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End Times: Thanquol

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New doom and gloom rumors about the new edition coming out.

Well it's been out there for a few weeks but seriously hoping that one and the rumor of the Ogres being rolled into Empire and Chaos are dead wrong.


The story in the new ET book could be hinting at it (and hence where the rumor started I hope) but this whole thing about there only being 6 armies in 9th is just bad. No one can either disprove or prove it to be true yet so we have to just wait as ET unfolds.


Still I am scratching my head over the whole "We's blownup the moon. Yes yes!" And we still have another book to undo what made the Old World the Old World. They even are saying Grimgore will be the Incarnate of the winds of Beast. I love Grimgore but What? Is Mork playing a joke?

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There are no sacred cows because GW hasn't figured out how to own the IP rights for them.

Well it's their own fualt becuase WHFB is based on popular fantasy fiction and old historic cultures. Even Maliketh is a character from Thor the Marvel comic. (Did my research, Marvel Maliketh was around before the GW version came out and there is no known mythical character named Maliketh from old legends.)


So now GW wants to get the IP rights they have to come up with original ideas and not just use other peoples ideas. In fact the only original creature I have seen is the Fimir and they haven't been seen in any of GW's books in a lonnnng time. But that is a tricky road too becuase if it is too alien players are not going to support it.

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How are only having 6 armies available a bad thing?  How many army book do you typically see being represented at a 10-20 person tournament?


Here's the "norm":

Wood Elves

High Elves

Dark Elves

Warriors of Chaos




Other than the above, others are hit and miss.  Even then, the first three listed above could easily be in a single book.  Empire, Dwarves, and Ogres could easily fit into a single book.  Just because there are only 6 "main" armies won't mean you still won't get the variety.

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How are only having 6 armies available a bad thing?  How many army book do you typically see being represented at a 10-20 person tournament?


Here's the "norm":

Wood Elves

High Elves

Dark Elves

Warriors of Chaos




Other than the above, others are hit and miss.  Even then, the first three listed above could easily be in a single book.  Empire, Dwarves, and Ogres could easily fit into a single book.  Just because there are only 6 "main" armies won't mean you still won't get the variety.

Well as for a new game not at all, but for players with large armies I see this as bad. Luckily my Orc are on the rumored list of armies that make it but as I said before if the rumors are true then those with large armies that got pushed into other books will have fewer toys they can bring over to the new Combined Army book (rumored that there will be many units that won't make the cut.) so they will have old models on the self and they will have to buy new one to make their army work.


Of course this is true for any new releases but the level at which it is rumored is more than normal.


In all honesty if this was a new game rumored to come out I would be so stocked right now, and remain hopeful still (I have tons of Skirmish terrain and I am better at skirmish games then the larger battle games), but for WHFB it sounds bad.


Rumors are still rumors now and I am watching for new info that may point us in the right direction but the Old World and WHFB as we know it may be coming to an end. And change will either make or break the community of Fantasy players. I will stick around but some others will not, just like the ones who jumped ship when 8th hit. But it might be on a larger scale this time. I enjoy my Sunday games and would not like to see its regulars vanish out of feeling disappointed.

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