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Dark Trainer

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Everything posted by Dark Trainer

  1. You can also usually get Orks, or Humans in plastic as they came with the original box set. Also, I learned gameplay best by playing the PC version of the game...helped me learn to maximize blocks and such, as I could play 4 games in the time it took to play a real one
  2. You can look me up on Xbox sometime "Dark Tra1ner". If i'm on, it's usually Destiny, WoT, or Netflix...
  3. Esperatus do you play on Xbox or PC? I'd be down for playing on the Xbox sometime (don't really play on PC anymore). I don't have my T10, but have 2 Tier 9's, and 2 Tier 8's, and tanks from Tier 5 to 7 too.
  4. Original storm troopers are clones. The later ones are just recruited or forced to join....this is much later than the clone wars.
  5. I agree with the above. I typically don't like to expand as I end up having to store too much crap. That said, there are a few games I consider AWESOME in the expansion areas, the rest are typically ok, and some aren't worth it.
  6. Also, Mooney make sure to have a game lined up usually before showing up. Pickup games are possible, but just helps to make sure you're matched up.
  7. Quick move the thread to the next page!
  8. Two you should consider, even though rated M. Diablo 3 might be rated M, but the gameplay is so high up you really don't see gore and such. I do believe there is one level with a succubus, but never saw any detail. Played through the non expansion one with kids and it seemed fine. Halo 1-4 is one of those games that should have been rated T for Teen. Great FPS without all the Call of Duty language, content, etc. They just released that full collection on Xbox One, would have to single play each one for Xbox 360, and Halo 2 is still OLD Xbox format, but runs on Xbox 360.
  9. It would help to have finished DA2, only because you understand where the inquisition is coming from. I would also venture it continues with your old saved game, Like DA1 and DA2 did.
  10. I don't have any games to trade, but wanted to provide a list of games my kids and I love to play co-op. Depending on your son's Age? Overall: - Borderlands 2 (or the newer 'the pre-sequel'). Excellent co-op games! - Diablo 3 (the new Reaper of souls one) is great! - Destiny has proven to be ok and tame content wise, but requires separate Xboxes and Xbox Live accounts to play...no split screen. - Call of Duty was fun with the survival modes (not sure which one you'd want though) Younger approved but excellent for all ages!: - Minecraft - Dungeon defenders - Halo 3 or Halo 4 - Guitar Hero - Castle Crashers - Battleblock Theater - Portal 2 - Rayman Legends - Trials Evolution (or the newer one) - Lara Croft Guardians of Light - Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Warhammer 40k Kill Team There are others we have too, but we felt these were the heavy hitters we have played MANY hours on.
  11. Seriously, this is on my must play list! I need to finish this trilogy!
  12. D&D, but game for something 'before' D&D starts around 5:30/6. Savion, want an earlier game around 3:00 or so? I'm even down for earlier than that if you are...what you wanting to play?
  13. Getting pissed now...I've missed like 3 game nights now! Was out suit shopping for some interviews coming up...I hate responsibility!
  14. I want star wars rebellion! Btw, never played Xwing or Tie Fighter...
  15. I won't be able to make it this week, but I figured I'd get the thread started so people can setup matches.
  16. Thanks! Yeah, I chose Destiny purely because I had hope there would be more content, and I liked the idea of a game that continued to expand rather than just 'end' like the typical game. That said, I feel like my style is definitely more BL in nature. I'll likely wait until the first price drop and grind through a couple of games I haven't finished yet.
  17. I'll be there for our RPG adventure tonight...
  18. I've been tempted to ditch Destiny and go Borderlands the presequel....BL always has so much more content.
  19. Realistically, I'd like to see flayed ones and destroyers become useful again (as well as some of the other new stuff that is never fielded). ANTI ARMOR! No reliable AP weapon is very sad. I swear everyone else has it, but we just spam high volume S7 AP-....with the newest rule book not wrecking except on a 7, that sux!
  20. I've talked about it in the past. Both Bryan and I do web conferencing for a living, not like we don't have the resources...just more on the effort (and stable internet I suppose).... FYI, I'll be stepping down as an active senator as I have not been able to steadily attend Senate meetings a I should. I will however maintain a senator's lackey role and still help with projects, tasks, and such (like prize support from the corporate vendors, etc). With scouts, kids sports, and the like...responsibility sucks...
  21. I'll be there with the large RPG group tonight. Likely earlier than the rest, so might have to kill some time. But Burk has said he'd be there as early as 3:30 or so.
  22. If this had been an actual emergency it would have been followed by running around like crazy kids and screaming at the top of our lungs....this completes the test...
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