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Everything posted by Gorgosaurusrex

  1. I'm looking for a Culexus Assassin, either the new plastic or the old metal. New plastic is preferred but I know that's a long shot. I am willing to buy it outright or I have a ton of stuff to trade (CSM, Eldar, Guard, Fantasy, Skorne, bits). Let me know what you are looking for and we can work out a deal. Thanks!
  2. I'd love to have a table full of this terrain. I really, really like it. I just don't have $1,000, lol.
  3. PM'd. I am interested in the entire lot.
  4. Looks great! The paint job really gives a borderlands/cel shaded feel.
  5. Well I had to bump it up to 2,000 but I think I fit everything: Codex Tyranids - Combined Arms Detachment HQ Hive Tyrant 205 -Heavy Venom Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip 2 Tyrant Guard 100 Hive Tyrant 205 -Heavy Venom Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip 2 Tyrant Guard 100 Troops 30 Termagants 120 20 Hormagaunts 140 -Adrenal Glands Elites 3 Zoanthropes 150 2 Venomthropes 90 Haruspex 160 Heavy Support Carnifex 125 -2x Scything Talons, Spine Banks Carnifex 125 -2x Scything Talons, Spine Banks Carnifex 125 -2x Scything Talons, Spine Banks Leviathan Dataslate Detachment - Manufactorum Genestealers 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 1,995 To cut it down to 1,850 I'd drop 10 Termagants, the Adrenal Glands on the Hormagaunts, and 5 Genestealers (moving the rest to troops). I'm not sure if I'm sold on the two Tyrants with two Tyrant Guard each. It will make my otherwise fragile synapse more resilient and help spam T6 models though. I think this list will be a bit better, do you guys agree? What do people think of Mucolid Spores?
  6. What Elite monstrous creatures are worth taking, though? I converted a Haruspex and used it for exactly one game. It hardly pulls its weight.
  7. Sounds like there's a pattern here... Drop the Hive Crone, get some Tyrant Guard and Venomthropes. I have enough 2nd ed Warriors to convert either of those units so it's definitely doable. I also have an old Armorcast Malefactor that I've been using as a Tervigon. What do you mean by "EL monstrous creature"?
  8. I will consider Tyrant Guard. Ideally I'd have each Tyrant accompanied by 2, I'm just not sure what to cut for the points! Spine Banks are a good idea. I originally had them but removed them to fit in the full 20 Hormagaunts. I could probably convert a spare 2nd ed Warrior into a Venomthrope without losing too much "old school" vibe.
  9. It's one of my favorite models from that era. I'd take 9 if I had them. I used to run them with Bio-Plasma but they spend most turns running.
  10. I've been working on a new Tyranid list for my 2nd edition models. I'll be getting a large amount of Genestealers soon and wanted to include them in a list. As I'm not willing to convert my old models that means no Flyrants Anyway, here's the list: Codex Tyranids - Combined Arms Detachment HQ Hive Tyrant 205 -Heavy Venom Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip Hive Tyrant 205 -Heavy Venom Cannon, Bonesword & Lash Whip Troops 3 Tyranid Warriors 120 -Deathspitters, Rending Claws 30 Termagants 120 20 Hormagaunts 140 -Adrenal Glands Elites 3 Zoanthropes 150 Fast Attack Hive Crone 155 (I know it's not from 2nd edition but I needed something for anti-air, and didn't want to butcher a Hive Tyrant) Heavy Support Carnifex 135 -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands Carnifex 135 -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands Carnifex 135 -2x Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands Leviathan Dataslate Detachment - Manufactorum Genestealers 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 5 Genestealers 70 1,850 This is my attempt at a "Classic" Tyranid list. I think it has enough variety to keep it interesting and enough flexibility to keep it on the table for at least 3 turns. The Genestealers can infiltrate within 6" of an enemy if they are in a building or ruins, plus they get Hit and Run. Otherwise they are normal, sub-par Genestealers. Any suggestions? Obviously this list won't be winning any tournaments, but I think it'd put up a fight for casual play.
  11. I will tell my friends for sure! I wish I had the spare cash for those Genestealers, that's incredibly tempting. I'll see if I have any trades to add on to a cash offer to make it worth your while.
  12. I have one, I'd be happy to part with it. I'd have to ship it (I'm in Olympia).
  13. I didn't fill out all my FOC choices for this event a couple years ago and I still kick myself for it. I would have won my 3rd game and gone on to the finals if I had some Fast Attack. I would highly recommend taking a minimum Elites unit. 5 Possessed wouldn't be a huge point sink. I still vote +1 for the Lord of Skulls. You are one of the few Codexes that can take a Superheavy to this event... Abuse that privilege.
  14. You should take the Lord of Skulls as you are the only codex that can. For some reason Chaos Marines and Chaos Daemons aren't allowed to.
  15. I'm not really sure what that means out of context, lol. I can't think of anything at least.
  16. I'd definitely trade something for or buy one Pulse Laser and 3 Scatter Lasers + shields. What are you looking for?
  17. I work in Tacoma so I could meet you at the Game Matrix or something? I don't need the Scatter Lasers unless I can also track down some Pulse Lasers, so I'll let you know. Thanks!
  18. I'm in the Olympia area, so shipping would be the way to go for Portland area residents. I'd pay for shipping.
  19. Looks good! I love the idea behind it. AoS is really great for counts-as armies!
  20. Hey Ordo, I'm looking for 3 plastic Pulse Lasers from the Falcon kit. I Want my Fire Prisms to be Falcons again but I seem to have traded away my Pulse Lasers! I'm also looking for 3 Scatter Lasers and 3 of the turret weapon "shields" or armor plates for a Falcon. These would be for the gun opposite the Pulse Laser. The Falcon kit did include 3 armored Scatter Lasers for turret use, those would be good instead. I have tons of bits from many factions (Eldar, IG, SM, SW, BA, GK, Tau, plus others) as well as PayPal. Help me Ordo-Wan-Kenobi, you're my only hope!
  21. I really liked the venue this year. AC and a nearby bar made it great. Parking was only $11 for me in the Hilton garage as I had a room so that wasn't too bad.
  22. Yes, this is what I meant. We don't care who plays our decks and are always looking for new players! I have two very competitive decks but they are easy to play down a bit. Precons can hold their own but will be at a power disadvantage for sure. I just got some revised duals for my main deck so that should tell you how much I've invested, lol.
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