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The next New Book

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So what do we all think is coming next? If not selling certain models on the GW website is any way,shape, or form an indication of what's to come. Well then, GW has taken off a heck of a lot of Brettonian models that are no longer available. Hmmmmmm, they did something very similar to Lizardmen. So do you guys think Brett's are coming next. I guess we will see. By the way, I am hoping for a new Brett book myself. There is something to say about an army where more than half of it is on horseback. Let's go GW, and let's start the Brett Revolution. It's a long time due......

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I am going with Bretonnia.  The models are down, like you stated, this is a past trend (not only with lizardmen).  I only hope they don't mess up the virtues.  The book, in itself, isn't bad, it just takes a bit of patience and finesse to play.  I would like to see knights on foot (and not at the ridiculous expense of those damned virtues) and halberds should be a unit upgrade for Men-at-Arms.

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Well the Brets got pulled a while ago (may have run into issues with the Bret book) and usually items get pulled within the month of release. But yes, either Wood Elves or Brets, though my money is on WE.


Honestly I am just glad GW has been keeping up on the Fantasy releases and we only have 4 books left with rumors of 9th right around the corner. Someone even came out from GW and said T&T was designed with 9th in mind.


We'll find out in about a month or so.

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I am hoping not to see Brets or wood elves next. I'd rather see a brand new army hit the fantasy scene! Maybe some Pygmies or an intelligent race of beaver paladins who insist that large teeth are a sign of divinity.

If there was to be a new Race I would expect the Chaos Dwarfs to come back before any others. Fimir would be cool but they are almost extinct and there are not many other races left to forge a large army in the Warhammer world.


Unless they do a Halfling army, they're like pygmies.

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If there was to be a new Race I would expect the Chaos Dwarfs to come back before any others. Fimir would be cool but they are almost extinct and there are not many other races left to forge a large army in the Warhammer world.


Unless they do a Halfling army, they're like pygmies.

Um... the Chaos Dwarfs are "back". While not a mainstream army, the list is official. There are actually a pile of army books they could do (Araby, Cathay, etc) much of which out be humans, but they could add piles of new toys in with them. There are also a lot of things they could resurect from the old army books... but that is another story... Pygmies!!!

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A lot if the Bret stuff is gone because it was metal and never got redone in finecast. I would guess woodies are next. Elves are pretty popular now and ASF, mixed with the new magic options seem to be handling a lot of interest which equates to a lot of potential dollars for GW. Bretonians are cool, but never have sold as well. People get scared of the idea of all that painting.

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Jim, I will weep tears of even more sadness than your tears if it is NOT Bretonnia, because if they are taking the models down and not putting out a new book, then I fear the rumors of their demise are true ;)

On the other hand, if GW stops supporting the army, maybe we can just use the current codex and FINALLY drop Men at Arms by 1 point each and make their Halberds optional :P

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I'm hoping for the next book to be Skaven, because I'm a greedy rat.


I don't expect it to be next, but I'm hoping soon. I suspect it'll be nerfed pretty hard but I'm ok with that as long as they sort out the rules. 5 pages of FAQ is crazy and even at that, there's a bunch of other questions floating out there.


Equally I'd like to see lead from the back come back and popping characters out of the backs of units. That was fun

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Jim, I will weep tears of even more sadness than your tears if it is NOT Bretonnia, because if they are taking the models down and not putting out a new book, then I fear the rumors of their demise are true ;)


On the other hand, if GW stops supporting the army, maybe we can just use the current codex and FINALLY drop Men at Arms by 1 point each and make their Halberds optional :P


Maybe they'll decide to lump them all into one big "Athel Loren" book to make us both happy? The Lady of the Lake is a Wood Elf, after all. Though, I'm not sure I want a bunch of smelly peasants muckiing about in the forest.

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