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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2017 in Posts

  1. So sick of 7th! Had to play a game last night (league runner and we were odd on people) Had just a silly CAD of Necrons vs an Iron Warriors Bikestar with Smashfluger (teehee) and Librarium Conclave and Grav/Melta bikes. So silly. I spent most of the game running back and forth trying to score objectives and not die. Perfect example of formation power over CAD. Die 7th! Die! If I never play another 7th game it will be too soon.
    8 points
  2. I don't know if it's just me but 8th reads like it's gonna be pretty 'killy' from the instant you start rolling dice. Shiz is gonna get real like Right Now. Makes me happy :)
    8 points
  3. Well, a few things. One, it's really a month and a half, isn't it? Two, it's not fair to teams to ask them to build and paint an army for OFCC in 2 months, or 90 days, or whatever the time frame is. Three, there's a friday 8th edition event specifically for people to enjoy the new system.
    5 points
  4. Already built and primed. Grabbed a double handful of bits and it went together like a dream. Was aiming for a high-tech, automated weapon system kind of look. Really happy with how it shook out. Will figure out a color scheme tomorrow when I basecoat. Thinking maybe a pink with graffiti for the armored plates, gold and steel for metals.
    5 points
  5. Could do both. Craft acrylic mixed with watered down PVA. I've used it before and was happy with the results, makes missed spots easy to see.
    4 points
  6. I've never liked that "poor workman blames his tools" quote. It's far too often over applied, and in a lot of situations, using the right tools can make all the difference. 40K over the last couple of Editions has definitely been one of those cases. It's been really clear to me, as someone with a bunch of different Armies. The difference between using my Nids and my KDK in 7th, for instance, is night and day. It's almost like I'm suddenly playing an entirely different Game.
    4 points
  7. Vanguard = Biel-Tan swordwind
    3 points
  8. I like being associated with smashing and [big bad swear word]ing! I'm good to great at both.
    3 points
  9. Apparently his name is SmashF***er, but that was inappropriate, so Smashfluger was born!
    3 points
  10. I found it for you...
    3 points
  11. Well, I absolutely ruined the piece. So I junked it and started over. I put more time into the new one before adding snow: This has more color variation. Here's the WIP while snow is being added. I'm using baking soda as the base, laying down matt varish with an airbrush as adhesive. While this method gives me tons of control, it's messy in the house. I'll try using canned varnish outside, masking off areas as I see fit. I'm adding layers of baking soda to get some depth. I have a different product for the figure bases, but I't really too finicky for terrain. It'll prolly take 2-3 layers of enamel matte finish to seal the piece. On the next one I'll add a bit of glow to the temple stone for dramatic effect. I just don't want to junk another build.
    3 points
  12. I am liking the idea that 8th is just going to be a blood bath!
    3 points
  13. We just got the word in that Brad's board game Kingmaker made the finals at the Kublacon convention in San Francisco this weekend. Playtesters will rate it over the course of three days and we'll find out on Monday whether it placed 5th-2nd! Good luck, Brad! Reposting because my post might get lost in Brad's. We both made it!
    3 points
  14. Trukk spam brought me back to 40k at the end of 5th, beginning of 6th. Throwing turbo-charged rust buckets full of psychotic hooligans at the enemy just felt...right. Unfortunately, it just never worked the way it should. I actually got kinda ok with them. I made good choices, some clever moves and started seeing how the gears meshed. Didn't matter. My raw materials were sub-par. I know that a poor worksman blames his tools but it just wasn't fun to play on hard mode. Until now. I truly hope it's a mid tier list. Nothing would make me happier than to line the end of my deployment zone with as many death machines as I can, redline all the engines, dump the clutch and have a fair shot. Watch out NuMarines, my Boyz iz gunna drive ovva yu's an hav a roit laff!
    3 points
  15. Thanks for the mad Donna sir! Tried to get one a few years ago and failed this was easy.
    3 points
  16. I also notice that there was a note that compared battlewagon's serviceability to a land raiders. Orks will at least have game it seems. I am on the 8th edition band wagon again, it has been a bumpy ride, I am gonna hold on tight now, I hope.
    3 points
  17. I caught quite a few people who didn't understand distances and geometry on that map setup. :)
    3 points
  18. Totally. I was thinking more for people who both want to get in combat. But that's what I like about that scenario, lots of deploy/counter deploy options. If they shrink into the corner to avoid the gut charge, you can instead spread out around them and box them in. Looking forward to it!
    3 points
  19. With the advent of 8th edition coming ever closer I am looking at starting a 40k night at The Portland Game Store. While not a big store it is friendly, clean, and easy to access. The owners are cool and the staff friendly. They have not had much time to 40k there and no one to help build the community but since I enjoy the place (and already volunteer for 2 other games), I want to help expand this as well. Tables are at about the Guardian Games level (they use table toppers) and the terrain is decent. As for me, I am building Tau for my new 40k army (not for the OP, though I think 8th will bring a balance of sorts) and I am enjoying applying battle damage to the models. So let me know what you think!
    2 points
  20. So with a vangaurd and spearhead detachment, I can continue with my Lost Brotherhood army build of all death company and tanks!
    2 points
  21. I wonder what the standard limit on detachments will be... Assault weapons being able to be fired after running is great!
    2 points
  22. "The Fluger was five meters long, had four thick legs, a body of impenetrable molecular density and numerous teeth capable of chewing diamonds into powder. It was four hundred massive kilos of violence, savagery and hatred. When the Fluger arrived as unlisted cargo in the enclosed city of Olympus, it launched itself on a murderous rampage which couldn't be halted. It presented that terrified utopian community with the problem of how to stop an irresistible force. The only answer seemed to be a hired alien assassin - an outer-space humanoid about whom the citizens of Olympus knew next to nothing except that he was a professional killer who would not quit until his job was done. But when the irresistible force met the immovable object they turned that fragile city in the sky into a raging battlefield, and their 'savior' looked to become as much of a menace as his monster counterpart."
    2 points
  23. It's perfectly reasonable that it's still 7th. Just kind of frustrating. Reality and logistics and things like that suck :P
    2 points
  24. Yeah I'm really torn. The idea of going back to 7th for the OFCC after 8th will have been out for 2 months is less and less appealing by the day. I wish the OFCC was 8th ed. We'd probably make it past turn 4!
    2 points
  25. That's what I have been seeing too. Early assaults, high damage, etc. This will be a great edition for a tool for every job and not like past editions where it was a single tool for all jobs
    2 points
  26. Ohhh add on to the article. They added full datasheets
    2 points
  27. Let’s talk Primaris Space Marines.| By now, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock on the far side on Luna, you’ve probably seen the awesome contents of the upcoming Dark Imperium box. We’ve already seen the stats for the Intercessors, but they are just one of the new units. Today we take a look at a couple more. Let’s start with the leader, the Captain in Gravis armour. Space Marine Captains should be amongst the most feared warriors in the galaxy, but a lot of the time today, they are looked down on compared to other characters that can bring more utility to an army. Not anymore! Every Space Marines army is going to want one of these guys at its head. Like all the Space Marines’ greatest commanders, he’s great at combat in all forms, hitting up close and at range on a 2+. That Gravis armour brings some benefits too. While lacking some of the impenetrable defence against small arms fire that Terminator armour brings, it makes up for that with an increased Toughness, meaning even heavy weaponry will struggle to bring him down easily. He has 6 Wounds, which is pretty solid too, though Characters generally have more Wounds in the new Warhammer 40,000 – even a lascannon will be lucky to kill him in a single shot. Maybe the main reason you bring this guy though is for the re-roll to hit he provides to those nearby. This ability is awesome on things like Tactical and Intercessor Squads, even better on Devastator Squads, and on plasma-toting Hellblasters? Well, we’ll just let you work that one out…. Next up, the Inceptor Squad, These guys are the Primaris Space Marines’ answer to a lot of things: they combine the speed of Assault Squads, the durability of units like Bikes and the ability to drop in from space mid-battle, AND they pack a fair combat punch as they make a charge. Oh, and those guns are basically hand held heavy bolters (albeit, with a much reduced range). We expect to see these guys in a lot of Space Marines armies very soon. That’s just two of the new units in the Dark Imperium box. We’re off to Warhammer Fest this weekend, so stay tuned for all the latest news about the new Warhammer 40,000 coming from the Richo Arena in Coventry.
    2 points
  28. They were tame compared to GK and necrons, if that's any consolation.
    2 points
  29. May challenge (no minute like the last minute!) Build and paint this pile of bits into a counts-as Dakka Predator.
    2 points
  30. Yeah 5th ed orks were the shizz. Especially in the beginning, before Blood Angels ratcheted the power creep up to 11. I was on nob bikers immediately when that book came out at the tail end of 4th. At first people said it was crazy to spend 400 points on a leadership 7 unit, but boy did they wreck stuff. Bikers of all flavors are gonna be sweet this edition too. 6 str 5 shots a piece (assuming dakkas don't change much), and hopefully they'll get their cloud of dust back to improve their armor save.
    2 points
  31. I loved 5th edition with my orks. Nobz with bouncy wounds kitted out right were amazing. The KFF was great as well. Not the most powerful but I had a chance everygame. I dont care if they are top tier just if they have a chance,
    2 points
  32. Also, apparently there are overarching Faction bonuses that apply for any Faction Keyword shared by the entire Detachment. Like if the Detachment is all IG, they gain X, if it's all Astartes, they gain Y, if it's all Space Wolves Astartes, they gain Y AND Z. The overarching Faction bonus for "Imperium" is nothing at all, so if you do that, you're missing out.
    1 point
  33. Just what I needed
    1 point
  34. Right, like 'Captain let's you reroll hits within 12" for AA models" or something.
    1 point
  35. Okay, hold on. So that last sentence. This seems to indicate that you can mix imperial models in a detachment. I could take a Patrol Detachment with: HQ - Space Marine Captain (Imperium, Adeptus Astartes) Troop - Battle Sister Squad (Imperium, Adeptus Sororitas) Troop - Infantry Platoon (Imperium, Astra Militarum) Heavy - Long Fangs (Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Space Wolves)
    1 point
  36. QFT! Now including rokkits in squads isn't ever an issue because they can still fire while running. Now I just need to find someone who will cast rokkit boyz for me (and a bunch of other stuff!).
    1 point
  37. Goal: Assemble and paint to TTQ before June 17th 60+ Mini Marines 15 Storm Troopers 2 Drop Pods 1 Taurox 1 Contemptor 11 Termies 3 Knights Otherwise I will own even more plastic sprues. And I really don't need that. I have paint scheme for Termies done, Half Assembled Half partly painted. Approx 50 Marines mostly assembled and primed. Need to decide how I'm doing their black. I was thinking about trying Tamiya Smoke over silver with black wash. Similar to the way I'm doing my red, as suggested by FW. Drop Pod schemes are done, one is partially painted the other is on sprue. The assembled one I painted after assembled. With all the sharp angles, I'm going to paint the majority of any subsequent Pods before assembly. Need to finish drilling KAC for Contemptor and prime its arms. Mostly done otherwise. Storm Troopers will be similar scheme as marines. Black with red highlights. Reference Pink Floyd Waiting for the Worms. Haven't decided on the Taurox scheme. Prob black with bits of red and brass. The Knights are all in various stages of completion. The airbrush has helped make smooth headway on them, greatly. Unfortunately, this doesn't include getting the Daemons up to snuff, yet.
    1 point
  38. 1. OFCC is the weekend of 7/28. 7th edition is releasing on 6/17. That's more like 6 weeks. Pre-order doesn't get rules in hand. 2. Fair enough. 3. Totally. Bronson's running it. Let me track it down.
    1 point
  39. They're more often generated by specific effects than by things with a to-Hit Roll. Like the Crushing Charge Rule that the Inceptors get, or the Smite Psychic Power.
    1 point
  40. 1. 8 weeks exactly from the pre-order release. You be the judge! 2. I'm in no way suggesting they change it, just wishful thinking. 3. There is?? Is there info on that anywhere? It's not in the "what to expect" thread. Color me intrigued!
    1 point
  41. Meteoric Decent though....droool
    1 point
  42. Well now, I'm just going to have to say that 200 pt limited insertion totally favors some factions over others. That's why I play more than one faction. So I blaim George for making me play ASS
    1 point
  43. I am liking the inceptor squad. More jump troops to add to my BA. :)
    1 point
  44. They specifically [big bad swear word]ed Orks because Orks' lack of ap3 and ap2 meant that BA were saving twice as many wounds as other marines. They also usually had lots of assault squads which work better than tactical for clearing mobz.
    1 point
  45. Unfortunately Sogarats don't have multi hmgs they have ap. I've not run a team of them yet but I've been meaning to. And I've never run any more than a haris of Suryats yet so I need to experiment. I have had success with the solo Feurbach Sogarat. He's a bit of a nightmare in ARO. And if he gets hit he can shrug most of it off. Its just a very expensive team. Strangely while I'm reluctant to use the Sogarat team I'm actually excited to pick up Xeodrons and run that haris in Onyx.
    1 point
  46. Units can actually be as close as 13" or so with a 9" radius exclusion zone like that. The older version was a 12" circle, and I caught a number of people off guard with the fact that it was actually less than 18" corner to corner, well within First Turn Charge Range for Hormies*. *Or Fexen who got an extra 6" because a Shokk Attack Gun Mek teleported into Combat with them on the top of Turn 1 and they rolled really well on the follow-up move after eating him :D
    1 point
  47. Thanks! We just got the word in that Brad's board game Kingmaker made the finals at the Kublacon convention in San Francisco this weekend. Playtesters will rate it over the course of three days and we'll find out on Monday whether it placed 5th-2nd! Good luck, Brad!
    1 point
  48. Do we have any idea on rules for the tournament yet?
    1 point
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