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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2017 in Posts

  1. 8 points
  2. Week 1 has passed with 2 losses for the deathguard. I almost tabled the first opponent but lost on objectives and the second was pretty much the same but I just couldn't cut through the bulk of imperial guard bodies. The 4x4 area and small point/power level made for a particularly different experience than im used to in my other league but I like it. I will have to change the way my lists are made too which I also like. My 25PL for week 1 was Great unclean one w/ his 3 nurgling swarms 7 plague marines 2x 10 cultists with stubbers and autoguns That was used against a really awesome tyranid army (first time fighting them in 8th) his carnafex slaughtered my cultists who were camping on objective 4 but I believe that was his last model on the table. Second game i went with a 500 point list, 1x 15 cultists with autoguns 1x 14 chaos (nurgle 'zerkers) w/chainswords and bolt pistols 1x daemon prince (crixus bile) This list performed better but did not have enough dakka to put down all those conscripts and gurdsman lol really fun game though. I like the only war mission because it can be 3 totally different objective scenarios that you roll on AFTER the objectives have been placed. Pretty neat, i ended up with 2 of the 3 making each game unique. Anyhow, signing off until week 2. I will try to keep this going. @DisruptiveConduct my thread is posted good sir.
    4 points
  3. Wouldn't you still get the base 3 command points, just no additional ones due to the Patrol Detachment?
    2 points
  4. That's awesome! Raven Guard are really cool .I look forward to seeing you're army. What's your list look like? OFCC 30K was a lot of fun. Decent turnout and good scenarios. The entire event was loyalist vs traitors, which is great for narrative play. I think loyalist won 73-65. There were three awards for painting/modeling, one for sportsmanship, and one for killing the most primarchs. Allan took that one home. I walked away with one of the painting awards and the Marshall Johnson award. It was a lot of fun, and I look forward to next year's. Also, did you hear that DMB Riders of Brohan took home the cannon this year?
    2 points
  5. Cool people like me will be attending this one!
    2 points
  6. Mental note...dont allow shane to talk.
    2 points
  7. They all look good. But man, I'm on a roll painting my orcs at the moment. Just about done painting 40 choppaz and now moving onto 32 arrer boyz. I now have 30 Black Orcs, and 3 River Trolls. HUZZAH!!! Another miniature maker you should check out is Lancer Miniatures, They mainly make 20mm and 28mm but it's a lot of historical armies and they got some cool Orc miniatures that look like oldschool Warhammer Orcs.
    2 points
  8. I'm not sure that I like the fact that you need five more camo tokens. :)
    2 points
  9. While I enjoyed the 200pt games, I have a 300pt lis I want to try.
    2 points
  10. Yes, I want everyone to be bringing the basics of HQ and 3 troops before adding more to their army. This way you are free to take the airstrike detachment or whatever as long as you meet the patrol detachment requirements. Battalions are totally legit if you can swing it.
    2 points
  11. Was looking at Polar Fox's Undying Dynasties stuff, they look great! Still trying to find something to use as 10mm Dryads for my "zero elves" Sylvan Elves
    2 points
  12. Infinity stuff: Today I got 5 more camo markers assembled and primed as well as priming 12 other Ariadna models that had yet to get a base coat. General bitching: It's hot and I hate it. Had to pump ~800 dollars into my car for a systems check, new battery, and new alternator. Messing around with lists and working on models is my escape.
    2 points
  13. You can use battleforged with Casual or Matched. Matched requires BF though.
    2 points
  14. So I've got some NuMarines. I was originally planning on painting them Iron Hands so I could swap vehicles back and forth between my 30K force and this one, but black is boring. I honestly would like to do something with some tonal quality. I would really like to keep them very shooty, as my Orks and Space Wolves are in your face forces. I've kicked around a few ideas: Raptors- Shooty, cool Raven Guard rules, would paint them OD green/historical with a WWII style vibe. May look boring on the table. Imperial Fists- I'd go more of a military yellow than canary, nice bright army but lousy chapter rules. Heresy era Death Guard- totally different, light grey/green with battle damage, just use Ultramarines rules, maybe a different chapter symbol? Heresy Color Space Wolves- not blue/grey, but a warmer grey, use FW transfers and SW bits, think of them more of an adjuct to Great Wolf company. Another Badab War chapter- Fire angels or Minotaurs Something else entirely... Anybody got any ideas?
    1 point
  15. Portland Hobbits will be running a single day, Lord of the Rings / Hobbit SBG tournament Saturday November 4: Location: Guardian Games (the upstairs Home Screen space) Format: 500 Points. 3 games: Domination, Reconnoitre, Lords of Battle. Scenario details can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5YAoymxJYTfdkVMNERYSWZoVWs. Event pack to follow, but some interim details: Arrive at 10AM, games to start at roughly 10:45. With 3 games, some time allowance between games and a meal break, we should wrap up around 6:30 - 7:00. Painted armies are NOT required, but there will be TP bonus points for fully painted and based (3 colors min) armies. Army bonuses as detailed in the 2017 Throne of Skulls rules pack https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5YAoymxJYTfOFE2ajJ4LW82d2s will apply. Generally, GW miniatures required. If you have proxy questions, please inquire and request approval in advance of the tournament date. Rules will be based on the"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" ruleset. Profiles and army lists from the blue sourcebooks (Fallen Realms, Kingdoms of Men, Free Peoples, Mordor, Moria and Angmar) will apply, as well as those from "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and "The Hobbit: There and Back Again", as well as Errata and FAQ documents provided on the Games Workshop website. The profiles Gollum (free points cost from the Mordor sourcebook), and Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are not allowed in any tournament list. We currently have 4 players confirmed, with space for up to 12. Tournament registration fee will be $10 (mostly to reserve the space). To register, email PortlandHobbits@gmail.com.
    1 point
  16. 40k 8th Edition Escalation League Week 2 Mission *************************************************************************** On a tip from @Sugarlessllama, I bought the new Open War card deck from the Portland Game Store tonight. I'm a big fan of easy ways to make things different and these are pretty good for that. I did some random draws and cherry picked what I thought would go well for the League. Thus: MISSION 2 Heretic vs. Traitor: Burn and Pillage Two factions war over belief. The lust for war will rage until nothing is left. This battle is a crusade of faith and there are no prisoners. Armies: All armies shall be 750 points or 38 PL, Battleforged, must qualify for a Patrol Detachment (if you can fit more, go for it! Battalions are legit, too). Battlefield: Setup terrain on a 4x4. Make sure there is a variety of terrain as the Advanced Rules contain entries for craters, ruins, battlefield debris and other cool things (all of which should be in the terrain room or tubs)! Deployment: Divide the table in half down the middle (even diagonal if you want). Roll off and winner chooses Deployment Zone A or B. Place 6 objectives. Winner of deployment places first. Place objectives anywhere in YOUR deployment zone no less than 6" from any other objective and any table edge. Alternate deploying units with winner of deployment placing first. Deploy units so that they are wholly within your deployment zone and more than 9" away from any enemy models. Objective: A player can burn and pillage any enemy objective markers that they control at the end of their turn, one objective per game turn. Remove the objective marker after doing so. The first player to burn and pillage all three enemy objective markers wins the battle. Game Length: 5 turns. Whoever burned and pillage the most objective markers rolls a die at end of turn 5. On a 4+, the game is over. On a 1, 2, or 3, the game goes on to turn 6. Special Rules: Acid Rain: Subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for shooting attacks and subtract 1 from all Advance and charge rolls. Roll a die at the start of each battle round after the first. On a 4+, the rain stops (if it was raining in the last round), or starts again (if it was not raining in the last round). ***I will have copies of the mission printed out and available at the club.***
    1 point
  17. OK, am I missing something? Or do Battle Forged armies only happen if you are building your force with points? If you use Power Level, there are no detachments? Or am I just reading all this wrong? Thanks :)
    1 point
  18. Hey guys As many know I don't hang around with my armies and my dread elf army from ofcc is on the chopping block. Lol everything from ofcc plus a new couldron of blood bare plastic and some newer warlocks on horses still new in box. I also have fully painted a block of 20 spearman and a bolt thrower to throw in with the army list. Looking to get $550 for the lot and I will also throw in the 48hr display board as well. Could be interested in a part trade idea as well so anyone interested shoot me a PM! I'll be putting this lot up on eBay in the next couple weeks if no one is interested. cheers sam
    1 point
  19. Thanks bud! I'll shoot some pictures of it up later! Cheers Sam
    1 point
  20. PS - We'd invite any Lord of the Rings / Hobbit players to join our new Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PortlandHobbits/. It's a great way for Pacific NW players to stay informed of upcoming events, gatherings, and information.
    1 point
  21. I've created a Google Drive folder titled TNT. In it I've placed the TNT FAQ, the (free) Mutant Cannibals warband rules, and two Warband Rosters. TNT Warbands Roster 3PD is a "dumb" PDF file, in that it's a standard PDF file that you can print and then write on. TNT Warbands Roster 3P is a 'smart' PDF file with fields that you can fill in without having to use a PDF writer, like Acrobat DC. I've decreased the font size for the Equipment and Special Rules fields so that you can fit in two lines of text. Since all of the fields can be edited with a simple PDF reader, you could go 'paperless' and during game play, reference and make changes to your roster from a laptop or other device. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BythI55dxRT4VUdlNzJTOVJpNEU
    1 point
  22. So it looks like I will be working this Tuesday evening (on a related note, Smokey Bear will be making an appearance at the Oregon Zoo on Tuesday evening.). Would anyone be interested in playing this league scenario on Sunday evening (I'm also working this weekend. Fire season is a bitch)?
    1 point
  23. My only complaint is why did Shane have to ruin such an awesome episode by talking to much......
    1 point
  24. once upon a time i had plans to build a HH army but never got around to it. heres what i have, none of it is painted or primed. 36 MkIV marines unassembled on sprue 10 Cataphract Terminators. 5 assembled, 5 on sprue 5 Tartaros Terminators. 1 assembled 4 on sprue 2 heresy chaplain models 1 assembled 1 on sprue 1 cataphract praetor/captain unassembled apothecary in mk IV armor assembled 28 MkIII marines unassembled on sprue all the bits and bobs to make sergeants, special and heavy weapon option extra devestator bits for multi melts and heavy bolters a bag of bases(not sure how many in total are in here) looking to sell or trade for guard or nids
    1 point
  25. Oh man, that looks fun. I can see this game covered with empty Olympia Beer cans and the random Jack In The Box bags as terrain pieces. I was looking at Polar Fox miniatures and they have a 10mm Grimgor Ironhide. My eyes lit up like a fat kid in a buffet.
    1 point
  26. But I'm lazy. Plus I can print out the data sheets and use them as unit cards, so I can build an army for casual games on the fly with worrying about every little detail. Old Epic was that way and it works great. In a competitive setting points are the way to go. I like the flexibility of having both methods.
    1 point
  27. hahaha, i'm just kidding. my serious response is that power levels are great for learning the game. they save a little bit of time at the cost of added variance. the thing is, the time saved is negligible when you have army building tools like battlescribe. so really the only thing power levels do is make the calculation of army size more noisy, which results in games that are less fair. i've played plenty of power level games, but in the end the only motivation i see to using them is laziness. peace and love!
    1 point
  28. Battleforged is the "structure" of the army,,you can build an army with any points system and it can Battleforged.Of course we are only dealing with 3 types of point systems,those being "No Points",Power Levels and of course "Points".
    1 point
  29. I normally get there half hour before opening to check everyone's tables and reserve stuff if need be. Also the food was pretty good last time so grabbed a cup of tea and food!
    1 point
  30. I might take you up on that sir, depending on if the wife wants to check it out too or not. What time are you heading down?
    1 point
  31. The dice are selling fast, and now we have six sets of cards available for purchase. If you're local, contact me and we can arrange local pick up to avoid shipping costs.
    1 point
  32. Codex: Space Marines has been out for more than a week now, and many of you have already been getting stuck in with building armies, planning your Chapter Tactics and finding the best combinations in the book. We want to make sure that the codex works as well for you as it possibly can, and today, we’re releasing an errata with some minor changes to the book. For the most part, this is about making sure you get access to all of your wargear; Sergeants can now take melta bombs again, while various weapons now have points costs for use in your matched play games. You can download the errata here: If you’ve got any more questions or clarifications you’d like about the Space Marines codex, or you just want to show off your army, let us know on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Pretty minor, but cool they are on it like EB on Bacon.
    1 point
  35. Pest Control is the name of the first standard TNT scenario. In a two player game, 5 rad zombie nests are placed on the board along with two rad zombies per nest. Starting on the second turn, each nest generates d3 zombies per turn. The objective is to destroy more rad zombies and rad zombie nests than your opponent. Since TNT is not a cooperative game, you also get VPs for taking out your opponent's models. For the zombie nests I'm going to use the corpse pile counters that Jim Graham made for one of the Malifaux Walpurgis events. I added some grasping hands and bones to jazz-em-up some. I have only three of corpse counters, so I made two more 'zombie nests' from Toad King Castings' bone debris piles and more Mantic Games' zombie bits. I 'kickstarted' Mantic's The Walking Dead game, but I've yet to play it. Rather than let all of the purty models go to waste, I'll use the 30 TWD walker models for my TNT games. Two of theses models are pictured above. Come to think of it, The Walking Dead survivor models would make a kick ass TNT warband. There's quite a few of them (20+) and the quality of the minis is quite good. 'CAAARL!' I also have two of TWD scenery boosters, which will make great scatter terrain for my TNT board.
    1 point
  36. Time for another update....Razorback and Sniper Scouts
    1 point
  37. Please give it a listen! http://fameplus2.com/
    1 point
  38. You don't have to play in the tournament. It is not required. I doubt I would participate. I don't know why I'm trying to sell this league to you. You do you dude. :D
    1 point
  39. Mr. Andozane.... I am afraid to report that I am going to have to bow out of Sunday as well. Le sigh..............
    0 points
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