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Dark Trainer

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Everything posted by Dark Trainer

  1. I would be concerned that bots will scan over said doc and grab them for resale. You'd want to make this an invite only type access. But still a cool idea.
  2. I won't make it tomorrow. Silly responsibility....
  3. Interesting, but just seemed like Xwing on the ground...meh?
  4. I am coming tonight, zcaust and I have a game around 530 for our Cycle 3 40k.
  5. You just made my day. Time to dust off the destroyers...
  6. Omg, i would love to run my destroyers again! Any idea on a date for the codex?
  7. I'm with Mike. The wraiths and shield crons interest me, but that Cryptek is a nice model. I don't need more robots, but at a 1/3 necron to 2/3 mech cost split, that 'might' get me interested.
  8. As much as this is an interesting box. You'll probably have to pay more like a 1:3 ratio for this, like necron pays 1/3, and ad mech 2/3. Mechs are far better than cron offering
  9. I'm pretty certain we have an over abundance of pitches at the club.
  10. I won't be down tonight, sadly no game lined up.
  11. We're thinking about a 6pm 40k game, this too late? Someone be around until 9pm? Else, we can hit Guardian if needed.
  12. I'll be there for a 40k game with @happycamper around 3:45pm.
  13. We'll be there right at 3pm for some 40k action with chikin. Looking forward to it. Someone be there to open at 3?
  14. First off, welcome to the fray! Here's my 2 cents to get started affordably and quickly. 1) As for building the collection: Just like stated above, I HIGHLY recommend starting small (like patrol or 500pt games). This will let you toy with units, even proxy alternate models to play with (before you buy models). You might even be able to borrow someone's minis beforehand. Friendly games usually are ok with proxied models if you're learning what works and your style. I played with a carboard monolith back in the day (sized properly, even had straw guns, but cardboard none the less. Also did 32oz Gatorade bottles primed black for drop pods when I started marines). Always hate buying something, then never using it. We recently finished an escalation league recently that is great for new players building armies (starts small, ends around 1500pts). If cost is a concern, consider buying models from another person (rather than new). Of course stripping and such is an issue, but it's much less cost. If you prefer pristine models to start, then buying a kit is nicer. Can often find on sprue or new kits opened too. 2) Where to play. We have a clubhouse that plays 40k usually every Tuesday (currently in a 2k league). But yes, game stores are also good options. I don't know when Guardian does it's league, but I think it's Wed? Also, numerous other game stores (find your local store and ask?). Also, our forum offer HUGE access to lots of players. You can always post, looking for a friendly game and see what happens. Make sure to clarify your city (as we have a large collection of groups on our boards). 3) Etiquette: Have fun? Painted models are only really needed for 'events or tournaments'. Typically a 3 color minimum is required. That said, I play friendly games (even our current 40k league with some unpainted models). I'll be working on improving that, but it's acceptable for friendly games or less competitive environments. As for conversions...I've seen SUPER converted models that aren't even GW models. That's fine, as long as it's clear what is on the mini (WYSWYG). Most events would allow it too, because part of the hobby is innovation. Welcome to the addiction, I mean hobby
  15. I'll be there for my 40k game with AgentP... (someone able to open up around 3/330?)
  16. Thanks for hosting, but I must bow out of this season. Please...let there be much blood spilled and armor broken!!!
  17. 8th edition is simple enough to be beer and pretzels, but keep the tactical gamer happy too! Loving 8th. Having skipped 7th entirely, and lost interest around 6th. This is very refreshing!
  18. For the family and kids, Castle Panic is solid! Random mechanic, but easy to learn and play! There's also variations of it out there (themed differently). D&D fans out there, Legend of Drizzt was excellent! An RPG board game you play 'against'. No DM.
  19. My god, this is D&D awesomeness! Thanks!!!
  20. I'll be there to Blood bowl...
  21. Seriously? Just read the article, 80mph in a 30mph zone (due to the curve). Very sad.
  22. I'll be there for my league Blood Bowl game with BluStorm...
  23. Having been starting to DM and played as a player D&D 5th edition. I have to say, i really enjoy D&D 5th edition! I haven't played pathfinder. But the level of story, campaigns to draw from, the new pre-primed minis, and such are EXCELLENT! We've been having a great 5th edition campaign and i've talked the nephews into wanting to join a new campaign where I'll start DM'ing. You'd have to convince me why pathfinder would be better, because 5th edition is very solid!
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