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40K 9th ed


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1500 was a pretty decent points limit and it was what I was "brought up" playing.  I have even run a couple 1500 point events in semi-erecent memory.  I don't find it any less interesting.  That is mostly a meta thing.  I dont want to play at higher than 2K.  But I'd certainly be fine w 1500.

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I like the occasional 2,000+ Point* game as a friendly match every once in a while or as a capstone to a good campaign. I also enjoy the occasional 5,000+ Point mega-battle every couple of years... 

But for a weekly “game night” or a drop-in “pick up game,” I’d greatly prefer 1,500 Points be the community standard.

* Although, as I outlined earlier, there’s been massive point value deflation over the years.

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Preview on Warhammer Community, showing off the "Skorpekh Destroyer."



Have to say, I quite like the look of this model. If you look at the supposed new starer box, it appears that these guys are on 60mm bases, AND you get 3 of them. Kinda makes me wonder if this is actually the starter box, since it seems you get a LOT of stuff in it.


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Nothing really of note in this preview, other than there will now be a "Command Phase:" 

"The Command phase is a quick new addition to the turn sequence. In this phase, Battle-forged armies will acquire new Command points and spend the ones they have on certain Stratagems."

Sounds pretty much like the Hero phase in AoS. 

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38 minutes ago, Andrewgeddon said:


Nothing really of note in this preview, other than there will now be a "Command Phase:" 

"The Command phase is a quick new addition to the turn sequence. In this phase, Battle-forged armies will acquire new Command points and spend the ones they have on certain Stratagems."

Sounds pretty much like the Hero phase in AoS. 

Or the “Orders Phase” that Imperial Guard players have had for years. Okay, sure, there was technically no such phase... But since you had to issue and resolve Orders prior to the rest of your Shooting Phase actions, it pretty much became a phase of its own.

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18 minutes ago, Lord Hanaur said:

hm.  Having to expend the points before you know youll need them?  hmm...

Would be a refreshing reintroduction of uncertainty into WH40k; the “Fog of War” is something missing from both of GW’s main two games.

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They’ve said that all the current codices will remain valid in the new edition (until they’re inevitably replaced by new ones because this hobby is basically just a complex Skinner Box and we just have to have that food pellet) which would imply that the dozens upon dozens of Stratagems in them will continue to work.


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1 hour ago, Ish said:

This Crusade format sounds fantastic to me, but I predict the “tournaments über alles” crowd will hate it.


mmm.  Nah.  I think a lot of us tournament guys started as and remain D&D players!  We might practice a lot, but hating rules just because we dont get to do it a lot is probably not happening.  Not enough to worry about.  I for one like the Maelstrom missions the best but rarely play it.  Crusade might end up the same way.  But I know ill try it.

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16 hours ago, Ish said:

They’re saying that Crusade is compatible with Matched Play. That’s the thing I feel like tournament players will hate.

Probably just means you can use PL or points in it, your choice?  Or maybe there is a scoring system for it thatbyou can ALSO use for tournaments?  so like maybe two modes you could do a tourny on? We'll know soon enough.  The ITC has said they will likely be using book missions for a while after the 9th drops, to give them time to adjust where necessary, if at all, for competitive play, interestingly.

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"Finally, as part of developing the new edition, points values were reviewed and have been adjusted UP across every faction. This may sound odd at first, but it yields several benefits. Firstly, games will play faster with, generally speaking, smaller armies on either side"

Hallelujah. The most recent preview has hinted at something I’ve been wishing for... I doubt we’ll see a return to 300+ Points Tactical Squads (a la Second Edition) but it’s a smart move.

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1 hour ago, Ish said:



Hallelujah. The most recent preview has hinted at something I’ve been wishing for... I doubt we’ll see a return to 300+ Points Tactical Squads (a la Second Edition) but it’s a smart move.

I'd be fine with higher points but what we saw at the VERY beginning of 8e were incredibly high points for units that eventually were forced down by the need for more GRANULARITY.  It wasn't that the smaller model count was an isue.  it wasnt.  It was the differentiation in true power that got lost.  Something to consider.

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Obviously it’s a complicated issue, with a lot of “moving parts,” and I don’t expect that GW will ever get things perfectly perfect.

But as a general principle, I prefer the idea of adjusting points upward rather than downward.

If “Human Red-Shirt with Phaser (10 Points)” is being grossly outclassed by “Klingon Warrior with Disruptor (10 Points)” then I’d rather see the Klingon bumped up to 12 Points instead of the Human reduced to 10 Points.

Lower model count games not only play faster and are easier to transport (benefits for us old neckbeards) they also have a lower barrier to entry and a less daunting painting hurdle (big benefits to the younglings).

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1 hour ago, Inquisitor66 said:

I think the problem is that decreasing points is more fun for players than increasing them.


If my crappy unit gets better I might try and use it again and be happy. 

If your strong units gets expensive, I might not notice and you will be sad.

Also, in general, people get more excited when they get to add something extra than when they have to take something out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of higher points costs and lower model counts. But the general psychology does tend to lean toward reductions rather than increases.

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Detachments COST Command Points, rather than giving them, with the exception of the detachment that our Warlord is in, as long as it's a Patrol, Battalion, or Brigade. 

Love it. If you take a more old-school "mixed arms" Battalion type list, you get max command points. If you want to take that all Terminators / Carnifex' / whatever army, or add some allies, you can, but at a cost.

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