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Rate the Last Movie You Saw


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Found it on netflix. It's a Robin Williams film from 1992 (you know, the olden days..). Film is impressive in it's use of sets, props, and photography, but the acting and plot are very much lacking. Could not get attached to any of the characters, or their stuggles. And I usually really love Robin Williams' films. Reminds me of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, just a terrible film that you watched because it was visually captivating. Didn't like Toys,  but I did finish it. 

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Yeah, Toys is generally considered to be one of Williams's worst. I watched it back when it first came out, and even as a very uncritical 12 year old, I thought it was pretty bad.


John Wick. I wish this had come out some years ago. It's very well done*, but this kind of action flick just isn't my thing anymore.


*In particular, a number of the fight sequences were basically what I wanted from Daredevil.

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The Rezort: A setting I hadn't run across before (basically a safari island where people go to shoot the remaining zombies that have been quarantined there after the Zombie Apocalypse was averted), but unfortunately, the story is entirely predictable and boring from there. Pretty much a Jurassic Park ripoff plot, but with zombies instead of dinosaurs.

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Howard the Duck. I put it on because the current MPQ Story Event features Howard, and so it seemed like a good idea at the time. I dunno, man. I don't even know.

Been so long since I saw that one. Yeah, strange film.

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The Heat: I do like a good buddy cop movie, and this one definitely qualifies.


Thor. I rewatched it for the third time. 'Nuff said. At least as far as rating is concerned. It was, however, the first time I watched it since I got into the Foo Fighters, and more specifically, the first time watching it since becoming familiar with their song Walk. It's my favorite off that album, and such a great fit for the film.

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The Blair Witch Project. I never did see it back in the day. Now, like so many other ground-breaking works, the same thing has been done so much better so many times that it really doesn't hold up anymore. Only of interest to those interested in the history of the sub-genre. For everyone else, just boring and annoying.

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Prince of Darkness. An interesting one to try to rate. I can totally see why it got terrible reviews and flopped when it came out (the characters range from boring to terrible, the two with a romance arc are way toward the terrible end of that scale, and the camerawork and editing make it kind of hard to tell what the layout of the setting is actually like, and what the relationships are when two things are going on in different places at the same time. Also, some of it is just plain cheesy). But on the other hand, I can also see why it has a cult following. The music is great, and the visual aesthetic is...odd in a sort uncanny valley way, maybe? Between them, they set up a really creepy overall effect, and I was definitely grooving on the atmosphere and overall vibe.

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