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Everything posted by DisruptiveConduct

  1. Want to build an empire? Want to guard yer home planet? Want to destroy your neighbor and lose a best friend in the process? Then Twilight Imperium is for you! Its the only boardgame I can play for 14 hours and have zero regrets.
  2. This is the perfect opportunity to see who else wants to maintain 8th. Would you be interested in dedicating to running a league? It could mean bringing everyone together again under the banner of 8th edition. If you have any interest, please PM me MJ.
  3. Fixxer. You are advised to not feed the trolls. That is all. Note: No names were mentioned in this post.
  4. updated with picture of front door and a map link =)
  5. Cuz summoning stuff as part of the game is cool? I dunno. Just saying.
  6. The words obvious and intent do NOT go together. What is obvious to you is difficult for others to see. Try to keep an attitude that no viewpoint is a 'Duh'.
  7. Bring her to WOW so that she may bear witness to the depths of nerditry we have to offer!
  8. Ordo Chaplain, here. Reporting in from a mission across the vast ocean east of our location. Here we find an Ordoite at the Frankfurt International Airport in Germany. A delayed plane meant beer, a shot (or three), and a photo-op. 12 hour flights are killer. If you look close enough, you can see the OF logo above the heart. =) Here we see the prime example of the Swelter Shelter mentality. Summer at W.O.W. Nothing quite like it - except riding the London Underground tubes on a morning that never really cooled off the night before. Ordo Fanaticus, sweatpresenting! (And yes, that is an Ordo Fanaticus messenger bag on my shoulder).
  9. From the album: Random

    Unexpected delay means time for a drink! I found a great restaurant and bar on the top floor. If you look real close you can see the OF logo above the heart.
  10. From the album: Random

    Traveling on the London Underground line to get to Heathrow Airport
  11. Make sure you using the latest data entry for the SH that is in the newest apoc book
  12. If yer going to Austin, maybe hit up Aventine. I know he moved there a cpl years ago. Might be able to get you into the gaming scene down there.
  13. We will also begin building terrain for Flugers WarPorch. Any one of any skill level who is interested needs to come to this terrain session. You can learn from the Mr. Miyagi of Hobby (Evil_bryan) and take home some new techniques to make your own tables as kickass as the ones seen at OFCC! We start at 10AM.
  14. I have to say this thread is amazing. Lots of great advice, good feedback and constructive criticism, and most of all a good time being had by all. Are you sure this is a war game??!
  15. Congrats! Let Ordo know when you want to schedule your first game day! We will be there!
  16. '[big bad swear word]-on' is a FedEx tag line. Usually in reference to someone else receiving said fecal matter, often facially. FYI.
  17. I'll probably start coming by at the end of August for this. Right in my hood!
  18. Hey guys, There is a loading zone and a handicap automatic opening door (push the button). I suggest using this entrance and then find parking (garage).
  19. The one at the admin table? Well...wait...shoot...
  20. Holy crap man. That is quite a haul! You are very welcome at our event. Come find the big redheaded bearded guy for a free round of drinks!
  21. i would love to see a Doc Oct style Krakenbeard with all of the arms attached to his torso
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