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Brick Bungalow

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Everything posted by Brick Bungalow

  1. No. But the spartan helmet doesn't have one to begin with.
  2. Honestly never been a fan of static missile defense tactics. It can be effective but is it fun? I'd definitely press the advantage of asp archers in a TK list but without some solid melee units for the actual man dance I just wouldn't feel satisfied.
  3. You can borrow my spartan helmet if you want. It's pretty close.
  4. The prettiest and fluffiest army around. I'd love see some throwbacks like wedge formations, a total lack of warmachines, peasant rabble and so forth. Less interested in implausibly large chariot or monster kits or weird characters with special rules. I liked the impetuous charge rule in the last book. I think it would be neat if each class of knight had a characteristic liability as well as a special advantage. Nothing game breaking. Just something to distinguish their uniqueness and maybe knock them down a few points. More troops = More fun.
  5. Am I the first to point out the inherent comedy in a twenty page thread complaining about high prices?
  6. So the unit gets a 12" free move according to whatever stipulations apply to its normal move?
  7. As far as I can tell, magic wash isn't especially useful as a lacquer. Aerosol products are far-and-away the best option for the final seal phase.
  8. The vanguard move is described as a free 12" that happens before the game phase begins. Irrelevant of the units move characteristic. Do fast cavalry get 12" move like a normal unit or do they get a 12" fast cavalry move?
  9. It's rarely been an issue in my games. Sometimes when players make larger monsters larger still they end up taking more cannon shots. But beyond that it's virtually inconsequential. The way that characters interact with troops and terrain along with the dominance of the melee phase makes most of the 40k-type concerns irrelevant.
  10. The vallejo style dropper bottles are a great option for mix-your-own washes. Especially if you can get some stainless steel ball bearings.
  11. I actually mix it with nine parts water and add a few drops of matte medium. This cuts the gloss down to almost nothing. Especially if you highlight to white. But yes, magic wash. Mix it. Use it. Love it.
  12. Loving the graphite. Have you experimented at all with pastel chalk for shading really light areas?
  13. One option is to combine rust with verdigris. Combine speckles of orange and brown with traces of blue and green to isolate those areas from the red. If you don't want to do that I'd try to find a shade for the rust that is as far from your red color as possible while still plausibly representing rust. Both in terms of hue and value. A graded color wheel is useful. Generally if you can get at least a fourth way around the wheel in either direction as well as changing the shade several steps you should have sufficient contrast.
  14. +1 for pinning. I pin the feet of my models to a piece of sprue with a bit space so that the bottom of the foot doesn't actually touch the plastic while I'm painting.
  15. I can probably trade you for other video games. http://www.retrogametrader.com/
  16. I'd just use bits of buildings, rocks and dry twigs like a normal base but paint it in charcoal colors blended up to a pale gray.
  17. I have a large space in Beaverton that could host a game night.
  18. I got a pile of plastic casualty figures if you can use them.
  19. I'm a fluff monkey. I'll always recommend mono god. No matter what.
  20. There are razor saws that are pretty thin but for a really flush cut you need a jewelers saw. Nicer ones come with a selection of blades.
  21. Anyone see the full length documentary yet? I'm thinking I'd like to host a screening.
  22. No C-blocking my social network with yer nerd talk!
  23. Michaels has ones this size with snap tops. I couldn't be without them.
  24. I was thinking of recommending the counts-as-goblin list but then that's not as cool or novel as a concerted effort to maximize gnoblars. I really love the idea of scratch modeling to reinforce the exclusively-gnoblar theme. The piggy-back model and the scraplauncher are some interesting conceptual starting points. Maybe some sort of arcane sacrificial alter could count as a Butcher? Ogre cavalrymen could be replaced with gnoblar palanquins on the same mounts. Flying Gnoblar pirate ship? You totally got this.
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