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Codex Eldar confirmed


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This is pretty hilarious in light of Frontline's "no ranged Str D" ruling.


"Sorry, guys, you can't use these twenty-seven units from the Eldar codex because someone on the internet doesn't like them."


I mean, not that I expect GW to have much of a grasp of how to balance something like that, but...

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This is pretty hilarious in light of Frontline's "no ranged Str D" ruling.


"Sorry, guys, you can't use these twenty-seven units from the Eldar codex because someone on the internet doesn't like them."


I mean, not that I expect GW to have much of a grasp of how to balance something like that, but...

Yeah, I think once this shakes out things are going to be wacky.
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A summary of confirmed details for those still wondering about certain things, taken from that video and my own White Dwarf;



1) It is a Gargantuan Creature. No mention on if it is a Lord of War.

2) The Ghostglaive is a Destroyer weapon for the Wraithknight only, meaning the Wraithlord uses the same weapon without it being a Destroyer weapon.

3) All Distortion weapons are Destroyer weapons, meaning that the Wraithcannon, Heavy Wraithcannon, D-Cannon (the artillery unit), D-Scythes and Heavy D-Scythes are all Destroyer weapons assuming none lost the Distort rule.

4) You can legally take up to 12 of these in that new Decurion style detachment via one of the Auxillary formations as you can take 12 Auxillary formations per 1 Core formation, basically rendering a Lord of War positional change pointless.

5) It still has 6 Wounds - the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage "half kills" it and is specified to do 3 Wounds to it.

6) It is not Initiative 1 either base or with the Ghostglaive, it strikes after the Initiative 9 Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster but before the Initiative 1 Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage. It is most likely still Initiative 5, making it even scarier than an Imperial Knight in combat.

7) In the "battle report", it takes on both of those Bloodthirsters and wins, it beats two Toxicrenes, then it pulps an Imperial Knight and a Transcendant C'tan in separate conflicts. It gets stomped by Deathwing Knights in Smite mode, however.


Windrider Jetbikes

1) They are exactly the same in terms of stats, special rules and so on; they are still 3+ armoured Eldar with Ballistic Skill 4 and the usual Eldar Jetbike rules. They are a Troops choice.

2) Each Windrider can take a Scatter Laser or Shuriken Cannon, not 1 in 3 like the old codex. Yes, this is as bonkers as we all initially feared.

3) Warlocks can now be purchased as part of the squad rather than having to purchase a Council and splitting them off as before. We can expect the same thing to happen with Guardians.

4) Ancient Doom and Battle Focus are still present, though any changes to either are unconfirmed. We can all hope that Battle Focus actually works for everyone that has it now, including Jetbikes.

5) Bladestorm is exactly the same as it was, as we all knew from the Harlequin codex.

6) All of the guns appear identical, save that the Scatter Laser no longer has the Laser Lock special rule.

7) Warlocks can only take Sanctic Daemonology and Runes of Battle. This might indicate that Eldar have a similar rule to Grey Knights where they can safely use Sanctic Daemonology but can never use Malefic Daemonology.


"Decurion" Detachment

1) Eldar have their own version of this, featuring Command, Core and Auxiliary choices. You can take 1-3 Core choices (all of them are Guardian themed, one being Jetbike oriented and all requiring one Vyper), 0-3 Command choices per Core choice and 1-12 Auxiliary choices per Core choice.

2) Wraithknights are part of two separate Auxillary choices, and as Auxiliary choices are 1-12 per Core choice, you can legally take 12 Wraithknights per Core choice as mentioned above.

3) The "army-buff" as per the Decurion is specifically related to mobility, though whether it will be solely tied to Battle Focus (seems to be the implication) or will just affect all units remains to be seen.


Additionally, the codex is indeed 160 pages. We seem to be getting some kind of special bonuses related to each Craftworld, but this isn't specifically outlined. Whether or not we get Craftworld rules ala Space Marine Chapter Tactics remains to be seen.

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Ahh, now I understand. It's all become so clear to me.

GW is ran by gaming's crazy ex-girlfriend.

Hi sweetie, I heard you like options so I gave you every option ever....WHAT?!? SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE RANGED D WEAPONS? I'LL PUT THEM EVERYWHERE!

That's the Knight codex which was printed after escalation was banned everywhere.


You don't like super heavies? I'll put them everywhere....

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This is pretty hilarious in light of Frontline's "no ranged Str D" ruling.


"Sorry, guys, you can't use these twenty-seven units from the Eldar codex because someone on the internet doesn't like them."


I mean, not that I expect GW to have much of a grasp of how to balance something like that, but...


I have started and stopped my OFCC list because of all this Frontline no D's and now new codex stuff… maybe I should just get a refund lol… and just play in the open??  oh wait… maybe just go camping.



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I have started and stopped my OFCC list because of all this Frontline no D's and now new codex stuff… maybe I should just get a refund lol… and just play in the open??  oh wait… maybe just go camping.



As has been said multiple times, Frontline's decision has nothing to do with the Team Event. As well, it's a bit early to change things for the team event. 


Even if all the rumors are true, just don't take jetbikes or ranged d and you're fine.

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As has been said multiple times, Frontline's decision has nothing to do with the Team Event. As well, it's a bit early to change things for the team event. 


Even if all the rumors are true, just don't take jetbikes or ranged d and you're fine.

I've asked - and been told D is also not allowed at either event.  But I will send an email and get a definitive answer today… 

Also - I have a wraithwall army - played it last year.. not starting over from scratch at this point in the game.  Although, I agree - until we have a codex in hand - it will all be rumors.



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I've asked - and been told D is also not allowed at either event.  But I will send an email and get a definitive answer today… 

Also - I have a wraithwall army - played it last year.. not starting over from scratch at this point in the game.  Although, I agree - until we have a codex in hand - it will all be rumors.



Right, but it has nothing to do with Frontline. Joel decided it before Frontline's ITC ruling. I talked to him about it prior.

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ouch - (in reference to the image confirming "D".


--- I found out about it through the frontline thread… which is why I think of it that way… but I'm not starting a new army at this point in the cycle.  And if the community feels that the Eldar are now broken - (could be ..not sure).  I have been playing them for over 20 years … boon or bust times.  When they are weak - I play - when they have been strong - I play… now they will be "broken" - so I will play and be dubbed cheese master.   :rolleyes: - I will have evaluate my long term dilemmas within my 40k hobby. 



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ouch - (in reference to the image confirming "D".


--- I found out about it through the frontline thread… which is why I think of it that way… but I'm not starting a new army at this point in the cycle.  And if the community feels that the Eldar are now broken - (could be ..not sure).  I have been playing them for over 20 years … boon or bust times.  When they are weak - I play - when they have been strong - I play… now they will be "broken" - so I will play and be dubbed cheese master.   :rolleyes: - I will have evaluate my long term dilemmas within my 40k hobby. 



I think if you limit your choices, you'll be fine. If you loadup on bikes and D, you'll find people don't want to play you no matter how long you've played.

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It absolutely is a replacement codex.  


Also, I'm waiting to see what the points levels are for all these things.  I know that ~40 pt jetbikes with scatter lasers is off the charts crazy out of the troops slot, but massed D weapons is only bad for MCs and Superheavies since the previous incarnation was S10. 


I'm not willing to write them off yet as broken beyond belief until I see the dex, but these leaks are...not encouraging.  Will we be pining for the days of Serpent Spam?  

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It absolutely is a replacement codex.  


Also, I'm waiting to see what the points levels are for all these things.  I know that ~40 pt jetbikes with scatter lasers is off the charts crazy out of the troops slot, but massed D weapons is only bad for MCs and Superheavies since the previous incarnation was S10. 


I'm not willing to write them off yet as broken beyond belief until I see the dex, but these leaks are...not encouraging.  Will we be pining for the days of Serpent Spam?  

Umm. Jetbikes are 27 points with Scatter laser. 270 for 10. 1080 for 40. 160 S6 shots for 1080.


And yes, we will wish we never complained about SS. At least the D part will be mitigated by tournaments.

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To be fair, they've been in the BRB since 7th launched via santic daemonology power #6.

Yeah, on a horrible power that no one ever wanted or fished for. 


That's like saying 'To be fair, scatter lasers have been in the game since 2nd edition.' Sure they have but not for 10 points on a 17 point model with a 3+ save, jink, ob sec, etc.

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