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Everything posted by Psilence

  1. In general they are a fairly cheap way to add force multipliers to existing armies. They can be used to: Buff shooting/assault (prescience) Increase warp charge pools (5)(cheap psykers) Buff assault (cheap TDA/grenades) Buff/debuff deployments/seize (servos/Coteaz) Spam flyers (3) with little 'tax' to do so. Spam transports for maelstrom (3)(cheap 'tax') Buff tanking ability (3 wound I.C. Wound 'soaks') And a few more that I'm sure I'm forgetting :) The thing that makes any of the above attractive is the low'ish points cost to shoe horn them into a list. Using them for cheap prescience is perfect. Adding servo skulls is solid advice. I've used mine lately (2 lvl 1 malleus in TDA with 3 hench units with a psyker in each) in some grey Knights lists to try to really leverage the psychic phase, to limited degrees of success :) Find something you like and have fun with it. Also No one expects the Inquisition! ;)
  2. If you do decide to go with black line you could also try small micron pens. Sold at most art stores, in varying sizes, they can make the process a little faster. :)
  3. I'm still curious as to 'actual' list structures, we know the bikes are amazeballz :) While I definatly appreciate all the shooting potential, having it mounted on obsec units that (in general) have to move toward the enemy to claim objectives could be problematic. Couple that with all the other factors in the game (objective placement, available terrain, intelligent deployment, enemy alpha strike, ect), simply having 'The best troops ever' will not win you games. I want to see the rest of the list before I turn on 'sky is falling' mode :)
  4. Someone needs to write up some power lists, so we can see what we're dealing with. See how 'wraithboned' we really are :p
  5. They are going to make. Lots. Of money. Totally stoked. Have to break out the other movies now :)
  6. Olympic cards and comics (in Olympia) is awesome :) say hi to gabi if you go.
  7. Skitarii formations shall hence forth referred to as 'man nipples'. Un see that one :)
  8. If you went IG you could go ghetto and do chimeras as transports for your GK terms/pallies (take the chims in the IG list and let the GK's borrow them). :) With psycannons and relentless it can become a fairly attractive (if expensive) option. And GK with deamon allies... Naughty naughty naughty... ;)
  9. Right on, it's a pretty iconic pose. The jets/smoke should make it pretty interesting too :) I finished my second NDK (running). I'll text some pics :) Looking forward to your finished product.
  10. No problem :) Glad some are interested. Highlights included: Solitaire 26" blitz move in one turn. Followed up by 10 attacks on the charge (part of the blitz rule) stripping all but 1 wound off a dread knight, surviving the str10 hits back (eternal warrior) and finishing the NDK off neatly next turn. Ap2 concussive flesh bane single handed weapons on the shadow seers... Ouch ;p Veil of tears. 2d6 times 2 to "see" the unit. Black sun filters and the like wont help you here. :) Las guns actually doing damage to enemy models! ;p
  11. A friend and I got a game in the other evening to try out his new harly army/dex. It was a learning game (for fun) and the first time for the eldar on the table. Thought I'd do a quick write up. Game was 1850. Maelstrom mission: contact lost. Draw 1 card for each objective you control, max six cards. Win by completing the most card objectives. Harlequins: formation with 3 troupes, 3 shadow seers, 3 death jesters, a smattering of transport vehicles and support skimmers and mister solitaire. All units had a good combination of shooty and assault weapons. I.G./Grey knights: an I.g. CAD with company command sqd, 1 platoon, vets, 2 auto cannon hvy wep teams. Nemesis strike force with 2 bro caps, termies, pallies, 2 nemesis dreads, and draigo. Set up for a mini deathstar with caps/pallies/draigo. Harlies deploy/go first. They set up spread across the board ready to advance on the imperial positions. I.g. and gk refuse flank and castle in a corner on 1 objective. Imperial fail seize. Early game saw the eldar take a swift lead through their VASTLY superior mobility, claiming 5 of 6 objectives turn 1 (man can they move) Shooting was light with the army having to reposition, with most of the xenos forces closing for mid game assaults. Mid game the imperial forces moved out from their castle (the I.G. and nemesis dreads getting mauled in the process), and engaging soft targets (av 10 skimmers/t3 harlies) successfully with shooting and assault, fighting and winning a war of attrition. End game played out with some last min maneuvering by the eldar forces, and the imperials advancing to claim/score objectives. Final: Eldar 6 Imperial 7 First impression of the harlequin book. Strengths: Super fast. With eldar bikes and skimmers they can be EVERYWHERE at once. Good control. War gear (concussive/fear) mid ranged mid str/volume shooting and psi powers (defensive vs enemy shooting/blind/quasi invisibility) combined with the armies mobility allows them to try to dictate engagements. Naughty in close combat. High initiative paired with wargear/psi powers means they become blenders if they can hit your units unmolested. The solitaire is just a pimp. Look him up :) Should ally into eldar and dark eldar well :) The new model range (all plastics, boo ya!) is amazing. Weakness's: Frail. T3 and a 5++ don't like getting shot at by anything. Ditto for av10 skimmers. Armies with decent psi defense will give all harli armies issues trying set up engagement control. Too good in assault ;p Leaving close combat at the wrong time (by killing everyone) will leave them exposed to enemy fire and ruin their day. Summary: The army is beautiful on the table, looks fun to play, and with experience behind it I think it should do very well. Used with finesse it should dance circles around many opponents.
  12. I think it would be a good project for the club to pick up. :)
  13. Nice reps. I think I'd have issues with not knowing sisters as well. Any changes to the list in hind sight? Grats to AP too ;p
  14. Going through my collection I found 2 of the 2004 Games Day limited edition Archaon on foot models. With all the recent end times stuff I figured I'd see if anyone was interested. Having not played fantasy I don't even know if there are rules for him on foot, or its more of a collectors thing. /shurg. I'm a portland local and can hit GG or WOW for swaps. model in box possible paint job Asking $50 per, which is bellow current ebay prices I could find. I'm also re-starting a tyranid army and would be interested in bugs. Thanks for looking
  15. The rogue trader beaky marines had a holstered 1 the was about the smallest I can think of. It looks a little wonky being from that era though. :)
  16. If converted correctly it could represent ad-mech very well. :) As for on the table, I think it falls into a competitive vein. Moble, hard hitting, with some scoring bodies to spread into maelstrom. Not totally max'd out, but it should do well.
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