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Posts posted by Burk

  1. Still need people to accept their tickets


    Division 1:

    @SigurdBC - BB2 team name: Rakarth's Reavers - BB2 name: SigurdBC - Race: Dark Elf

    @michaels - BB2 team name: Murder Junkies 2.0 - BB2 name: Michaels - Race: Necro  (pending)

    @peter.cosgrove - BB2 Team Name: Blarg Blarg Honk III - BB2 Name: CPTButchFlowers - Race: Nurgle

    @Weav  BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans - BB2 name: Weav - Race: Chaos

    @Falcon64 - BB2 team name: Top Guns - BB2 Name: Falcon6420 - Race: Human

    @Maxwell Christian - BB2 team name: Crypt Walkerz - BB2 Name: Ironwolf3113 - Race: Necromantic



    Need the people below to tell me their team name and BB2 name.  Team needs to be a 1000 TV level (new team)

    Division 2:

    @Rory -  BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: TBD - Race: TBD

    @Taste -  BB2 team name: Hemo Goblinz - BB2 Name: Taste - Race: Goblin (ticket sent)

    @Lonewolfjackson -  BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: TBD - Race: TBD

    @dylanator - BB2 team name: Nurgle_Nurgle - BB2 Name: Dylanator - Race: Nurgle

     @Russell Castronovo  - BB2 Team Name:  RAC Shambletouwn Skakers- BB2 Name:  Daxer777 (ticket sent)

    @Burk- BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 name: Burk - Race: TBD

    @Swensos83 - BB2 Team Name  Horns of Gorgoth - BB2 Name: Swensos - Race: Chaos Dwarfs (ticket sent)

  2. 4 hours ago, Glorian Underhill said:

    Hello Glorian Underhill here from germany.
    And we are interested in running a human league with a draft system too.
    Is there a set of rules or how the draft is done, and how the Player List is generated?

    Any documents would help.

    Give me an email address (PM is ok) and I can share the rules doc with you.


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 7/6/2022 at 8:55 PM, Swensos83 said:


    BB2 Name: Swensos

    Can I bring in my team from last season even though only 8 players are still alive and I don't have money to buy more? Tree Huggin' Hippiez

    If not, new team is: Horns of Gorgoth

    your call on that.  We have an upper and a lower div, I just looked at your Wood Elf team and since its an established team it would go in the upper but it would be at the lower end of the team value spectrum.  Let me know which you prefer and I will get you setup.

  4. Proposed divisions.....M


    Division 1:

    @SigurdBC - BB2 team name: Rakarth's Reavers - BB2 name: SigurdBC - Race: Dark Elf

    @michaels - BB2 team name: Murder Junkies 2.0 - BB2 name: Michaels - Race: Necro

    @peter.cosgrove - BB2 Team Name: Blarg Blarg Honk III - BB2 Name: CPTButchFlowers - Race: Nurgle

    @Weav  BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans - BB2 name: Weav - Race: Chaos

    @Falcon64 - BB2 team name: Top Guns - BB2 Name: Falcon6420 - Race: Human

    @Maxwell Christian - BB2 team name: Crypt Walkerz - BB2 Name: Ironwolf3113 - Race: Necromantic



    Division 2:

    @Rory -  BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: TBD - Race: TBD

    @Taste -  BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: TBD - Race: TBD

    @Lonewolfjackson -  BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: TBD - Race: TBD

    @dylanator - BB2 team name: TBD  - BB2 Name: Dylanator - Race: TBD

     @Russell Castronovo  - BB2 Team Name:  RAC Shambletouwn Skakers- BB2 Name:  Daxer777

    @Burk- BB2 team name: TBD - BB2 name: Burk - Race: TBD


    Max confirm you are using the returning team...if not, we can swap spots and I can figure something out.


    Michael,  your team is a returning with only a couple of games....your way below the TV curve.  You ok with playing up?  


  5. alright.  I am about to launch this.  I have 12 teams.  6 new, 5 returning.... and me.  so there will be a couple of AI teams...the question is do we let you play them or not...im leaning towards play cause why not 


    I will try to find a returning team I can use. If not, I will just create new and admin a couple of games.




  6. On 5/30/2022 at 10:26 PM, SigurdBC said:

    I'm interested. I responded to this thread a while ago. I guess I got missed 😥



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