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40K 9th ed


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3 minutes ago, Ish said:

I've been strongly considering an army of Adeptus Custodes ever since they got released at the tail end of 7th Edition. I've always had a soft-spot for ultra-low model count armies of nigh-indestructible badasses. Sadly, the mighty Deathwing Terminators don't quite seem to cut it these days. But the golden banana custards might just be the ticket.

Before I decided on my wraith host, I was going to go with Custodes. I love low model count armies. I ultimately decided to do xenos, but I think getting a custodes army off the ground wouldn't cost much, particularly since everything is going up in points. I am guessing that 1500-1700 in the current edition will be 2k in 9th. So, it's even fewer models to buy.

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The army I've had sitting in my copy of BattleScripe as a "maybe" comes to exactly 2,000 Points. It's hardly the most original Custodes list, but it seems good enough: 

  • HQ: Captain-General Valoris, Shield-Captain on Jetbike
  • Troops: Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Sagittarum Custodian Squad (x5)
  • Elite: Vexllus Praetor (axe and vexillia magnifica)
  • Fast: Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters); Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters)
  • (There's also Misercordia added to just about everyone who can use one.)

Doing some rough math, that would cost me about $350 dollars... What I'm considering now is putting in an order for just three boxes of Custodians, a set of FW's Sagittarum arms, one box of Jetbikes, and the Captain-General Valoris blister pack. I don't know exactly what the future points adjustments will be, but I think its safe to assume that the Troops choices above are going to remain the vital core of nearly any Custodes army.


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56 minutes ago, Ish said:

The army I've had sitting in my copy of BattleScripe as a "maybe" comes to exactly 2,000 Points. It's hardly the most original Custodes list, but it seems good enough: 

  • HQ: Captain-General Valoris, Shield-Captain on Jetbike
  • Troops: Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Custodian Guard Squad (1x sword and shield, 4x spears); Sagittarum Custodian Squad (x5)
  • Elite: Vexllus Praetor (axe and vexillia magnifica)
  • Fast: Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters); Vertus Praetor Squad (1x salvo launcher, 3x hurricane bolters)
  • (There's also Misercordia added to just about everyone who can use one.)

Doing some rough math, that would cost me about $350 dollars... What I'm considering now is putting in an order for just three boxes of Custodians, a set of FW's Sagittarum arms, one box of Jetbikes, and the Captain-General Valoris blister pack. I don't know exactly what the future points adjustments will be, but I think its safe to assume that the Troops choices above are going to remain the vital core of nearly any Custodes army.


I made a very similar list. I like Wardens for high strength attacks, so I had them instead of Sagittarum. I think getting Custodians, Jetbikes, and Valoris is a meta-proof strategy. Those are auto-includes, and should keep you busy. Also, you might be able to start a Crusade game where you build them up over time. 🙂

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Wardens are an Elites slot, so although they have pretty much the same shooting profile and a slightly better mêlée punch, they don’t fill that mandatory role... and we all know that no matter the edition, every army is always going to need basic grunts.

I actually greatly prefer the look of the Wardens to the standard Custodes. Two of the five bodies in the standard box are in a running pose. Nothing wrong with the sculpts on a technical level, but I would just rather have all of them in a firm “holding this ground” stance... I was considering using Warden models for basic Custodians, but figured that would annoy my opponents. I’ll have to see if I can repose the running models when they get here.

Yes, I said “when they get here.” I pulled the trigger and ordered a couple boxes an hour ago.


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2 minutes ago, scottshoemaker said:

Regarding aircraft, seems like the typical basing is obsolete.  Maybe a tripod cradle out of clear acrylic is the way to go.  Or a GorillaPod?

• Install a 6’ x 4’ sheet of ferrous metal on the ceiling above your gaming table.

• Attach an eye bolt to the dorsal surface of all Aircraft models, attach a length of fishing line to that eye bolt.

• Attach the other end of the fishing line to a strong rare earth magnet.

• Attach magnet to metal sheet.

• Request permission to buzz the tower.

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11 minutes ago, scottshoemaker said:

Regarding aircraft, seems like the typical basing is obsolete.  Maybe a tripod cradle out of clear acrylic is the way to go.  Or a GorillaPod?

I don't see where it says a model can end it's movement on a flyer's base, so their standard base still seems to serve a purpose? It seems that, as I read it, a flyer is still able to obstruct movement if you don't have enough room to more completely over the base?

Also, very disappointed with this preview. Not disappointed with the rules or content, but I feel like GW had an extremely easy opportunity to make a "Highway to the Danger Zone" reference, and they didn't take it.

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9 minutes ago, Andrewgeddon said:

I feel like GW had an extremely easy opportunity to make a "Highway to the Danger Zone" reference, and they didn't take it.

They literally subtitled a huge section of the article “The Danger Zone,” made another reference to the song in the article’s text, and they quoted Maverick in the caption for one picture.

I mean... Did you need to see Roboute Guilliman playing guitar for a Kenny Logins cover?

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12 minutes ago, Andrewgeddon said:

I don't see where it says a model can end it's movement on a flyer's base, so their standard base still seems to serve a purpose? It seems that, as I read it, a flyer is still able to obstruct movement if you don't have enough room to more completely over the base?

Also, very disappointed with this preview. Not disappointed with the rules or content, but I feel like GW had an extremely easy opportunity to make a "Highway to the Danger Zone" reference, and they didn't take it.

Beats me.  Sounds like FAQ time.


In completely unrelated news, my new product line of "Completely Unobtrusive Fight Stands" will be on sale exactly 1 minute after the FAQ is released.

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18 minutes ago, Ish said:

They literally subtitled a huge section of the article “The Danger Zone,” made another reference to the song in the article’s text, and they quoted Maverick in the caption for one picture.

I mean... Did you need to see Roboute Guilliman playing guitar for a Kenny Logins cover?


28 minutes ago, necrontyr said:

Like this:

The Danger Zone

Your Flyers will soon be coming and going as they please – no more bugging out or flying off into the sunset! If it leaves the battlefield, a Flyer can just swoop around to return later in the battle and deliver a murderous strafing run. In the new edition, the danger zone is very much ON the battlefield, right where it belongs!

Not a single mention of a highway in either of your quotes. You GW apologists are all the same!

Also, Noise Marine guitar solo > Bobby G.

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