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Brick Bungalow

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Everything posted by Brick Bungalow

  1. Don't listen to these naysayers. Vancouver has some good grub. I would consider: Tommy-O's Hawaiian Tan Tan Vietnaese LaPellah Northwest Fusion? Daddy D's BBQ Dok Koon Thai Not sure if you will get this in time....
  2. I'll link this to the resource page for my upcoming class with your kind permission.
  3. "I believe everyone should have a good death"
  4. I like to use a special base sealer rather than miniature varnish. Equal parts water and white glue with a splash of matte medium and a drop of dish soap. This sinks into the flock, static grass or whatever else and holds it tight. It's sometimes necessary to distress the surface slightly after its dried to get the right texture. But I think it looks a lot better than shiny flock. You do need to take care not to use too much because that will upset the initial adhesive your basing materials are sticking to. The idea is just barely dampen the flock on the surface but not the surface itself. I'd also recommend a bit of testing on something you don't care about to get the right result.
  5. I would recommend a pin index so you can drill different size holes. The bit that comes with most vises is indeed too large for smaller figures but you can really pin virtually anything with a steady hand and the right bit.
  6. Easy trick for stippling is to use a toothbrush for spatter and a spare playing for control- to block the the parts you want to keep clean.
  7. What sells weathering for me is attention to placement. It should make sense in the context of vehicle activity. Soot will accrue on and around exhaust stacks. Rust will creep up from the underside. Snow will pile on higher where it's cooler. Mud will pack itself into tracks and get flung up behind track guards. And so on. Effects should tell a story. As for materials, I like powders and washes best for control. I agree that less is more and want to apply this stuff in very small increments. Finally, contrast. Realism to one side an attractive model will have strong contrasts of color and value. Weathering can be almost any color but won't really add to visual interest if its the same palette as the new vehicle. Try using some bright orange rust or green verdigris or something else that helps pop the colors.
  8. I agree... but with mixed feelings because the failures of modern video game development are what doubled my sales last year.
  9. On the contrary. People drive in from all over the west coast:)
  10. Wii actually demonstrates the pattern pretty well. It's a next-to-newest system which is consistently the low point of value for every make. Nintendo did drop the ball on quality control here in my view. There are a slew of games that seem clearly released with virtually no oversight. Even with all that you still see legacy titles gaining value which is virtually non existent with 360 and very limited on ps3. You are correct to say that SNES games are worth far more. The high end is around a thousand. The most expensive Wii game I know of is only about a hundred. But that's to be expected across the spectrum: disc versus cartridge. Sega is beloved by it's fanbase but only the Saturn is seeing the sort of dramatic appreciation that classic Nintendo titles are experiencing... for a majority of titles anyway. As for the Retron 5... I'll add that there is a hdmi upscaler, built in troubleshooter and it's mostly region-free with limited japanese translation. And I know a Portland area store that keeps them all in stock:)
  11. Yeah. This is how I feel about most action movies. You can condense everything smart and interesting about them into about ten minutes.
  12. I think it's always been this way. People sometimes want to romanticize an era as being better but it's a case of counting all the hits. The great SNL skits are great, I think precisely because of the huge risk of taping live with a non cast member. (pitch this to a theater company and see what they say) Odds are that it goes up in smoke. But when it's good it's really good.
  13. You can index it different ways but Nintendo products are the best of the big three if you look at the history. Their licenses are the most enduring and most recognizable. They have, by far the most games that retain value after their production cycle. Most video games have a big cross promotional push right at launch, sell a lot of units for two or three months and are promptly forgotten about as soon as the next big release is announced. Play whatever you like of course but if you like the idea of your personal possessions being worth money when you decide to sell them you should buy Nintendo stuff. (I don't work for them or receive any compensation for saying so)
  14. If you like Race For The Galaxy I think you will be pleased and satisfied if not particularly surprised. Dice tends to be slightly less competitive due to inherent randomness. One thing I liked was that the opening draw is far less significant than the card game. You get a home world and a defining attribute or race but each player begins with the same starting dice. The theme is carried over pretty well with all the cool races and artwork. The phase-mechanic is preserved but you need a corresponding die face to participate in any phase you did not choose as well as the corresponding resources. All the dice represent phases but their proportion is determined by their color. If you remember the significance of collecting like kinds in the card game you want to keep doing that here but you also want the same color dice for maximum effect. Most of the time anyway. Total play time is about the same as are winning conditions. I want to play some more.
  15. Yeah. Yellow is the most translucent color. You will usually need white underneath. That said, I think you will find as you practice that thin paint is actually far better. It might be easier apply thick paint but you can't get a nice finish with it.
  16. n64 is worth more at present but I'll buy it all. price is most directly affected by condition of controllers.
  17. No worries. We are fine for help but I had an extra pass in case any Ordo's needed a special game.
  18. Hey, I'm manning a booth at a show on Saturday and was curious if anyone wanted to come with. The gig pays forty bucks, a lot more if I can pay you in video games. Pretty much just sitting at a booth with three other people talking about games all day. Lunch and free admission included. Let me know!
  19. I wanted to do a squig list! Mine was similar but had twelve shamans.
  20. It's a business thing but if I know mini gamers they probably have stashes all over that they haven't touched in years.
  21. Pretty much what it says. I want to buy whatever console gaming gear you have. Premium on older gear but will buy pretty much everything except ps4/xbox1 and music/dance titles. Mainly interested in consoles, controllers and game titles but other accessories will be considered case-by-case. RPG, Adventure and Legacy Character titles will get the best prices but you can preview relative values here: www.videogames.pricecharting.com. Our offers tend to be 60-80% of charted value. Higher for games we are in particular need of. I can't really give more specific information on prices but will provide a detailed, itemized list before any deal is closed. 503 430 5187
  22. Beercan chicken is a bbq classic but next summer I'm blowing the doors off with a whole rotisseried goat.
  23. My next project is a pork shoulder roasted inside of a pumpkin.
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