankings?id=64552711ff378c28debfc8cd To mention our top 3 prize winners there where three categories: 1) Best Sportsmanship - Based on a sportsmanship vote, then tie broken by the player with the lowest battle point score (as being a good sport about losing is truly a testemate to superior sportsmanship). 2) Best Team - This was a catch-all for optional two person teams where they collected points for painting, theme, sportsmanship, poetry, banners/shirts/warcries, participation in the army swap challenge, and a bunch of wacky tertiary objectives. 3) Best General - This was based on battle points Our best General award went to Henry G from the somewhere in California (somewhere between SF and Sacramento I think?). He was sporting the beautifully painted Asklanders (a supplement army book) where he fielded over 200 Norse barbarians who only seeked to make their way to Valhalla. Out best Team award was a very close race, with the top 3 teams within 1 point of each other (out of a total of 50 possible points). In third where the Midtable Menaces Margaritaville Manglers with their casual island shirts. In second place was minmax from California with their strong paint scores and equally strong performance in the tertiary objectives In first place was 2 hangry 2 furious, two brothers from the Portland area who competed in every aspect of the team challenge and truly rose to the occasion. With a war banner to present and of course a bit of bribery by bringing donuts, this team showed the full spirit of OFCC. @OreoGolem & brother Conner (unsure if he has a handle on Ordo), well done! And finally, for our must coveted prize, the best sportsmanship award. I had players vote for their top 2 choices, in hopes that this would eliminate any tie votes. Well that theory was debunk because we had a 7 way tie! What an amazing showing, but in the end the prize went to @Yarbicus for weathering the storm of battle and keeping a smile on everyone's face. Thank you all who helped put the event together, I had a great time.
    8 points
  5. Finished OFCC 40k trophies
    8 points
  6. I have been in talks with Raindog, and yes he plans to play. It may have been a topic of discussion between us and a Sheller or two... and Yarbicus has mentioned a plan as well. But lets not get our hopes too high until we've all played a few games.
    7 points
  7. Saga: Age of Selfies #Lindisfarne793 #boysnightout
    7 points
  8. I only have 8 pics total from the weekend and the last 5 are from the final round, but here they are.
    7 points
  9. I updated my blog today with some photos and thoughts on the OFCC 40k (doubles) event. - Sorry you didn't pop over just to say hello Bro G. It was good to see all the old faces I remember.
    7 points
  10. Don’t feel like you need to have an award winning paint-job (or even any paint at all) on your toy soldiers. We’re all perfectly fine with grey plastic, especially from a new player with a new army. Drop by anytime, even if it’s just to hang out and not play. Fully painted minis do roll better dice, though. That’s just science.
    7 points
  11. Mark your calendars for the fourth annual 3D Roleplay Con! An Oldhammer gaming convention in Sellwood on May 4th & 5th, 2024. 3D Roleplay Con is an annual Oldhammer gaming convention held in Portland, Oregon (USA). Championing the golden-era of fantasy wargaming & roleplaying, with an emphasis on 1980’s editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, 40K: Rogue Trader, Realm[s] Of Chaos, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay & the like. Tickets & More Info: https://3drcon.cargo.site/
    6 points
  12. A group of us who have been playing Warmaster in the shadows are starting up a monthly meetup at Ordo. Every second Wednesday @ 5:30 (assuming the club is open of course). Never played before, but have a curiosity? Come watch a game, or borrow an army from us and we will have a quick learning game. Warmaster has very simple rules but has a very high skill cap for solid strategic thinking, positioning, and risk management. Come see what fighting an actual large scale battle looks like, and push your luck with attempting low probability audacious maneuvers which can flip a game on it's head. Enjoy a diverse atmosphere of opponents with the 26 different armies to choose from, yet at the same time not get bogged down in 100's of unnecessary special rules, combinations, and exploitations as you might find in another gaming system. Don't feel like you have time to start another project? Well if you can paint 10 regular models, you can paint nearly half a full scale army in Warmaster models. Don't want to buy more books? Neither do I! The rules are free and are a cleaned up version of the original Warmaster rules, so you don't have to argue with your opponent about rules interpretation (truly a novel concept). Check out the free rules compendium here: https://www.wm-revolution.com/articles/download.html See you in original old world. @scottshoemaker I challenge your demonic honor to a battle!
    6 points
  13. I have been working to finish my army I have had 1/2 painted since TK first came out( 21 years ago). A week of being snowed in and not slacking since has got me 83 models to 95% complete state.
    6 points
  14. Had a couple folks ask, and wanted to put out some tidbits. Right now, Tentatively looking for the next campaign to get underway in February and giving folks a chance to prep however they see fit. Particularly, trying to add in Ash Wastes rules for those that are interested. I've got plenty of vehicles and mounted gangers if you'd like to try them out before commiting to building any of your own - just hit me up. Current working title "The Deluge" We're going to attempt using the basics format from the Core Rule book of 'Nomads of the Underhive' with some customizations. Happy for any feedback as from the last go around, as well - what worked well, what didn't, etc. Post up here or send me a PM.
    6 points
  15. https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-posable-retro-rt-exo-armour-true-scale-prototype-276528
    6 points
  16. Greetings Ordo, Every year we dissolve the existing Senate and reform to elect a new Senate body and new Officers. On November 19th, we will be holding a Senate Meeting to establish the Senate for the upcoming year. The meeting will start at 11:00AM and hopefully not last beyond 1:00PM. Club business will be addressed following the election process. We will also post a zoom link, allowing for members to participate remotely if required. Prospective Senators can join at any point during the year, but special attention is given to the process during our Election Meeting. Any member in good standing is welcome to request to join the Senate. We require that Senators hold a Warlord or higher level Championship membership, plan to attend Senate Meetings as often as possible, and take an active role in supporting the wellbeing and needs of the club. Senators are traditionally relied on to act as keyholders for the clubhouse space, act as Game Night Czars who collect dues, take part in efforts to plan open gaming events, terrain days and tournaments, and act as critical volunteers in the running of OFCC. Officer roles that will be looking to be filled: Consul - this role acts as our club president/chairperson. They approve events, schedule and run senate meetings, can create and appoint members on committees, and otherwise act to facilitate the running of Ordo. Pro-Consul - this role will take on the role of Consul in their absence, either heading meetings when the Consul is unavailable or taking on the role of Consul should they need to step down during the course of the year. They are also tasked with communicating deadlines and schedules as approved by the Senate. Treasurer - This role tracks club accounts and finances. They make reports to the senate on a monthly basis. They issue reimbursements that have been approved, and deal with any payments the club is required to make. Chaplain - This role looks to the 'Spiritual Well Being' of the club. This role has taken different forms over the years, but generally they administer communication with the Club and greater gaming community, seek to make sure that the culture of Ordo Fanaticus remains focused around good sportsmanship and love of the hobby, and act to facilitate new members seeking to get involved and get games. They also act as chairperson of Ordo's Disciplinary Committee. Campaign Czar - This role approves events at the clubhouse and acts as lead liaison for planning of OFCC. They head communication with organizers and HoGs, make sure Game Nights are running regularly and that information about them is being communicated clearly. Fabricator General - This role attends to the creation and maintenance of Ordo's terrain collection. They can authorize rentals, schedule Club Terrain Days (where members are invited to come and work on improving the collection), recommend purchases, and see to the inventory and tracking of the terrain collection. Any Senator may also serve as the chairperson of a committee with a specific purview, as established by the Consul. Feel free to contact me or any of our existing Senators if you have questions about this process. For the Good of the Order Pete @Exile Ordo Fanaticus Proconsul
    6 points
  17. A new kit is incoming! Here’s a preview!
    6 points
  18. Hey all! I'm Dan. I moved to Portland a few months ago, and I've been looking around for game groups. W40k has always looked fascinating to me, so I picked up the Leviathan boxset. It arrived today 🙂 I've been watching a ton of YT videos on how to play, and I've started assembling my army. I'm curious how beginner-friendly this group is -- would it be better for me to play a few times at Guardian or something, and then visit, or would you all mind if I came and either watched a few games, or played my first game? I've played a ton of MTG, and I know there are just some places that are more tailored for experienced players -- nothing wrong with that. Thanks! Can't wait to play with you all eventually 😛
    6 points
  19. I like to post pics of minis online at least partially as an incentive to paint regularly, so I figured I'd start a single thread rather than making new topics every time I have some new content. My current project is painting a Battletech Clan Hell's Horses Alpha Galaxy force. I think I'm going for a full binary of mechs, vees, and BA, with a focus on fast units. I might do an Executioner as Star Captain, but I think I'm going to be focusing on fast mediums and heavies. To start off, I'm posting a side-by-side of a Grendel and Epona both WIP and their final form. I'm fairly happy with my results, though I didn't do the jeweling on the lasers and canopy as nice as I'd like, and I need to do something with the base on the Epona. Ideally I'd get a proper hex base for it, but I don't have any spares lying around.
    6 points
  20. Hey Ordo, So visited Lincoln City for a few days this past week. Did a quick google search and came across a new store (to me anyways) called Lock & Key. Very nice place right off the 101 in Lincoln City. Husband and wife (Josh and Miranda) run the store and its a really nice place. Great selection of board games, RPGs, and various table top wargames. They had battletech, 40k, AOS, HH, and the Star Wars games. Had several tables to play with terrain available too. It was a nice surprise to find such a well stocked game store on the coast. Had a nice time chatting with Josh. If anyone didn't get their hands on a Leviathan set, he still has several unspoken for and offers 5% discount on pre-ordered products. Its always great to find a new place to check out and these guys are worth supporting. https://www.lockandkeyguild.com/
    6 points
  21. Here's My painted BT collection so far. The camo are an unspecified IS C3i urban combat lance. The red are my non-canon mercs Lefty Lucy's Combat Cooperative. The blue clan mechs are a canon unit: Clan Ghost Bear Tau Galaxy. I want to start painting a Hell's Horses Alpha Galaxy force next.
    6 points
  22. SKILL STACKERS The most flexible and stackable solution to adding skills to your Blood Bowl players (as well as Necromunda and other campaign games). Skill Stackers are high-quality resin disks printed in the size of your bases along with the exact labels you need. All the skills for Blood Bowl are available as standard disks, as well as special labels like nega-traits (when you fail that Bone-head roll!), and extra-special labels like marking the results of Prayers to Nurgle. What Makes Skills Disks Better? Exquisite Quality, Awesome Appearance, and Fantastic Flexibility! Skills Disks are comprised of three components: a finely detailed resin disk, a thin steel plate on top, and a powerful neodymium magnet on the bottom (all included with orders). This means you can quickly "snap" on a skill to any of your models that has a magnet in its base, regardless of polarity thanks to the steel plate. You can swap them at any time or stack additional disks underneath in case things change during the game. The skills are printed on two sides of the disk so you and your opponent can always see the labels, regardless of facing. Check out how easy they are to assemble: Step 1: the three components. Grab some superglue! Shown are 40mm, 32mm, and 25mm disks. All use the same size steel plates and magnets. Step 2: glue in the steel plate. Step 3: flip over and glue in the magnet and you're done! The steel plate will attract the magnet for an easy seal in the pocket. Note the 32mm and 40mm have multiple magnet pockets in case you want even more magnetism, like for storing your models on carry trays. Check out the stacking! You're ready to play! But if you want even better visibility, you can prime and paint them so you and your opponent can see those skills from across the pitch - very important for tournaments. These were sprayed with white primer and painted with Citadel Contrast paints, less than 5 minutes of work! See those JOURNEYMAN disks above? That's what sparked the original idea of magnetized disk. You just need to mark a model for a league game when you're down players - no need for a whole new model! After a year of successful testing and revisions to make them even better, the product line has been expanded to include all those fiddly temporary labels you need during a game, like PRONE, STUNNED, BONE-HEAD, and even all the results from the Prayers to Nuffle table. We also make POSITIONALS with NUMBERS - the ultimate option for you hobbyists who make all sorts of amazing conversions. No need to remind your opponent every turn which model is your Blitzer and which is your Blocker because the Skill Stacker does all the work for you! Position and Number are each on two sides of the disk. Rotate the Skill Disks to check the roster numbers of your players. Now your opponent will never wonder who is who, and you don't have to paint those tiny little numbers on your models. And, of course, they STACK with all other Skill Stackers! POSITIONAL DISKS based with Citadel Texture paint and primed, ready for painting and basing a model onto them. Finished Examples: my Dark Elves team has no official Blood Bowl models, but my opponents never wonder which player is which! Particularly handy for the ASSASSIN since he is a LINEMAN in disguise. Works great for my theme, yet causes no confusion for my opponents. And POSITIONALS stacked with SKILLS! HOW DO YOU ORDER? So you've seen enough and are ready to upgrade your team with the greatest solution for marking skills? You've made a fantastic choice! I'm just a simple hobbyist who wants to share this creation with the world to make skills easier to mark, easier to change, and MUCH easier to see! I don't have a webstore yet, so to order: SEND ME A DIRECT MESSAGE on Ordo Fanaticus with the skills (or labels) you want and the base size(s). SKILLS example: 4x Block - 32mm 2x Dodge - 32mm 1x Guard - 40mm 2x Sneaky Git - 25mm POSITIONALS example: 2x Blitzer - 32mm - Numbers: 1, 2 2x Runner - 32mm - Numbers: 3,4 2x Blocker - 32mm - Numbers: 5, 6 1x Ogre - 40mm - Number: 16 5x Lineman - 32mm - Numbers: 7-12 Want custom labels? Send me a DM and we'll make 'em. Skill Disks are $1 each, regardless of base size, and that includes the disk, steel plate, and magnet. Assembly required (use superglue). I keep the most common Skills in stock, but big orders (or lots of orders) will mean we need to print your disks. I'll give you an update when you order. *Shipping is an additional charge. I can usually deliver for free to the Ordo Fanaticus clubhouse in Portland if you're local. ONE MORE NOTE: I am locking this thread from the start to avoid any confusion and ensure no one tries to order via a reply. Send questions via DM to me and if I find some getting asked frequently, I will add an FAQ to this post. Thank you and enjoy!
    5 points
  23. This morning saw the printing of a couple of movement trays and I just kicked off the first print of 20 bases. My current shopping list is about 70 beastmen (covers my 2k escalation list and a couple of alternative 2k lists with different themes). I have all my STLs and just need to get to printing. I've ordered magnets and need to make a quick run to the hobby store for some magnifying equipment (this getting old stuff is for the birds, I tell ya). Then I will have some painting to do. 🙂
    5 points
  24. A six pack of super scary Wraiths
    5 points
  25. Things are...ok? I've been hella depressed for a good 2+ years and been dealing with financial and health catastrophes. Just barely getting by and navigating job issues while being disabled and old(er). Its been rough. But, outside of that, lots of great things going on and I'm emotionally so much better off now. Trying to get some dopamine with Necromunda and it's mostly working.
    5 points
  26. A mechanicum Thallax. Super neato. Client Provided file. Fun fact, it’s free.
    5 points
  27. https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-posable-retro-rt-dreadnought-includes-pre-supported-and-unsupported-files-239093
    5 points
  28. https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-mrmodulork-s-fortress-walka-343213
    5 points
  29. My wife got a plant for the shop
    5 points
  30. I would really like to know. I finally hosted a 10th ed match and only actually subbed in a little during the game, mostly letting other people play. I have so many models already...and yet I keep expanding my collection. I blame mindtaker quite a bit. I can't recall the last time I paid retail for a GW product, or bought from an actual GW store. And it isn't like Mindtaker is cheap either? Much less expensive than retail obviously, but GW's pricing even makes their stuff significant. Heck, I just dropped $105 today on 11 models? Really? 11 models? But I didn't have them...and I wanted them....or at least once I saw them on their web site I wanted them.....maybe that is it. Maybe they have subluminal messages in their web site, controlling my mind to buy stuff. 🙂 Ugh. Either that or I'm just trying to earn my own box at their store. I'm grateful to them for allowing me to fill holes in my collection, but I also have to curse them a bit for allowing me to fill holes in my collection. I think it comes down to perception right. I look at GW's prices and can immediately scoff at them and walk away. But then I see Mindtaker's price...and compared to GW its great. And then I hit the buy button. Hmmmmm maybe I shouldn't compare the prices...I think that might actually slow me down. Then I just have to consider purely based on current offering instead of the allure of the "deal". Am I alone in this? Is there some cure to this malady? Help me Ordo-wan Kanobi....you're my only hope.
    5 points
  31. New Leviathan Tournament compatible terrain prototype. This is the initial proof of design. The goal is to have short, medium & tall panels at 50, 100, and 150mm widths with open doors and widows on select panels. These have been designed to the same height standards GW uses on its terrain, and is compatible with my terrain line. Each panel consists of an A & B side to maintain a good appearance and minimizing layers lines. More to come
    5 points
  32. A big Necron Zap gun client provided file
    5 points
  33. Alrighty, here's the plan. This will be a survival campaign. This means what you start with is what you have. There will be no access to any purchase lists from any source once the campaign starts. There will be no access to new gang members There will be no access to new Hired Guns Territories will not be used Credits will not be generated or gained from scenarios. Meat/food is not used. Gangs will start with 2000 credits, and 40 XP to assign to skills. There are no starting gear restrictions, Hired Guns, Brutes, or House Specific Items/gangers. Buy all the things! I will set up a Google Sheet for campaign tracking. Scenario wins/losses will count for less than participation and mauling each other. Gangs will accumulate XP as normal. Death is real. Campaign winner will be determined by accumulation of Escape Points. More on this to follow. Nothing from Ash Wastes will be used. Players will determine scenarios and matchups. Games will not be restricted to the Ordo Clubhouse. Special Scenarios will pop up. As a veteran of many stalled campaigns, this one is meant to encourage engagement and minimize the backend paperwork. We will look at future campaigns based on participation here. I will start a new Thread with more narrative details once that's ready.
    5 points
  34. I spoke with @scotthartman, Due to his new schedule he is unable to run the campaign. In his stead, I'll be running the campaign later this year. Keep an eye out for here for updates.
    5 points
  35. Man, it felt good to back at OFCC! Every have I played was tremendous fun. Top notch players all around. Thanks for the work you put in Ben!
    5 points
  36. Testing playing HH at 8mm. I want to field the big stuff without going broke
    5 points
  37. Ugh, I am loving the new minis. They are spectacular. Thankfully, looks like Scotty has shown me a much cheaper way to get into it. 🙂
    5 points
  38. More tiny goodness client provided files
    5 points
  39. Great game with @Kevin the Wizard and his sick ass Mos Eisley terrain
    5 points
  40. One last test print before heading out
    5 points
  41. 5 points
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