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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2017 in Posts

  1. This is very old Realms of chaos lore. One of the "tasks" of plaguebearers was to catalog and count all the diseases, in real time. They would count out loud, and the bass murmur lent a droning noise to an army on the march. This counting, or tallying, lent a nickname to the plaguebearers, the "Tallymen of Nurgle". AoS has a Nurgle warscroll called a Tallyband of Nurgle. Nice to see the entropic task of counting germs is being revisited.
    6 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Time for another update....Razorback and Sniper Scouts
    4 points
  4. Assembled a Chasseur and some Line Kazaks. I was hoping it would distract me from the heat...what a fool I was. I'd like to get them primed tonight, but all of my hobby things are in disarray from OFCC paint-a-ton. Really looking forward to getting back to 300 points so that I can bust out some more models.
    4 points
  5. Sadly, no Ordo swag that I can use for a photo but I have finished my relocation to sunny Mexico. The wife and I are in San Miguel de Allende for a year or so now. The glories of both working remotely. For those interested in where this actually is, Google Maps knows and has solid street view images to show you what a beautiful place this is... https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Miguel+de+Allende,+Guanajuato,+Mexico/@20.9150532,-100.7447025,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x842b51af9871bc0f:0x653101031d07b0a4!8m2!3d20.9144491!4d-100.745235?hl=en And just to salt the wounds of those who suffered the insane temperatures last week, we're at 6200' so my daytime highs have been in the 80s since we got here. (Tomorrow the rain hits and we probably are not above 70.)
    3 points
  6. Week 7 and Week 8 are now complete and the league is now closed! I am still drafting a final write up and making plans for our first ever ORDO AFTER DARK EVENT! Feel free to play additional games and report on them here or PM me. If you create an escalation league thread or post about your league experience, tag me in it by doing an "@" symbol followed by DisruptiveConduct with no spaces and it will alert me to your post.
    2 points
  7. I like how Jeff is ahead of Bryan even though Bryan has more points just because he is Jeff....
    2 points
  8. Hmmm.... not a fan. Though, ill reserve final judgement for better pictures. The books always emphasize Mortarion's gauntness. I expected to see that replicated here, rather than just another bloated Nurgle Daemon Prince. I always pictured something more like the C'tan model with the scythe.
    2 points
  9. New item on my "win the lottery" list: Get 5 or 6 extras of him and use the wings to replace those on all my Flyrants and Harpies/Crones. I'm not a huge fan of the pose, but it's an open enough one that I can probably fix that. Especially if I have 5-6 extras of everything but the wings ;)
    2 points
  10. I think it was Nate that I talked to about this question... Combi Weapons and Overwatch...if you fire both barrels of the combi weapon, you are at -1 to hit. But Overwatch needs 6's. So can you fire Combi Weapons for overwatch? The answer is yes...Here is the section of rules for Overwatch below. Basically the modifiers don't matter. You just need a 6. Overwatch is resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in the enemy’s Charge phase) and uses all the normal rules except that a 6 is always required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers.
    2 points
  11. I think the #1 thing preventing me from becoming a better painter is my overwhelming desire to put the model on the table.
    2 points
  12. So I've got some NuMarines. I was originally planning on painting them Iron Hands so I could swap vehicles back and forth between my 30K force and this one, but black is boring. I honestly would like to do something with some tonal quality. I would really like to keep them very shooty, as my Orks and Space Wolves are in your face forces. I've kicked around a few ideas: Raptors- Shooty, cool Raven Guard rules, would paint them OD green/historical with a WWII style vibe. May look boring on the table. Imperial Fists- I'd go more of a military yellow than canary, nice bright army but lousy chapter rules. Heresy era Death Guard- totally different, light grey/green with battle damage, just use Ultramarines rules, maybe a different chapter symbol? Heresy Color Space Wolves- not blue/grey, but a warmer grey, use FW transfers and SW bits, think of them more of an adjuct to Great Wolf company. Another Badab War chapter- Fire angels or Minotaurs Something else entirely... Anybody got any ideas?
    1 point
  13. Portland Hobbits will be running a single day, Lord of the Rings / Hobbit SBG tournament Saturday November 4: Location: Guardian Games (the upstairs Home Screen space) Format: 500 Points. 3 games: Domination, Reconnoitre, Lords of Battle. Scenario details can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5YAoymxJYTfdkVMNERYSWZoVWs. Event pack to follow, but some interim details: Arrive at 10AM, games to start at roughly 10:45. With 3 games, some time allowance between games and a meal break, we should wrap up around 6:30 - 7:00. Painted armies are NOT required, but there will be TP bonus points for fully painted and based (3 colors min) armies. Army bonuses as detailed in the 2017 Throne of Skulls rules pack https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5YAoymxJYTfOFE2ajJ4LW82d2s will apply. Generally, GW miniatures required. If you have proxy questions, please inquire and request approval in advance of the tournament date. Rules will be based on the"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" ruleset. Profiles and army lists from the blue sourcebooks (Fallen Realms, Kingdoms of Men, Free Peoples, Mordor, Moria and Angmar) will apply, as well as those from "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and "The Hobbit: There and Back Again", as well as Errata and FAQ documents provided on the Games Workshop website. The profiles Gollum (free points cost from the Mordor sourcebook), and Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are not allowed in any tournament list. We currently have 4 players confirmed, with space for up to 12. Tournament registration fee will be $10 (mostly to reserve the space). To register, email PortlandHobbits@gmail.com.
    1 point
  14. For escalation league, i've decided to awaken my Necrons who have been in stasis since early 6th edition. I have to admit, 8th edition has rekindled my interest in 40k! I enjoyed 2 great games yesterday at the opening day of the league. That was a blast, and a HUGE thanks Pete for the game tutorials. I had quite a few of those rules wrong! Thanks again! I'll be on hiatus for 2 weeks, but will return to bring annihilation to the universe...
    1 point
  15. For the escalation league I'm probably going to be playing with my Tyranids but working on my Elysians. I started with a new bag of parts: Then into the bath to wash the mold release from the models: I was able to finish one guy, and partially finish the rest of the squad.
    1 point
  16. 40k 8th Edition Escalation League Week 2 Mission *************************************************************************** On a tip from @Sugarlessllama, I bought the new Open War card deck from the Portland Game Store tonight. I'm a big fan of easy ways to make things different and these are pretty good for that. I did some random draws and cherry picked what I thought would go well for the League. Thus: MISSION 2 Heretic vs. Traitor: Burn and Pillage Two factions war over belief. The lust for war will rage until nothing is left. This battle is a crusade of faith and there are no prisoners. Armies: All armies shall be 750 points or 38 PL, Battleforged, must qualify for a Patrol Detachment (if you can fit more, go for it! Battalions are legit, too). Battlefield: Setup terrain on a 4x4. Make sure there is a variety of terrain as the Advanced Rules contain entries for craters, ruins, battlefield debris and other cool things (all of which should be in the terrain room or tubs)! Deployment: Divide the table in half down the middle (even diagonal if you want). Roll off and winner chooses Deployment Zone A or B. Place 6 objectives. Winner of deployment places first. Place objectives anywhere in YOUR deployment zone no less than 6" from any other objective and any table edge. Alternate deploying units with winner of deployment placing first. Deploy units so that they are wholly within your deployment zone and more than 9" away from any enemy models. Objective: A player can burn and pillage any enemy objective markers that they control at the end of their turn, one objective per game turn. Remove the objective marker after doing so. The first player to burn and pillage all three enemy objective markers wins the battle. Game Length: 5 turns. Whoever burned and pillage the most objective markers rolls a die at end of turn 5. On a 4+, the game is over. On a 1, 2, or 3, the game goes on to turn 6. Special Rules: Acid Rain: Subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for shooting attacks and subtract 1 from all Advance and charge rolls. Roll a die at the start of each battle round after the first. On a 4+, the rain stops (if it was raining in the last round), or starts again (if it was not raining in the last round). ***I will have copies of the mission printed out and available at the club.***
    1 point
  17. Got 2 great games in last week, looking forward to this week! I actually really like the 4x4 table space also, it makes the action happen much faster and will definitely effect how i build my lists for this league in particular
    1 point
  18. Battleforged is the "structure" of the army,,you can build an army with any points system and it can Battleforged.Of course we are only dealing with 3 types of point systems,those being "No Points",Power Levels and of course "Points".
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Codex: Space Marines has been out for more than a week now, and many of you have already been getting stuck in with building armies, planning your Chapter Tactics and finding the best combinations in the book. We want to make sure that the codex works as well for you as it possibly can, and today, we’re releasing an errata with some minor changes to the book. For the most part, this is about making sure you get access to all of your wargear; Sergeants can now take melta bombs again, while various weapons now have points costs for use in your matched play games. You can download the errata here: If you’ve got any more questions or clarifications you’d like about the Space Marines codex, or you just want to show off your army, let us know on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page.
    1 point
  21. Pest Control is the name of the first standard TNT scenario. In a two player game, 5 rad zombie nests are placed on the board along with two rad zombies per nest. Starting on the second turn, each nest generates d3 zombies per turn. The objective is to destroy more rad zombies and rad zombie nests than your opponent. Since TNT is not a cooperative game, you also get VPs for taking out your opponent's models. For the zombie nests I'm going to use the corpse pile counters that Jim Graham made for one of the Malifaux Walpurgis events. I added some grasping hands and bones to jazz-em-up some. I have only three of corpse counters, so I made two more 'zombie nests' from Toad King Castings' bone debris piles and more Mantic Games' zombie bits. I 'kickstarted' Mantic's The Walking Dead game, but I've yet to play it. Rather than let all of the purty models go to waste, I'll use the 30 TWD walker models for my TNT games. Two of theses models are pictured above. Come to think of it, The Walking Dead survivor models would make a kick ass TNT warband. There's quite a few of them (20+) and the quality of the minis is quite good. 'CAAARL!' I also have two of TWD scenery boosters, which will make great scatter terrain for my TNT board.
    1 point
  22. Andrew i will be going so if you wanted to car pool you are welcome to jump in my truck! I have another buddy coming with me already! :) This was great last year. I remember someone selling sisters off at a super cheap price. :)
    1 point
  23. i can vouch for Worldsmith. JMGraham was kind enough to donate some of his terrain for prize support for OFCC. It looked so good, I wanted to keep it for myself (i didnt) =)
    1 point
  24. I'm more than a bit biased, but if you have the scratch, Worldsmith Industries makes a damn fine product. Plus, they're currently having a sale for Ordo members. See links in signature! Also, 4Ground makes a fantastic product. Great company!
    1 point
  25. News from Konor: THE DEATH GUARD RISES Tags : death guard mortarion "The Death Guard count their losses following a bruising week in the Fate of Konor campaign…" Regards, Lady Atia
    1 point
  26. Well, it looks like I've been forgetting that sensor requires a roll to work. The good news is that it's a wip+6, so I'd only be failing 1 time out of 20. STILL, I apologize to anyone that I have been free-sensoring against. The better news is that I've been overlooking the fact that having sensor gives a +6 to discover rolls against camo, so got to remember that!
    1 point
  27. I'll be there to host and run Mission 2 of the league. We had a great showing the first week and good times were had. Come join us and bring snacks and drinks for some easy points! We enjoy any kind of snacks including chips, candy, pretzels, red vines, candy bars, cheetos, goldfish, Swedish fish, cookies, Ritz crackers, smores, cheesecake, gummy bears, doritos, oreos, party mix, trail mix, snack mix, nut mix, cracker mix, pretzel mix, hard candy, soft candy, chewy candy......each snack available to share is worth 2 points! With full details available, here.
    1 point
  28. Mission 2 is up! Take a look. I am open to suggestions on how to make it better. Let me know what you think!
    1 point
  29. So I really love the behind the neck headsets for gaming. Unfortunately, my logitech G330 died on a recent trip (got crushed in my bag). So I'm looking for a replacement. Unfortunately, can't seem to find these anymore. Just curious if any of the ordo gamers out there might be hiding one. Its a long shot, but why not?
    1 point
  30. Only 1 Swag Pack left already!
    1 point
  31. Please give it a listen! http://fameplus2.com/
    1 point
  32. I wonder who is next for the Loyalists. Werewolf Russ and the 13th.
    1 point
  33. Not mine. This is from a guy named Zefig on Dakka. A bit spendy, but cool:
    1 point
  34. Wow. Those have come way down in price in the year or two since I got mine. The one I have doesn't seem to be available anymore, but what look like similar models are now in the $6-8 range.
    1 point
  35. https://annihilation7.splashthat.com/ Clear your calendar - It's going down! Annihilation 7: Annihilate Harder is coming on September 9, 2017. Come play in this unique ITC Maelstrom format 40k tournament. Guardian Games (345 Southeast Taylor Street) is our meeting spot for a day of fun and excitement. Come one, come all, bring your army and spend a fun day rolling dice! Overview This is a three-round single day tournament that encourages fun and camaraderie. It plays with a version of modified maelstrom (described below). It is, however, an ITC event and will award ITC standing points, and other than the mission style, and a couple rules changes set out below, uses all the applicable ITC rules and FAQ. This tournament takes “beer and pretzels” seriously – it is a potluck. Every player is required to bring food to share with the group. This is a requirement, just like buying a ticket. No food, no play. Guardian Games has been nice enough to let us continue the potluck tradition, but food only, no drink. All drinks (including alcohol) must be purchased from the store. Because alcohol is available, this event is limited to players 21+ only. With 30+ players, each bringing 30+ food dishes, we should have quite the feast. Army Composition 2000 pts, all current books and legal armies allowed. Max of 3 detachments one of which must be a BATTALION. Scenarios Deck Building Each player must bring a deck of 32 tactical objective cards. Since the basic deck contains 36 cards, this will mean players will customize the deck they bring. Decks must be built from the same source, ie you can use the main deck, or a race specific deck, but you cannot mix or combine. Card Draw When you draw a card, if it is impossible to achieve because of your opponent’s army, you may immediately discard it and draw another. (This does not apply if it is impossible to achieve because of your own army choices. You had the chance to fix that in customizing your deck.) As per normal in maelstrom, you may always discard one card at the end of your turn. You may also spend 2 command points as a STRATAGEM to discard and redraw once at the beginning of your turn, after doing your normal draw. Cards that award d3 victory points award 2. If a card were to award more than 4+ points, it awards 3. Maelstrom Victory Points This tournament uses a modified version of Maelstrom that has worked well for us in the past. It helps to think of it like a tennis match, ie. game-set-match. You score tactical objective points as normal, ie at the end of each player turn. At the end of each GAME TURN you total who got the most tactical objective points for that turn. You only count points achieved that game turn, you do not carry over from previous game turns. (So unlike typical Maelstrom games, you don’t keep a running tally for the entire game). Whoever achieved the most tactical objective points won that turn. A win gets 2 set points. A tie gets each player 1 set point. EXAMPLE: Susan achieves all three of her Maelstrom cards in turn 1, yielding her 3 Maelstrom points. Bob achieves only one his cards, but it’s a card that awards d3 maelstrom points. The tournament rules say d3 cards award a flat 2. So Susan wins GAME TURN 1, and is credited with 2 set points for her win. The first player to accumulate 7 set points wins the match. The game ends at the conclusion of either the turn where a player reaches 7 set points, or the end of turn 6, whichever comes first. If, at the end of turn six neither player has accumulated 7 set points (because they tied all six turns), or they both reach 7 points at the conclusion of turn 6, then both players are credited with a tie for the match. Winning the match is worth 6 battle points. A tie on the match is 3 battle points. In addition, you get one battle point for each of the four secondary objectives in the match. For a maximum possible 10 battle points each round. Round Length Each round is 2.5 hours. Players are encouraged to keep an eye on the clock and try to complete their turns quickly. If time is called at the 2.5-hour mark, and the players have not completed the game, it will be up to the sole discretion of the judge to either call the game for one person or the other, or to declare no winner. This ruling will may be arbitrary and subjective, and is not appealable. Players who do not want their games determined by arbitrary ruling should play quickly and efficiently. ROUND ONE Maelstrom Mission: Cleanse and Control Secondary Objectives: Slay the Warlord Linebreaker First Blood Big Game Hunter ROUND TWO Maelstrom Mission: SPOILS OF WAR Secondary Objectives: Ground Control King of the Hill Linebreaker Slay the Warlord First Blood ROUND THREE Maelstrom Mission: CLOAK AND SHADOWS Secondary Objectives: First Blood Table Quarters Slay the Warlord Linebreaker Painting 3 color minimum and basing required. (In the case of a tie, the tournament winner will be calculated based on battle points, in conjunction with subjective judge's evaluation of painting and sportsmanship.) Sportsmanship This is a fun, simple, no-stress event designed around Maelstrom missions. It’s also a potluck, where we roll dice, eat good food, and have a beer (Guardian Games serves beer). The goal is to have fun, and to give fun games to an opponent. All players will be expected to conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner. Cost The cost to play in this tournament will be $25.00. All proceeds go towards prize support. Prizes There will be awards for: Best overall (combination of battle points and paint score) best general Best painted army best xenos best imperial best chaos
    1 point
  36. I'm excited about this army, other than the logistics of carrying around so many planes to play.
    1 point
  37. May death and destruction greet you upon your return!
    1 point
  38. Ya, their poses are pretty great compared to regular guard.
    1 point
  39. w00t, Elysians! That is a gorgeous army ....it will make you happy! :)
    1 point
  40. This is basically the one I have, although mine is a bit older. https://www.amazon.com/LimoStudio-Photography-Studio-Lighting-AGG349/dp/B005CX9S8A/ The LED lamps would be a huge improvement over the ones I have which get SUPER hot.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. At least you didn't forget your Miners!
    1 point
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