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Is anyone playing fantasy or AoS anymore

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currently we are playing mordheim while RD is on vacation.  ive been playing many different things.  just starting infinity/blood bowl but im also playing AoS and star wars armada pretty regularly.  I still need more testing for AoS.  its not as bad as i first thought and actually enjoy it, but that saying im not 'crazy' about it like i was with 8th.....

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If I'm not playing WFB 9th Age or WFB 8th + "BroHammer", it'll be because I'm playing Kings of War 2.  That game has me more excited for tabletop gaming than anything has in a while.  The movement especially is basically a streamlined version of what we were trying to do in BroHammer mods to 8th, and the things that are missing are things I can live without in trade for smoother play and shorter games.  Stoked about it.

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The scene in seattle seems to have died down a bit.  I personally am super excited to get playing KoW.  Not so excited about AoS but if thats what people play i will still play it.  Doesnt seem like there is much desire to play 8th or any version of it here.  Pretty sure all of us that qualify for masters will be going to Vegas in February for an epic sendoff of 8th.  I dont see it being played after that.  

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I am. 


The only models I own are GW fantasy. I have been playing AoS with my friends that arent war gamers and they love it, as do I.


These dudes are board game players, axis and allies, risk, zombicide, chess, ect... never really had the time or energy to invest in full on fantasy armies or even the rules. I have been showing off AoS to that crowd with great results. They all want to play next week too. GOod thing I have like 7 armies to choose from. 


The app is free so you are able to DL your warscrolls instantly and get to playing. Doesnt take long to put a game together, pick an objective and get started. 


As for a game that can be tournament worthy, I think more work can be done to determine objectives or comp. But as a game to have fun with your friends on a Friday night, AOS is exactly that. 

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To some its a game, others a condition. 


Sorry, I just happen to enjoy the game. I know its not what everyone wanted but Im giving it a shot and being positive. I think its a good thing to make something more accessible to the masses while still keeping a certain flavor.


The game is still dark fantasy and uses all the minis and races Ive come to enjoy over the years. It creates a narrative for games and makes playing with models and rolling dice fun. Its a dynamic game that my friends and I can enjoy together without getting all uber competitive and salty towards one another, I find the changes to the game as refreshing as ever.


When the game is over, you put the minis away and dont have to pine over how you are going to change your list to be more effective, talk about senseless comp on top of comp, maximizing and minimizing, cutting out half of the army lists because they are cost ineffective. You just play, paint, collect. All of your models can be useful and you have no fear of a unit becoming useless over time, its just a matter of what you feel like playing with that day or what you have fully painted. I mean marauders are back on the table, my 35 painted marauders, F YEAH. In 8th I might as well burn them with that dudes DE army.


Im painting Plague monks and censer bearers actually! I dont have to take a SV, clanrats, or slaves. Themed lists will be more common.  


Fantasy models look BAD ASS on round bases. 


@BroG, Not sure. I hope so, we'll see over time. One really likes my Daemon army and wants to paint it. He's an artist, so I can see the appeal there. I mean, if he'll paint one of my armies, awesome.

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Mods, please ask disruptive to not call me a troll. I am asking a legitimate question. I am very curious if new players to the game are willing to spend money on it. They will have a completely different take on it than existing players. Plus fixxer had stated that he had 7 armies. That implied that the others did not need to buy anything in order to play. I would like to know if they liked it enough to buy into it.

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Mods, please ask disruptive to not call me a troll. I am asking a legitimate question. I am very curious if new players to the game are willing to spend money on it. They will have a completely different take on it than existing players. Plus fixxer had stated that he had 7 armies. That implied that the others did not need to buy anything in order to play. I would like to know if they liked it enough to buy into it.

On it

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To some its a game, others a condition. 


Sorry, I just happen to enjoy the game. I know its not what everyone wanted but Im giving it a shot and being positive. I think its a good thing to make something more accessible to the masses while still keeping a certain flavor.


The game is still dark fantasy and uses all the minis and races Ive come to enjoy over the years. It creates a narrative for games and makes playing with models and rolling dice fun. Its a dynamic game that my friends and I can enjoy together without getting all uber competitive and salty towards one another, I find the changes to the game as refreshing as ever.


When the game is over, you put the minis away and dont have to pine over how you are going to change your list to be more effective, talk about senseless comp on top of comp, maximizing and minimizing, cutting out half of the army lists because they are cost ineffective. You just play, paint, collect. All of your models can be useful and you have no fear of a unit becoming useless over time, its just a matter of what you feel like playing with that day or what you have fully painted. I mean marauders are back on the table, my 35 painted marauders, F YEAH. In 8th I might as well burn them with that dudes DE army.


Im painting Plague monks and censer bearers actually! I dont have to take a SV, clanrats, or slaves. Themed lists will be more common.  


Fantasy models look BAD ASS on round bases. 


@BroG, Not sure. I hope so, we'll see over time. One really likes my Daemon army and wants to paint it. He's an artist, so I can see the appeal there. I mean, if he'll paint one of my armies, awesome.

This is Awesome to hear!


Also,not sure if you guys have tried it yet but the game moves into team play flawlessly,just go for around even wound counts and it should still be a good scrap,even with a 2 on 1 situation!


I don't think any Warhammer game has ever been as accessable as AoS is,no rulebooks,no army books just buy plastic!.I was in GG the other day and almost picked up some of the new Sylvan Models and was even looking at some WoC to beef up the Goretide,all the while thinking how cool it is that I DONT need an army book for any of that:)

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yeah the not buying army books is pretty awesome.  Personally i find it even more awesome that mantic is making rules for competitor's entire model ranges to be used in their game and giving out the rules for free.  I dont think a game can get more accessible than that.  I guess all i am trying to say is if we are going to toot GW's horn we might as well toot Mantic's as they are doing even more than GW for the owners of warhammer fantasy models

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I don't think any Warhammer game has ever been as accessable as AoS is,no rulebooks,no army books just buy plastic!.I was in GG the other day and almost picked up some of the new Sylvan Models and was even looking at some WoC to beef up the Goretide,all the while thinking how cool it is that I DONT need an army book for any of that:)


And if you're already an owner of an army (or 7, like SOME people! ;) ) then you don't have to spend a single penny to at least try the game.


For myself, I've lost a lot of the initial excitement over AoS. There are just so many holes that I am having a hard time looking past. BUT, it didn't cost me a single penny to try the rules out, and I still HIGHLY RECOMMEND anyone who owns WHFB models to at least give the game a whirl. All you have to lose is a little bit of time, and you just might enjoy it! "Accessibility" and "GW" don't normally go together in a sentence, but in this case, it's hard to argue that they don't. Free rules? Free army lists? Use your current figs? No 'Army books'? Good move on their part.


And yes, Mantic is doing the same thing. And Infinity. And a some other games out there I think that are going to a 'free rules/lists' model (well, you know what I mean). With figures becoming so pricey, it's nice when you don't have to buy new paper-product every other year.



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yeah the not buying army books is pretty awesome.  Personally i find it even more awesome that mantic is making rules for competitor's entire model ranges to be used in their game and giving out the rules for free.  I dont think a game can get more accessible than that.  I guess all i am trying to say is if we are going to toot GW's horn we might as well toot Mantic's as they are doing even more than GW for the owners of warhammer fantasy models

For sure!


Even though I have a full Basilean army on the way I still plan to use as much of my current GW collection(UL and OnG) to do additional KoW armies.Further,I don't see a problem adding in some round base models if I wanted to as the unit trays are just dioramas anyway and ill just leave spaces in the terrain on them for any base type:)

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That sucks that the fantasy is dying down.  AoS was fun when I played it but I don't see it being the "thing" down here.  Unfortunately, I just see my Dark Elves and Dwarfs collecting dust soon.


I'm waiting for things to settle in a bit more with work then I'll get back into gaming.  Looking at finishing up my Ortega's for Mali and then start up a cool 40k Ork army.


It sucks, I really do miss playing 8th.

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I wonder if it would be possible to run a WFB 8th/AoS League?


It would basically be a league where people bring armies based on 8th edition, then play 8th or AoS based on preference/scenario/whatever.



EDIT: A few moments of actual thinking about this and I realize it would be an issue for Sigmarines... but otherwise

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