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Everything posted by evil_bryan

  1. I bought a whole Ravenwing force on Dragon Forge Design bases. They are awesome. :)
  2. The hotel rate has been fixed Tickets will be posted soon
  3. Good luck guys! Podcasting ain't easy. :)
  4. We are pretty flexible at WOW. It really helps when you are testing things out.
  5. We have a library of 150+ white dwarf magazines at Ordo that you could come check out.
  6. I will be there, but I have no idea what I am bringing. :)
  7. Lord Bulbous will be there with 1100 points of disease riddled filth.
  8. We are waiting on the discount code from the Hilton right now. Once that is received, we will post so you can book out your rooms. :)
  9. DMB is looking at 3 team according to the Ordo Facebook page
  10. During Turn 7, the Heldrake flamed the remaining members of a platoon squad and the lone fleeing veteran off the table. The plague marines closing in on Yarrick failed to do any wounds, but was able to get a couple of flame hits on the last two members of the blob squad which Yarrick detached from. They lost one man, failed their test and ran off the board. I was able to score the "kill three units in the shooting phase" objective for 3 points (yay D3) and both of my other cards to gain 5 points and close the points gap.
  11. In seven turns, the foul horde of Lord Bulbous slew every guardsmen save one. Yarrick stood alone and unscathed in the end. I was defeated 13 to 12, but I did hold the special objective for one league point. :)
  12. Happy New Year everyone! Please start this new year by planning to attend the 2015 OFCC. This year we will be at the Hilton Vancouver from July 16-19th, 2015. Additional details to follow!!!
  13. I think Dice Age is your best bet
  14. I don't have a Blood Angels or Tyranid army, and it may be time to change that. :) Do you want only half the models in that box? Are you hesitant to buying the box because you don't want the trouble of selling the side you don't want? Allow me to assist! I am willing to buy multiple sets of both the BA and Tyranids models out of the Deathstorm box. The boxes are pretty accessible for $100 (20% off), so I figure a fair breakdown is $40 for each model set, and $20 for the mini rulebook. If you are looking to sell your set of BA models and/or Tyranid models for $40, I am your guy! PM or post, and we will make a deal!
  15. Dremel + cutting wheel will melt the plastic and would be difficult to cut out curved shapes. In fact, most rotary tools move so fast that they melt as much as they cut. Jewelers saw is not easy enough to pivot and take a section out like this. You would have the same issue with shears, or other larger cutting tools. Looking at the shape of the void, I would bet it was converted after assembly. You would need a power tool with a thin blade to do this. I would think bandsaw, body saw, or possible a jigsaw if you could secure the piece well enough. After the initial cutting, you would go in with clipper and a grinder to vary the cut edges. That is the way I would do it.
  16. Well, the odds makers take a beating today as I come away with a Best General win. Aaron did a great job with the event, and it was a fun event to play in. This was my second time bringing the 5 Knight list to the Guardian Cup. Now that they have won, I can retire them from the event. Time to return to mediocre lists and high sportsmanship scores. :)
  17. I have some in my car right now. :)
  18. Oh yeah, I have fancy Mod powers - post moved :)
  19. I will be there with games!
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