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Everything posted by Torg

  1. We had to move this table ... and he didn't move ... just kept sleeping.
  2. I'm liking the conscripts ... and the necro conscripts - they actually moved the scales on my hesitancy on backing this lol. -d
  3. SAME - 40$ level with several extras. I like that this is for physical metal figures. -d
  4. I got in on that one yesterday! lol - for exactly that reason
  5. oh sorry - ISH - where do you usually play? I liked the vikings - so I picked up a 6pt box - and I have a 4pt box for Ango-Saxon with an additional spear blister or 2 to get to 6. I have the battles book and the main Viking age books - dice and needed cards. I just need to work on painting and putting things together...lol
  6. I get my 2nd Covid shot Friday after next - so maybe by June - where is your usual game location? I have been playing 40k in my garage with a local friend whom also has been isolated down near me. -d
  7. Portland / Metroplex - south. Down near Aurora / Donald / Hubbard technically. Work in Tualatin / Sherwood. -d
  8. alas - I need to build my saga armies ... and at least primer them. I picked up Viking and Anglo-Saxon to learn to play. -d
  9. Cats in keyboards... seems likely
  10. I am not sure... how old is the current codex for custodes? I know that most 8th armies are not up to snuff when compared to 9th ed books. So - remember that sometimes its not you... its your codex lol. But like Dark Trainer was saying - you need to find out what kinda player you are - find out how you will most like to play - and then with experience under your belt plan to make additions to your army based on that natural play style. -d
  11. I’d find a way to play before investing too deeply - I know some game nights at stores and ORDO are going on. I’ve been playing in my garage (masked and distanced) for months. ypu need to play - at least with what you have or proxies. Get to know the rules. Do t worry about paint just yet. getting your head around rules - sequence and all that will help. The table top model and terrain are all alluring... but don’t let them distract
  12. these will be perfect for my Dark-Age bin of shame
  13. Where / particular location or shops? ? When - times? Interested- but busy schedule
  14. nice - I will probably back this tower kit... and add on some train cars for my existing set lol. I will try to get some good shots on my blog - nice heavy card stock - printed both sides. Went together really easy. -d
  15. I have the train depot (abandoned) set from the last kickstarter... great stuff. I will be taking a close look at this set. -d
  16. I've been printing EPIC stuff on my older resin (anycubic photon S)... does a good job. The new mono looks good - with the new LCDs being a revolution in speed and detail. The resins are hazardous - and require some care when dealing with them. But the results can be really nice. -d
  17. My Eldar will gather dust till then... I have been thinking I will be lucky to get a codex by mid next year (2021)... but I wouldn't be surprised if that slid till Q4. Until then I will probably try some Ad Mech... and some Infinity N4 -d
  18. I will have to look for that podcast... I learned of Monster of the week on another podcast I listen to "Role Playing Public Radio"
  19. I have some of these somewhere... gathering dust... if I find them I will post them up to sell. -d
  20. D&D 5e is a pretty good set up to start back into things - and it is played world wide. Another of my more recent discoveries is "Monster of the week" which is light and fun. -d
  21. Torg

    Sad News

    oh I'm late with my condolences ... but I remember Tombking 😞
  22. His is the same as a Dire Avenger Catapult... nothing new there as far as I can tell... hmmm except for the 2 damage I almost missed that.
  23. Admech army is coming along lol
  24. For me... it almost seems like I need to shelve my 40k armies (Eldar flavors) and wait for GW to "balance" things with a new codex... which could be a year... or two from now? OR play some other army that isn't as hamstrung by the current situation GW has created ... yet again (every edition of course). -d
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