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Tyranids are here!


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Perhaps now they aren't as pretty when compared to White Scars, but they are still potent.  Ask Mikhail Lenin.  He schooled me hard with 'em at OFCC.  

I recall asking him about them and basically they were good for that one run, but with white scars, they have lost a lot of their appeal. Might have misunderstood.


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Regardless of how they compare outside the Dex, they're the obvious stars within the DA Dex. Everyone called that when it first came out, and it's just as true now. Other Armies do Bikes better than DA, but DA still do Bikes better than they do anything else, as an Army in and of themselves.

Depends on the player, I suppose.


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So a Close Combat Nid force isn't feasible, still. 

Seems like it would depend on the opponent.


Probable not going to happen against Tau, or mech eldar, but probably able to get it functioning against marines, orks, foot-dar, other tyranids, and daemons. 


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I'm getting up there in numbers of Gargoyles, and I have quite a lot of Hormagaunts, so at some point I'm going to have to see how well I can do just flinging 120 Models or so across the board as fast as possible. They can get a ton of bodies up in people's faces as fast as anything except Khorne Dogs, between Gargoyles, Infiltrating Stealers, and Hormies, and they're really cheap. Might not work in Tournaments because of time limits, but I'll give it a try in an untimed game at some point.

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Ya, I was imagining the magnetic movement trays, especially with the Hormies.  When I was still playing Bugs, I always had problems keeping them upright.


Flipping through the codex, I think the biggest hardship a solid CC Bug army has is with Airforce.  Winged Tyrants being the only reliable way to take them down.  Crones, possibly, but their Drool Cannon is more of a shooting weapon than I'd care for, and wouldn't include them for that reason.  I really like 1800 points for 2 Winged Tyrants, Trygon Prime, 3x3 Shrikes and 180 Hormies.  Maybe drop 32 Hormies and add 3 Carnifex.  

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Crones are probably better than you think if you just flipped through. Their Tentaclid "Missiles" have Haywire, and are Twin-Linked against Flyers and FMCs.


I think if I were going to go for a real Assault-based Nid Army, tho, I'd try to just deal with Flyers by flooding the board and denying them good landing spots. When you're running 200+ Models, it's doable.

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Ya, I was imagining the magnetic movement trays, especially with the Hormies.  When I was still playing Bugs, I always had problems keeping them upright.


I have a bunch of the old metal Hourmagaunts, and they are far worse than the plastics (which are also very bad). I just glue a dime underneath each base and it gives the model enough stability to actually play with.


180 Hormies/Gargs would be pretty scary to play against. My only concern would be taking out Wraithknights and Riptides.

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I played a guy at league last night who was testing/having fun with a super horde tyranids list.


2k Double Force org

3 Tyranid Primes

20 Devilgaunts

20 Termagaunts x4

20 hormagaunts x2

4 warriors

3 warriors

2 single unit venomthropes





So like 180 models or something like that.

I was running my tourny SM/Tau

White Scars

Chapter master - Fixins

5 Bikes - 2 grav Attack bike w/MM X2 squads

5 Bikes - 2 Flamers 1 combi flamer

Legion of the damned - MM/PG/combi plas

2 Stormtalons with skyhammer missles

3 Centurions Lascannons and Missle launchers omniscope

Thunderfire cannon

3 HB Attack Bikes

Tau Commander - Fixins

10 Kroot w/Kroothound X2



180 models was daunting for sure.


I wasn't really worried about his bigger things as I have a lot of ignore cover stuff in my army. Exocrine was dead turn 2. Crone died turn 2 (I went second) Harpy died turn 4. I was more worried about fending off the massive horde of little guys. By the end we called it at his top of 5. i had first blood, warlord, linebreaker and while he had his objective. I would have at least contested it and have shot off alot of stuff at the end.


Things I learned (and I have a pretty big tyranids list on the shelf so I'm trying to figure out what direction i want to go if any.)


Primes in brood blocks are very surviveable, but don't do all that much damage. He never really had to worry about synapse, but all the points of synapse he had didn't kill much or synergize much with the army. Not sold on primes much. See maybe with carnies or maybe one to gaunt hop for synapse, but not much more than that. I wish they were cheaper and had been like heralds for a 4 or 3 to one hq choice.


Swarms take for freakin evah to move and run! One round I went to the bathroom, took my time, and he was still moving his guys. Pretty funny.


Individual crones and harpies are going to just get shot down.


It was an interesting game for sure, but I'm still sad about nids. Had a pretty cool paint scheme in mind and don't know if i want to apply things yet. I like a chance against eldar and tau and other armies....


Like most things in 6th, you need a combo to take something from good to great, so I'm trying to see those combos and hope others who are better at list building see those combos for me. :)

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With the realization that one can take buildings with Nids and have them be useful:


Tyranid Prime:  165
  Norn Crown
30 Termagants:  120
Tervigon:  195
21 Hormagants:  105
20 Hormagants:  100
20 Hormagants:  100
3 Shrikes:  90
3 Shrikes:  90
Venomthrope:  45
3 Hive Guard:  165
3 Hive Guard:  165
3 Biovores:  120
Exocrine:  170
Exocrine:  170
Firestorm Redoubt:  200
Prime and Venomthrope go into the building so I'm projecting an 18" synapse range and 6" shrouding.  I'm also protecting the Warlord (and venomthrope) and getting some reliable anti-air to boot.  
Thoughts on the list is that it is some kind of tyranid structure that is emerging during a later stage infestation, hence the hive guard.  It's actually fairly defensive while having kind of a suicidal assault force (horms and shrikes).  The tervigon should be able to get a cover save from the building and be shrouded for a 2+ cover save, so should be pretty reliably alive and kicking out little dudes.  
If people are allowing Stronghold Assault, I'd drop 6 hormagaunts and add the BS3 upgrade for the guns on the firestorm.  
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I'm reading on several forums that Tyranids are having some good success against Tau.  Interesting.  there are multiple threads on DakkaDakka on it, with some stories and battle reports.  There are some in Africa, some in Canada, a couple in places Im not sure of.  Also saw a pretty good Youtube illustration of what Tyranids can do to Tau, especially Gunline Tau.  Oofta.  Not ALL end well for the Tyranids but there's a couple beat downs.  One good turn of rolls and deep strikes and booya!  Turn 2 can be a blood bath.

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With the realization that one can take buildings with Nids and have them be useful:


Tyranid Prime:  165
  Norn Crown
30 Termagants:  120
Tervigon:  195
21 Hormagants:  105
20 Hormagants:  100
20 Hormagants:  100
3 Shrikes:  90
3 Shrikes:  90
Venomthrope:  45
3 Hive Guard:  165
3 Hive Guard:  165
3 Biovores:  120
Exocrine:  170
Exocrine:  170
Firestorm Redoubt:  200
Prime and Venomthrope go into the building so I'm projecting an 18" synapse range and 6" shrouding.  I'm also protecting the Warlord (and venomthrope) and getting some reliable anti-air to boot.  
Thoughts on the list is that it is some kind of tyranid structure that is emerging during a later stage infestation, hence the hive guard.  It's actually fairly defensive while having kind of a suicidal assault force (horms and shrikes).  The tervigon should be able to get a cover save from the building and be shrouded for a 2+ cover save, so should be pretty reliably alive and kicking out little dudes.  
If people are allowing Stronghold Assault, I'd drop 6 hormagaunts and add the BS3 upgrade for the guns on the firestorm.  


So what new Tyranid models did you buy?  Firestorm Redoubt (yeah I know there is an exocrine in the list but that ruins the joke )

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