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Lord Hanaur

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Everything posted by Lord Hanaur

  1. I'd start by allowing codex's/Codex Supplements and the main rule book and stop at allowing the codex's/Codex Supplements and main rulebook. This is not strange thinking.
  2. Im so glad I own a boat load of these. Lol. No big purchase necessary for me. SWEET!
  3. The word YET should accompany some of those statements. Imperium got some cool big boys. You think its the last of the line? Or a first?
  4. Hmm...Forge Wortld = Bah humbug. Buuuuuut... Hornets for the win.
  5. I will still play Raven Guard because Shrike is in fact a cool model. And also because sneaky and fast are good. And also because they have an EXTREMELY cool name. It's pretty hard to beat. And also: sneakiness for the win as well.
  6. Sweet. BTW, I may play the ringer but will be prize ineligible. I know we had a guy running tournies for a bit there who was running and winning (i suppose...) his own tournies (like 3 in a row) and well... Not awesome. So anyone who may have experienced that, fear not. I'll see you all tomorrow I am sure. Again do not forget. the store has pledged serious prize support for a good turn out so make it one!
  7. I really think it an error to ignore the "strong links". These are gamers. and when anyone...ANYONE... Puts money down to compete, they aren't there for their health. Say what one wants, players didn't come to lose. So when you allow something that is CLEARLY a no brainer to take (lets use marbo for example) then people....take it. A lot. Expecting otherwise isn't the way to go IMO
  8. and you can replace it with something so... Whats the big deal?
  9. Cripples them, does it. Isn't that laying it on a little thick?
  10. Car wars. Damn. I remember that game. Anyways, I wasn't promoting WarMachine. Im just pointing out how many of them USED to be WarHammer players. =)
  11. I owned a shadowsword. I gave it away. I really don't dig that whole world of super heavies in normal 40K. Imperial Knights is an official codex. Okay fine. My official stance at this point is: Codex, codex supplement (see Iyanden etc... for details) and...main rule book. Beyond those strictures: meh. Call me a stick in the mud if you want, but I think the game is pretty fun. i enjoy it a LOT and I don't want to see what happened in Fantasy happen here. And if you think it wont, ask the War Machine players how many of them used to play 40K.
  12. IMperial Knights are a CODEX. I really don''t think you can/should say no (institutionally, in tournies) to a whole codex that is in fact ACTUALLY a codex and the first NEW army to come out in... geez. I don't even know. While I get VERY concerned when D weapons get introduced into a normal 40K game... It's not ranged. it's kinda like a Thunderhammer only ever so slightly better. stomp seems to be the issue more people worry about. but thats its answer to not getting swarmed interminably by 30 orks and having the most boring game ever. Im not really going to get an army of them or invest in $140 models. But I think we do have to accord a CODEX it's rightful place. Even if it doesn't thrill me, it doesn't really depress me either. I'm just resigned to it. Stronghold and Escalation? No. Its like forcing Cities of Death on everyone. does anyone seriously think that just because its "official" for 40K that we need to have it in our tournies? Nope.
  13. FAQ's abound. Im not certain any one holds all the answers but it is good that people are thinking on the subject.
  14. well the Tempestus version is the supplement I think is what he meant. The Astra Milit...The Guard codex is the main one.
  15. I dont think I mentioned Rhinos in my post, so no. I am not saying that. As for other comparisons... hey. You cant go BACK in time and fix the incongruities. Ever forward.
  16. well if you're jetting forward, do you care what guns it has? Just saying. Kinda irrelevant if your purpose isn't to shoot stuff all that much.
  17. The trakks are too exposed to be a higher armor value and the engine compartment (gasp... GW added a place for engines!) is right up front. Easy and preferential target perhaps. I am just saying that the Taurox is sort of like Razor Spamming. I am not trying to make anything more than a sweeping generality in that regard. And damn it, those are real cool models man. They are very Deutschland World War II esque (if I may be permitted to butcher the Enghlish language thusly). At some point you gotta admit to yourself why you play this game. i freaking LOOOOOVE the models and LOVE the fact that I have rules to use that I can play with them and not just look at their awesomeness. Competition came later for me (though i DO like that a lot too!). I was a d&D roleplayer since 1984, so I mean... The awesome factor plays big with me. My imagination goes nuts when i see stuff that awesome and it just makes me want to play more. Cant wait to see those things across the table from me or maybe on my side of said table...
  18. They are essentially allowing you IG Razorspam. Seems to me anyways.
  19. Lol. Who? You're on a forum full of "who". hehehehe.
  20. Hey if someone owns this army and its painted well enough to compete, I would totally borrow it and play it. That would be something new and I like a challenge. My buddy Josh has tons of stuff. I bet he probably has this force. Dunno if it would even be assembled by now (He buys a lot but is a LIIIIIIIITLE behind on his projects). Worth asking though since I might be seeing him Wednesday.
  21. I LOVED the Black legion fluff, HATED the writing (not necessarily the substance) of the Farsight Enclave. It definitely was a world apart as writing went. But those missions are VERY cool in both codex's and people DEFINITELY should consider them a valuable addition to the book. I really enjoyed the Black Legion ones and really like the looks of the Tau ones though I haven't gotten to play them as much because I didn't realize until recently that you can force a roll off for whether to use the normal missions or the codex supplement ones. Now that I know that, I like rolling off. I'd read up on them. They make for some pretty damn close games so far. Don't know about THIS codex.
  22. Had a packed house of games for Saturday. A lot of the familiar faces weren't able to make it it looked like but that's cool. The tables were all full. I got three games in and watched a fourth. Hope everyone had a good time.
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