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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2017 in Posts

  1. Meant to hover over the cityscape. Deploy a Sniper on the top... that's pretty cool. Can't hit the sniper? Can we bring the blip down??? Shampoo bottles and bits... Plus the Antenocitis billboards. Found it on the reddits:
    5 points
  2. My plan for anti-aircraft defense at OFCC is as follows: Fill opponent with beer. Hope he knocks them off table.
    4 points
  3. Finished up my Spets: As far as the OFCC list goes, that makes 4 models down, 8 to go.
    4 points
  4. WIP shot of my Onager Dunecrawlers and some Rangers I finished up. I didn't enjoy painting the rangers as much as the vanguard, don't know why. They'll be good for the new Armageddon game coming out soon though. I also bought some Bolt Action decals that had nice, clean numbers and put them on my Kastelans at the left shoulder and lower right leg. Any suggestions for warhead colors on the Icarus Array? Once these are finished, I should have 1,500 points painted!
    3 points
  5. Las Vegas Raiders colors...lots more to do!
    2 points
  6. Here is video battle report with a cool table. The acrylic signs are from Battle Kiwi. Most of the buildings are CNC Workshop. Cheers.
    2 points
  7. Anyone know of which titan legions have a black and white color scheme?
    2 points
  8. So hooked on phonics did Not work for me!
    2 points
  9. This should be at OFCC. Maybe to determine who goes first...
    1 point
  10. Been musing around on some Astra Militarium/ Imperial Guard Army Lists List 1 HQ: Company Command Squad, chimera and carapace Troops Vets, carapace, 3 plasma guns, chimera platoon command squad, chimera,4 flamers infantry, chimera, melta gun infantry, chimera, melta infantry chimera, plasma Elites TS Command squad- 4 meltas TS squad-2 meltas TS squad-10 guys Fast Attack Scout sentinels x3, missile launchers vendetta vendetta Heavy Support wyvern demolisher, vanquisher, lascannon List 2 HQ Company Command Squad, chimera and carapace Troops Vets, carapace, 3 plasma guns, chimera platoon command squad, chimera infantry, chimera, melta gun infantry, chimera, melta infantry chimera, metla Elites TS Command squad- 4 meltas TS squad-2 meltas TS squad-2 melta TS squad- Fast Attack Scout sentinels x3, missile launchers vendetta vendetta Heavy Support wyvern demolisher, vanquisher, lascannon Company Command Squad, chimera and carapace Troops Vets, carapace, 3 plasma guns, chimera vets, chimera,2 melta gun vets chimera,2 melta vets chimera,3 plasma Elites TS Command squad- 4 meltas TS squad-2 meltas TS squad- 1 melta Fast Attack Scout sentinels x3, missile launchers vendetta vendetta Heavy Support wyvern demolisher, vanquisher, lascannon I am trying to decide between the three lists, I am also trying to decide if it is too hard of a list for OFCC. I was just fiddling around with a mechanized force with deepstriking scions and some air support. Vanquisher is there for early game anti-tank as the rest of my anti tank is up close meltas or in reserves. I have the scout sentinals to outflank and get side or rear shots or shoot of a squad squatting on an objective. The original thought on the 10 man scion squad was to get ap 3 shots where they are needed middle of the game, I cant decide if I want to run a big squad of 10 or two squads of 5. I worry 10 might be too unwieldy but 5 might get shot off the board if they DS on a backfield objective.
    1 point
  11. Here's what I'm building for my mortal list, the core at least. I'll build this first and flex it around. I've also got some Khorne Daemons and Stormcast in the pipeline. Allegiance: ChaosLeadersLord Of Slaanesh On Daemonic Mount (140)- GeneralChaos Sorcerer Lord (140)- Runestaff - Mark of Chaos: SlaaneshChaos Lord On Daemonic Mount (140)- Mark of Chaos: SlaaneshBattleline10 x Chaos Warriors (180)- Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh10 x Chaos Warriors (180)- Hand Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh20 x Chaos Marauders (120)- Axes & Shields - Mark of Chaos: SlaaneshUnits5 x Hellstriders Of Slaanesh (100)- Claw spear & Shield
    1 point
  12. Washed the gold with Vallejo Sepia Ink, 2 coats with an extra where more definition was needed. Feelin better about the gold now, ready for a highlight.
    1 point
  13. I just realized that I am playing Kill Team tonight. I think I'm going to be cheesy and go with: 9 Warbikers Nob with PK Just cause they are painted and I love them.
    1 point
  14. I like the orks and bikes or Alpha legion lists.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Honestly, all of these feel pretty reasonable for OFCC. 2 Vendettas may be a touch too much.
    1 point
  18. Not a fan of the report, but that table looks ace. Love the lights!
    1 point
  19. One the table: 1x Steel Legion Infantry Squad. Done by Friday or I'll eat my Malcador.
    1 point
  20. Good report, great table.
    1 point
  21. "Salamanders Models" is shorthand for "Models with the Chapter Tactics Rule drawn from the Salamanders Chapter". It's in the SM Dex somewhere, in the section where they list all the Chapter Tactics.
    1 point
  22. Thanks chappy, thanks for being better than my computer.
    1 point
  23. Legio Crucius http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Legio_Crucius
    1 point
  24. Overnight the board dried just fine with no cracks. The plaster under the foil is still wet and will probably take a few more days to a week to completely finish. Basically instead of looking like a pink cake it now looks like a white cake.
    1 point
  25. I like that Guard collection. I look forward to seeing more. As for how big the task is: YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  26. I like the red and blue. But If i were to look at that army i'd say they were a successor chapter of the ultramarines, because of the blue omega.
    1 point
  27. Hey Miles, I've already got a 40k game lined up for tonight with Tucker. However, if you want to lock in next week I would love to play your bugs since I haven't played Nids in ages. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Just informing you there is potential for confusion
    1 point
  30. Applied the gold base layer on the trim at lunchtime. Good lord these look obnoxious right now:
    1 point
  31. Shocking how well red Savage Orks work as Khorne Daemons!
    1 point
  32. Everything on the board seems to be drying just fine without any cracking or morphing of the foam (yessss!). It will still be a few more days before I do anything else to it just so it has plenty of time to cure before I start laying primer over the plaster. After that I need to plan out how to create and support the upper level and the floor and bridges of the lower level. I am seeing another trip to the hardware store in my future. I'm thinking of lists to bring to the Glimpses event in Sherwood this weekend. I'll probably bring my OFCC list as one of them, as it's already 200 points LI and gives me a chance to test it out. The Spec ops can get 8 more points of gear though, so I will have to pimp them out to no end!
    1 point
  33. Pretty sure its $50 like it says in the subject :)
    1 point
  34. Cory what are you preparing for in May?
    1 point
  35. I have a grandma who will be around the next few Fridays so I'm hoping to get everything painted.
    1 point
  36. I cheated a little bit... I invited the grandparents over to play with the kids... it freed up a bunch of time. Also, I finished the last 2 models for the Neophytes unit. The things that still need done: Tyranid CAD DEATHLEAPER - Pain First Curse 20x GENESTEALERS - 3 NEED PAINT Sub Up 10x HYBRID w/ 2claw, 2 whip - ASSEMBLE 10x ACOLYTES w/ icon - ASSEMBLE 10x ACOLYTES w/ icon - ASSEMBLE 10x ACOLYTES w/ icon - ICON NEEDS ASSEMBLE 5x ABERRANTS - 1 NEEDS PAINT GSC CAD MAGUS w/ lvl 2, 2x familiar - NEEDS PAINT 20x NEOPHYTE w/ 2x flamer, 2x seismic cannon - NEEDS PAINT 20x NEOPHYTE w/ 2x Gren. Launch., 2x mining laser - 4 NEEDS PAINT
    1 point
  37. I hope no one minds me promoting some of my art shows on here randomly. I figure no harm in trying to let people know about some of these events. This Saturday, April 1st, from 4pm to Midnight at the Lucky Lab ( 1945 NW Quimby ) will be a free art show. It is all ages from 4pm to 10pm and dog friendly the whole time. Lots of local street artists will have art on display and for sale. The first 50 people in get a free goodie bag with various donated art (most likely stickers and pins and a coloring book). There will be a kids craft/art area. Live Music. There will also be live screen printing happening with 25 different designs available (including one of mine). You can get an available design printed for $3 if you bring in a blank shirt for it to be printed on (blank shirts will be available for purchase at the show for $10). Hope to see some of you there!
    1 point
  38. Maybe they'd like it in metal.
    1 point
  39. Using Sylvaneth models for a Counts-As Tau Army: Groot Mercenaries :D
    1 point
  40. Oh man I didn't realize the beaver's tail was a little tool-holder thing! I think you messed up on the box art though Jim, it should have looked like this (pardon the incredibly quick and dirty mockup):
    1 point
  41. It's weird to copy someone else's scheme/style. The far right is what I was given (sans base) and the other three are my attempt at color/style matching.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, that is kind of key isn't it, you are viewing this game as a WHF player, not an AOS player...if this was a release for 9th Age then sure, looks wonky. But those days are past. AOS is here, and most likely to stay. I do personally think GW is letting us know that 40K and AOS are NOT competitive designed games. This is my opinion from the recent game news of the two new games coming, both of which they clearly state "competitive" games. Change is often pretty sucky...and uncomfortable. But for me, these Duardin are very bad ass looking (way better than the forgettable fyreslayer release).
    1 point
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