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Everything posted by Fixxer

  1. Thats awesome. I originally started playing that game when I lived on the Kitsap Peninsula. It seems to be much more popular up north, Im down here in Vancouver WA. I just went through my old cards from the late 90s and built up a few decks. Love the art work, love the complexity, and variables. It is one of the greatest card games around if you can get 5-8 people together for a game.
  2. I am also interested in getting together for some old school Vampire:TES if anyone is interested. I have Venture, Brujah, Gangrel, and Followers of Set. I would like to get a group going maybe once or twice a month.
  3. I miss this game. I just went through a bunch of old models I have and pulled out a few factions. I'd like to start playing again if anyone else is interested, I am looking to play games anywhere from 300ap up to 600ap. Anyone interested?
  4. YES! This list is awesomely effective. I got my ass kicked by it the other night pretty good. Now, nothing went well for me at all. I think I failed everything I could have.... honestly, it was ugly. With that said, I dont want to take anything away from Evan and his play/ army list. Well constructed list with tricks, the chalice of dark rain is an epic FU to armies that need to shoot off threats early, that mixed with some powerful magic phases, this army is well rounded and will certainly compete. Way to rock Beastmen!
  5. I think I have a couple metal ones, you interested?
  6. Really looking forward to this army!! Every part of it will smash face, its just difficult to stop it all from cleaning house. Halberds on the foot warriors? Did you decide on the skill- cannon? I think its a good option. This army is going to be beautiful.
  7. Ill be there with some rats.. Gonna be fun!!!
  8. Totally disgusted. I would never play against it because I wouldnt want my dice or models getting dirty. Jim, Im happy youve come back to the dark side................
  9. Lets see some lists, Im anxious to see what route you are going...
  10. Dead serious, certainly not lacking a sense of humor.... winky backy "maybe I sold my soul to make a record dip[big bad swear word], then you bought one"
  11. That movie is the reason I play Skaven, I'd think that's true for many.
  12. New army list, O&G. 2400pts Rare: 12 Giants. 2400pts [big bad swear word] YEAH
  13. If swedish comp is still around, which it will be, comp will still be a part of the tournament scene and I dont see -20 lists being the rave among players. This stuff is supposed to be fun.
  14. I cannot understand the disappointment with End Times. Again, I feel like its some of the most refined fantasy ever to be released and follows the Gothic and dark story line ive always appreciated about the WH world. I know its nice to be a traditionalist and have nothing change over time, but it is certainly time to shake up the WHFB world, IMO. 8th has run its course and is the best edition to date, what makes you think 9th wont be better?
  15. Nationalism is overrated, I cant believe we arent over that yet.... I will make this event!
  16. I know there are more people going to the Brawl, c'mon lets see those lists!!.
  17. Oooh, 5 Skaven armies at the Brawl... Praise the Horned Rat! Skaven, 2400pts, 9.5 Swedish. Warlord, General Halberd, Warplock Pistol, Armor of destiny, ironcurse icon, dragonbane gem. Warlord, Bone breaker, sheild, Weeping Blade, ToP, Charmed shield, potion of strength BsB sheild, obsidian amulet, dragon helm Warlock LV2 Ruby ring, Scroll, pistol Warlock LV2 Doom rocket, Warp energy condenser Warlock Brass Orb 35 Clanrats, FC Shields Ratling Gun 35 Clanrats, FC Shields Ratling Gun 40 Slaves, Mus Champ 40 Slaves Mus Champ 8 rat pack 8 rat pack 10 Jezzails champ 6 Gutter runners, slings, poison WLC Abomb Doomwheel. List changed a little after getting a few practice games in, Im really liking the 3 rares in game. My WLC misfires first turn every game and blows up typically, so I need the other 2 to keep my opponents honest. ROCK ON!! SO looking forward to this!
  18. Or Dark elves got an entire new line of models with their book release. I couldnt have been more impressed with the amount of kits that came out when that book released; new everything for the most part. I think all this Chaos stuff is warranted given its popularity and look. Chaos is GW's baby, sorry its not fair. ;)
  19. Ill be there too. What are you playing these days, warhammer_t?
  20. When I see toys on the table, I walk away. Unit fillers wont be so bad but at the same time it screws the aesthetic of the game. Not a fan.
  21. Yeah, I saw that the sports and painting scores were really high for our region, I really like to see that, great representation of the PNW, Thank you guys!!
  22. Netlists have been obliterated by the popularity of Swedish comp.
  23. Chaos and Skaven are what set GW apart from other Fantasy worlds. This is their center of intellectual property and the catalyst/antagonist of the entire story of Warhammer. I dont think they are glorifying evil in any way, they are just creating an environment that is unique and different than ALLL the other fantasy worlds that have sissy evil that can barely muster an assault, only to be predictably defeated by "good" guys. Refreshing to see a little reality play out in a fantasy world. "Now you see, evil will always triumph because good is dumb"
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