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Everything posted by DisruptiveConduct

  1. Check out sit down and shut up vids. They have a play through of TI.
  2. WARNING: The entertainment at Caesar's pool is NOT wife-approved!
  3. i'll fight ya, Bro G. I should be there around 5.30ish as well.
  4. it was a good guess, cuz they use to provide a bonus last codex.
  5. Lictors no longer give any bonus to reserve rolls. I see that the comms relay provides the rerolls. But do not see anything to give a +1 to reserves unless it's part of the detachment
  6. where do you get the 2+ re-rollable reserves? is that some sort of leviathan warlord trait?
  7. While the expansions do have a ton of stuff to offer, the original game has been updated and revised so what is on the shelf to buy is still a great purchase. Every game is completely different and that's why I love it. Yer strategy has to change every time you play it. It caters to tons of table talk, alliances, double crosses, border disputes, resource grabs, and general shenanigans. With 5-6 players, we averaged games lasting 6-8 hours (after setup); with one lasting 12 hours. I highly recommended it to anyone who wants to piss off their friends for a week or two. =P
  8. TIE Interceptor aces with a vader doom shuttle is pretty legit. No fortressing just straight up outmanuevering on the flanks and doom shuttle finishes off damaged ships. I like it cuz as a rebel player it gives me the opportunity of a moral victory when i take out vader. I have been doing decent with corran horn, blount, and biggs. Fat Han just has too many advantages at the moment since its such a reliable way to deal with phantoms.
  9. We need another bbq at yer house!
  10. Sorry to say but I am gonna miss this tonight. Not feeling well.
  11. putting him alone only makes him more of a target, as you described earlier. corran horn, on the other hand, can work with almost that same load out, and be much more effective. his double tap really makes people think about when to engage him.
  12. He's awesome in EPIC play, but in normal 100 pt games, he costs a bunch and Corran Horn is a much better pilot. E'tan's PS 5 along with a Z-95 swarm really loses out to high PS phantom lists. No positive experiences here. Sorry, homie.
  13. sounds like burn-in or the tube is falling down. i know for sure you want to use EXTREME CAUTION when working on monitors as they retain power even when left unplugged. and they also contain mercury and other bad things.
  14. I am interested. Made a cool tyranid list I want to try out. AgentP, if you need me to do any bookkeeping for the night, hit me up.
  15. Page numbers and direct quotes are always awesome to post when discussing rules. :-)
  16. Totally understand. This game keeps the fun set to 11 with releases like this.
  17. Great deal considering most of those ships are unavailable from almost all retail locations
  18. May I suggest terrain workshops every other month? When you have people around that can base coat and slap paint on something, the terrain makes itself. Plus yer providing dinner!
  19. Well you guys will have to have a great opener without me! I am going out of town for some training and will not be back until Thursday. Have fun, knock some heads, and I'll see you the following week.
  20. Good to hear from Team Diversity! We miss you guys as well. With AgentP's league starting next week, you guys would be awesome fun to have there. That's too bad about the Ohio scene. Any chance that you could start something? I know you have a few armies. Maybe invite someone to play one of them. Best way to get something going is to have fun with it. Glad to see you posting again and hope to hear from you more.
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