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Lord Hanaur

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Everything posted by Lord Hanaur

  1. Regardless, this is clearly imminent. It will shake the meta again. Never an entirely bad thing but I am very interested to see what happens with battle Crothers. that is the REAL issue i think would really change things. I already know they will feel a need to justify themselves in allowing Stonghold and Escalation type stuff. I just hope the other less sure issues can be resolved. I would LOVE for assaulting to be done from reserves again. THAT would make a TON of difference.
  2. I think we do. Matt will call you soon. Can you pm me your number. I think i have it but would be embarrassed if im wrong. :)
  3. I was 3-1-1 in the "commonality year" and I was 5-0 last year when we went horde themed. But how I did doesn't really address the matchups themselves. My results would not have been possible for a newer or intermediate team member, I don't think. That would have been a bit much to overcome.
  4. It shouldn't be this political. But it is.
  5. wow. Someone ate their cheerios today!
  6. Good point. The Command squad might be an exception but even then my reservartions are high. I remember fighting Flugers units of 3 tanks, and though he got a little lucky as dice rolls went, I did EVENTUALLY end up EMP'ing them to death in many cases, or catching them from behind with Kroot Guns. It's just a lot to lose all in one go potentially.
  7. The IG I run have really big guns. Lots of lascannons to keep those monsters and such honest.
  8. I was not the captain, but i did help set up our matchups. Our team was the lowest rated (all 1's and a 2) two years ago. We kind of did the same thing the last time, with a horde theme. So there weren't any guns on our team, just knives and maybe a small .22 stashed in there.. It's just how it went.
  9. do ze germans get anyting cool in the way of toys from it?
  10. I would never argue with the stated objective. Most on the forum have been to these and know what was being attempted in previous years. This is a very practical question though. Let me give you a real example. In the last OFCC if i recall, I played against: A Triple DreadKnight l+ Henchmen spam list w Forgeworld flyers and so on. Two Mechdar lists right after the codex dropped. A full Beaststar with venom spam + WraithKnight, Sanguinary Guard and IG essentially with ForgeWorld Weapons teams. Sound like a gauntlet? It was. Not one bad opponent amongst them, but some of them fully expected to beat me silly. But can we be intellectually honest here? My heavy support consisted of 3 Firesight Marksman and I played with Darkstrider for the love of Pete. I did not bring three Riptides, there were no Broadsides at all, I did not bring an Aegis... Would a newer guy to the OFCC perhaps enjoy that? Even an intermediate? Were those the matchups we're striving for? I don't mind jumping on the grenade to make sure the rest of the team has a shot, and the Captains did their best to that end; but now a whole TEAM of grenade huggers and teams of grenade throwers? OFCC has agreed to release the Kraken on the 4th and 5th rounds. I think asking about how that would be handled is not asking a question the Senate hasn't already asked itself. I'm just interested in what the answer was.
  11. PAIRS of Leman Russ's and not 3 in a group seems the wisest way to go. Perhaps that will help you find points for scoring units.
  12. Perhaps you dont suck. Perhaps you just play a lot of really tough players and are benefitting a lot from it! 4 squads of vets would be enough if you have Chimeras
  13. Reminder: May 31, there will be a 1999 Singles tourney this month! Intrizic: Well yeah. i am pretty excited to be bringing it back! It's a singularly different Tournament as you know. I am trying to get feedback from people on my home forum as to whether a Highlander tournament would be an ideal fit for the Ambassadorial Tournament. It really would be super appropriate when you think about it.
  14. Tough question. I personally am playing with a lot. But i dont see that as necessary. It's just a choice I made because im not "into" tanks that much (though lets face it..there are some tanks to love here in Astra Militarum land). So for my list, I have 90 for Troop choices with boots plus the command squad and some characters. but i am not entirely of the opinion that you have to do that.
  15. Intentions aside, how are they going to address the inevitable clash between 2 and 3 rated lists, that do well, against the 4's. I'm still kinda waiting for that. With an even number of lists in each strata, 24 teams(ish?) means 6 fours. in three rounds the 3 win 4's must needs play the 3 win 3's or 2's. Even the best captains are going to struggle if the 4's are sporting things like, YES, the Revenant and other like things. Im trying to understand how this can be avoided at all. Are teams going to feature a 1,2,3 and 4 list on every team? but then there would be no 4 teams so i assume thats not whats happening? I am kind of confused on how that part of it is going to be worked out.
  16. Oh dear. Well this years Sportsmanship scoring setup is done so there's no going back now. There's not a lot of value in fearing what COULD happen. I think the question just has to be, given the rules as they are laid out here, are you willing to play anyways? If not, voting with wallets is your duty. If you can live with it (and its not changing now), then go with eyes wide open and play. At some point you just have to make a decision, now that THE decisions have already been made. But I am still wanting an answer to my earlier question. I think it was a fair question.
  17. Granted, the flamer option isnt as good as it was previously. Ignores cover doesnt do much for you when you already basically have it. But its cheap, more dirable than guard and FOUR flamers from outflank or else scouting turn one and unloading on you is pretty awesome.
  18. yeah cant snap fire with precision. But thats a small issue.
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