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Rumors of 7th Ed


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Just curious, what can you buy for $75 that you would expect to not replace in 2 years? 

Not to mention, how much use / fun did you get out of that $75?


I get it, it is a short release but I've gotten so many hours out of my 40k, that I am buying it in a heartbeat.

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Oooh, no seize if you give your opponent first turn? Interesting.


Also, these are the MoW missions and are different from the normal ones (these use the tac obj).


The second mission has an interesting mechanic for generating more Tac Objs. Hmm.

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which is the way it should be

Absolutely.  The worst game I ever had was when the silly goose (or expletive of your own choosing) I was playing deployed almost all of their terrain placement choices on my half of the board, and touching both sides of my already-deployed Aegis Line to boot.  They then claimed 'It's the only way I'll even have a chance' as they proceeded to slow play (45 minutes left and we were still in his half of Turn 2), infiltrate and deep strike into my half of the board to get the better of his own terrain placement, and when my flyer finally came on to shoot at one of his deckchair units he'd "checkerboarded' two min-maxed units together so that only half of each one was visible with the other half behind a wall out of line of sight.


Closest I ever came to walking away from a game after terrain placement...

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Absolutely.  The worst game I ever had was when the silly goose (or expletive of your own choosing) I was playing deployed almost all of their terrain placement choices on my half of the board, and touching both sides of my already-deployed Aegis Line to boot.  They then claimed 'It's the only way I'll even have a chance' as they proceeded to slow play (45 minutes left and we were still in his half of Turn 2), infiltrate and deep strike into my half of the board to get the better of his own terrain placement, and when my flyer finally came on to shoot at one of his deckchair units he'd "checkerboarded' two min-maxed units together so that only half of each one was visible with the other half behind a wall out of line of sight.


Closest I ever came to walking away from a game after terrain placement...

Last OFCC they used NON-narrative terrain which not only took up valuable gaming time, which was frustrating, but also made it feel less friendly.


I did what was tactically intelligent to do in my games and my opponents surely did.  But we musta had 60% terrain on one of the boards I played on.  There was just so much of it and we rolled very high on the amount of terrain per quadrant.


Before we ever deployed a fig, I thought There's no way this is going to make things more fun.  In normal games, I let my opponent set all of it up.  At the OFCC, they had us alternating and i just knew that had the potential for exactly this kind of post.  


I'm really soured on alternating terrain.  It's EXACTLY like deploying units.  Both people have a very good reason for where they are putting things.  It takes longer and frankly it becomes their excuse later when they lose.  So then you get to look forward to that.  Not awesome.


One idea if they ever DO use Narrative again would be to give the tables a story so the players at least have something to guide their hand.  Otherwise, it's tactica like the rest of your deployment.  But if you're going to do that why not just do Narrative in the first place?  I wonder how 7E handles this?


My point is, I hope 7E doesn't keep this potential for someones experience to be affected by terrain of all things?  "The terrain beat me" isn't a great story to tell later.  Have a third party do the terrain or maybe just one guy does the terrain and the other gets +1 to his roll for sides.  that would be a really great way to handle it.

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Or you just got unlucky, rolled really high for the amount of terrain and they are a bunch of 8" to 12" pieces in a 24 x 24 quadrant.


My suggestion is that you could basically have people submit stories and then have the players discuss how to make it fit the story.  Like 300 word battlefield descriptions, a writing contest perhaps. Now that's a bit much to ask of local tournaments unless you have a lot of really creative writers, but it would be a cool exercise.


For 7E, which is the discussion at hand, my hope is that they do something like the +1 bonus.  One dude sets it up, other dude gets a +1 for deployment.  I think it could be gamed if you had the person set up always go second.  I dunno.  Its all coming so soon that the speculation is probably not worth the creative effort.  But its fun to talk about.

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Same issue with fortifications, though. If they don't fit, they don't fit. That's why deploying fortifications came first in 6th- and that necessitated picking a table side first.


Mind, I have a Wall of Martyrs complex and a Fortress of Redemption I use, so I have a skewed perspective.

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