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Obviously, the great x-factor here is how they are going to be priced... and what impact the various Clan Kulturs will have. But I’m still pretty chuffed by this development.

I know GW thinks that the whole Chaos vs. Imperium thing is the most iconic part of their franchise. But, for me, it’s the image a small band of Space Marines holding the line against an endless green tide of rampaging Space Orks that is the defining image of the game...

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For a long time now, I've wanted them to do with WH40k's Space Orks what they did with the Orcs of Age of Sigmar: buff the regular rank-and-file boyz so that they're durable enough to be a threat to Stormcast Space Marines, but still retain their nature as a "horde army," which AoS did with the Greenskinz and Bonesplitters; and introduce an elite unit that was much tougher and stompier than the regular rank-and-file boyz and costed such that you could field a (moderately) low model count "elite" army, but one that still felt properly Orcish, which AoS did with the Ironjawz. 

It's too early to say for certain, but it might be that WH40k's Space Orks are finally moving in that direction, with the Speed Freekz, Kan Mobz, and Beast-Snaggas being the lower model count option and the regular Ork Boyz from the old Clans staying a horde army (but with needed buffs).

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I'm fine with T5 boyz as long as they nerf the hell out of mek gunz. There is nothing less fun than facing 14 dirt cheap, very accurate, incredibly powerful, single unit despite being 6 for 1 HS slot "vehicles" with very long range. There are very few armies that have any sort of response to a skew list like that. A list that just so happens to also have 90 boyz which mostly don't need to do anything other than camp objectives because the opponent is being tabled by the firebase alone.

Bringing those from 3 for 1 to 6 for 1 was a horrible, horrible decision on GW's part.

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2 hours ago, Munkie said:

I'm fine with T5 boyz as long as they nerf the hell out of mek gunz. There is nothing less fun than facing 14 dirt cheap, very accurate, incredibly powerful, single unit despite being 6 for 1 HS slot "vehicles" with very long range. There are very few armies that have any sort of response to a skew list like that. A list that just so happens to also have 90 boyz which mostly don't need to do anything other than camp objectives because the opponent is being tabled by the firebase alone.

Bringing those from 3 for 1 to 6 for 1 was a horrible, horrible decision on GW's part.

"Very Accurate".... we hit on 4's.... 

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9 minutes ago, Lyraeus said:

"Very Accurate".... we hit on 4's.... 

And re-roll 1s, and get extra shots on 6s. 14 smasha gunz average about 18 hits per turn. 

Seriously, try the list sometime. There's a player in our area who (luckily) can only attend 1 out of 3 tourneys with the list. He has never not tabled his opponent AFAIK Consistently scoring 90+ points every game.

You have to take very specific lists to be able to counter it. Most factions don't have access to those types of lists.


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1 hour ago, Munkie said:

And re-roll 1s, and get extra shots on 6s. 14 smasha gunz average about 18 hits per turn. 

Hitting on 4’s would be a 50% hit rate. Which is the definition of “average” shooting and not the poor accuracy Orks and Gretchen are said to have in the fluff... But, okay, fine. Grots are slightly better shots than Orks and da boss puts the ones with the best aim on the gun...

Hitting on 4’s with re-rolling 1’s and an extra attack on 6’s is a 75% hit rate. That’s borderline Vindicare Assassin levels of accurate shooting.

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4 hours ago, Munkie said:

And re-roll 1s, and get extra shots on 6s. 14 smasha gunz average about 18 hits per turn. 

Seriously, try the list sometime. There's a player in our area who (luckily) can only attend 1 out of 3 tourneys with the list. He has never not tabled his opponent AFAIK Consistently scoring 90+ points every game.

You have to take very specific lists to be able to counter it. Most factions don't have access to those types of lists.


If someone is bringing 14 smasha gunz they mean business and if you are getting smashed by them (pun intended) then terrain density might need to be looked at. They need LoS and if you are playing on planet bowling ball then yes, they will dominate.

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2 hours ago, Ish said:

Hitting on 4’s would be a 50% hit rate. Which is the definition of “average” shooting and not the poor accuracy Orks and Gretchen are said to have in the fluff... But, okay, fine. Grots are slightly better shots than Orks and da boss puts the ones with the best aim on the gun...

Hitting on 4’s with re-rolling 1’s and an extra attack on 6’s is a 75% hit rate. That’s borderline Vindicare Assassin levels of accurate shooting.

75% hit rate? No, I will dispute that math because we still have to roll the new attack which means it has about a 60% chance or so of being a success and we also have to roll a 6 on d3 shots so already it is not a guarantee. I have used them enough (never taken 14 though). 

This is how orks play, everything is stupid levels of redundancy. We die FAR too easily otherwise.  

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No ork artillery should be brought in those kind of numbers, with maybe the exception of a hopsplat or squig chucker.

1 hour ago, Lyraeus said:

This is how orks play, everything is stupid levels of redundancy. We die FAR too easily otherwise.  

This is exactly what I mean.  The only thing that should have redundancy in an ork army are boyz. 

That being said allow me to trot out my dredmob of 9 Killybots.

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6 minutes ago, scottshoemaker said:

No ork artillery should be brought in those kind of numbers, with maybe the exception of a hopsplat or squig chucker.

This is exactly what I mean.  The only thing that should have redundancy in an ork army are boyz. 

That being said allow me to trot out my dredmob of 9 Killybots.

I disagree with that. You dont take 1 buggy, you take 6. You dont take 1 Kommando unit, you take 3. Orks do not have any sort of staying power otherwise


I am not taking 8 Grot Tanks, I am taking 24 ^ ^

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1 hour ago, Lyraeus said:

If someone is bringing 14 smasha gunz they mean business and if you are getting smashed by them (pun intended) then terrain density might need to be looked at. They need LoS and if you are playing on planet bowling ball then yes, they will dominate.

No terrain is not the problem. My store plays with fairly dense terrain set up for ITC. 14 individual guns guarantees that several of them will always have line of sight, no matter where you go. And in 9th, they can move and shoot with no penalty, so they aren't just emplacements. Again, this is THE competitive Ork list, not strictly an anecdote. 

1 hour ago, Lyraeus said:

75% hit rate? No, I will dispute that math because we still have to roll the new attack which means it has about a 60% chance 

You're right that it's not quite 75%, but it is better than 67% (BS3+ equivalent).

A few of them is not a problem, but changing them to 6 for 1 HS slot was excessive. It's 84 wounds worth of vehicles that are extremely efficient at killing what's threatening to them. At 6 wounds a piece, one D6 or D3+3 damage weapon is not likely to finish them. So you need 2 to wound. Which means you usually need 3 to hit, which usually means you need to direct 4 to 5 anti-tank weapons their way. Not many armies have enough AT for that, and those that do will lose their AT platforms faster.

That's why I'm only concerned about T5 boyz if people are also incentivized to spam T5 artillery as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Salty Monkey said:

Yeah, Im looking forward to seeing the new orks, my wallet isn't but I am. The new Kill team Kommandos are awesome!

>.> get your preorder in with a store early. I am hearing rumors or 1-3 per store tops. I am calling in the few boxes I want today


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