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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2017 in Posts

  1. I am officialy done painting for the OFCC!
    6 points
  2. In order to ensure we have an even number of players, we recruit a ringer to play if the need arise (odd number of players, injury, self-inflicted alcohol poisoning, etc.). As a 40K Ringer, you may not play, but if you do then you play for free :) If you need an army to play, I am happy to let you use my Death Guard army. Please let me know if you are interested. Ideally, we would like to get one person who can cover the weekend. If that is not possible, we can split the duty between Saturday and Sunday.
    4 points
  3. This reads like a very strange Craigslist Missed Connection
    4 points
  4. One more week! Chasseur is done, just need to paint the Dozer and Spec Ops and we're all done.
    4 points
  5. Tzeentch is clearly running GW now. I love it :) Seeing the silly stuff get wiped out within a month is amazing! Those lists will still find work arounds, but at least someone is finally paying attention.
    4 points
  6. All you need to know is we are having a pit fight with standard bearers while the captains watch from a balcony with whiskey and cigars.
    3 points
  7. Curse you GW! Why did you have to find out about the Tempest Hammer? I thought I was clever when I found the loophole about the Tempest Hammer not getting the -1 to hit. Oh well, I guess I won't be spending those extra 5pts anymore sigh.
    3 points
  8. Given that this incentive campaign is clearly aimed at people building new armies and is administed by the local stores, I would be shocked if the local guy(s) didn't use their discretion to award points for "equivalent" unit options. That's just basic salesmanship and customer service. If I was running a league like this in a store and little Mikey and Molly McExample were collecting Tau and Necrons – armies without psykers – I'd give them the points if they purchased, painted, and used an Æthereal and Cryptek. They fill the same general niche in the game, require the same level of hobbyist skill, and (although I probably wouldn't mention this aloud) carry roughly the same profit margins for the company. Likewise, the Tyranids don't technically have tanks. But if Mike and Molly's mom decided to jump into the hobby with some space bugs, it'd be silly not to let her count a Tyranofex or Tervigon as a tank.
    3 points
  9. There will be 20 tables set up for Infinity Narrative Event. 12 will come from the teams. Yes, there will be two extra as an option to play on. There will be a placard for each team, so their table will be reserved. Please set up your table on Friday, between George, Jay, and I we will have plenty of tables for the Face Punch, but if you want your table set up, please come early to the event.
    2 points
  10. I totally am not planning on hiding a bar somewhere in my stuff so you shouldn't stop by for enablement.
    2 points
  11. With the amazing success of @pistachio's Ordo Bowl '17 one-pager, I present to you the Carnage Cup one-pager! Attend the Carnage Cup and get one!
    2 points
  12. I have not been using the Captain's forum, but will be happy to address any questions you may have. I am finalizing the event handout now, which will include the following: Event Schedule Missions Scoring and reporting Achievements It will list information for both 7th and 8th (which is why there is a delay.)
    2 points
  13. I'm only at the OFCC for Friday so I'm gonna have to consolidate a whole weekend worth of drinking into one night. It'll definitely require some dedicated enablers.
    2 points
  14. Gw addressed this in the comments- if you only have flyers on the table you lose. Being embarked is off the table. Also this change to Sudden Death doesn't do [big bad swear word] until flyers can no longer screen characters. Good luck killing Guilliman (or similarly resilient character) when he's hiding behind a wall of Stormravens.
    2 points
  15. Saw these posted up on facebook, but I figured I would share them here. https://19070-presscdn-0-68-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Grak-and-Crumbleberry-1.pdf Big change in cost to 300k
    1 point
  16. All painting for the team is done (enough) for the tournament, except for my newly assembled Mascot (coach stand in) model. Looking forward to some BLOOD BOWL!
    1 point
  17. You can get the digital version and/or just use a print out. I made my Immolators able to hot swap to Repressors. You just do a cupola with SB /HF on the top, add a BIG dozer blade (like a leman russ Dozer) and then I magnetized a penitent engine driver to the front. Find me at OFCC, I'll have two repressors with me so you can see.
    1 point
  18. Good thing I have all the Heavy Flamer bits to stick back on instead of MultiMeltas. I just can't bring myself to spring for the Forgeworld book for just one page about the Repressor. (despite the fact I'm trying to figure out how to convert three of the things from an upcoming trade)
    1 point
  19. Sounds like a great time! When so we get to run in wuth steel chairs?
    1 point
  20. I have 5 of those, 5 Multi Melta, and 5 Exorcists to pare down from. As I recall my 7th Ed 2K list ended up being 2600+ points, so I may have to go Halfsies with everything.
    1 point
  21. Actually, we played Round 3 of the Friday ITC tourney. You plugged your phone into the wall behind you. You politely offered me vodka. I accepted. You suddenly panicked about where your phone was, I politely reminded you. (REPEAT THIS SEQUENCE THREE TIMES IN FIVE MINUTES) Edit: didn't mean to use bold text there, but it fits, so, eh... I offered you a packet of trail mix so the protein could help you level out. You accepted politely. We started our game. About halfway through you muttered words to the effect of "I'm hungry" and I tossed you another packet of trail mix. Our game ended and you called me a Farging Barstedd (Johnny Dangerously reference) for spoiling your all-losses record. I rightfully claimed the title of Cellar Dweller in the standings (but I had a land Raider filled with Arcoflagellants, so I earned it honestly). Then you temporarily panicked (again) about where your phone was (again) and I politely reminded you (again). And it was a good time all around. This time I'll be bringing my 7th Ed Sisters list cut down to 1500 with the Canonessezes I have to have for 8th added in. Let's see how well Immolator Spam works in 8th (I'm guessing: NOT VERY).
    1 point
  22. Small progress on the team...
    1 point
  23. Great pictures, she looks even better in person!
    1 point
  24. I live in Auburn. Once I get my Orcs painted, I would love to learn how to play 9th Age. Along with 8th. ;-)
    1 point
  25. What ticket should we be purchasing for this? Friday Hlaf Day tickets or Friday All Day tickets?
    1 point
  26. Tau shield drones aren't comically useless anymore.
    1 point
  27. Effectiveness is for other events! ;)
    1 point
  28. We played last year at the doubles, iirc, and it was a good time all around. Although I did have some memory issues due to the amount I had drunk by round 2.
    1 point
  29. I'll be heading up after work, probably with a brief stop by home. I get off at 2:30 so that will likely put me in the Portland area around 4:30-5ish. Unfortunately that leaves me at not a prime time to get across the bridge into the 'Couv. Depending on timing and traffic I'll probably lay low at my brothers house for a bit while that clears up.
    1 point
  30. The transport rules say to "remove the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side" when they embark on a transport. I don't see how they could be "removed from the battlefield" and "on the battlefield" at the same time.
    1 point
  31. I mean I have my 7th edition list ready to go however due to travel arrangements I cant really pack extra models. I dont think a straight conversion really makes for a good 8th edition list but it is what it is. Honestly I'd rather play 8th than 7th any day of the week at this point regardless of list comp.
    1 point
  32. Holy crap, Flyer nerf Page 215 – Sudden Death Change point 2 to read: ‘If at the end of any turn after the first battle round, one player has no models on the battlefield, the game ends immediately and their opponent automatically wins a crushing victory. When determining if a player has any units on the battlefield, do not include any units with the Flyer Battlefield Role – these units cannot operate within a combat airspace indefinitely and they cannot hold territory without ground support. Furthermore, do not include any units with the Fortification Battlefield Role unless they have a unit embarked inside – even the most formidable bastion requires a garrison if it is to pose a threat.’
    1 point
  33. Page 242 – Understrength Units Change the second paragraph to read: ‘If you are using Power Ratings, you must still pay the Power Rating cost as if you had a minimum-sized unit, even though it contains fewer models. If you are using points, you only pay the points for the models you actually have in an understrength unit (and any wargear they are equipped with). An understrength unit still takes up the appropriate slot in a Detachment. If you are playing a matched play game, you can only include an understrength unit in an Auxiliary Support Detachment. ’
    1 point
  34. I'll look into bringing my toys... but I might be trying to learn 9th age the day before the event.
    1 point
  35. And another one. This time my Spec Ops.
    1 point
  36. Maybe you *should* have shipped it with the terrain...
    1 point
  37. I am getting drunk tonight to practice for next Friday.
    1 point
  38. You can, and should, join The NAF at the Carnage Cup! Our regional rep will be there to sign folks up!
    1 point
  39. I think I heard that the next campaign will be titled: BURN ALL THE WITCHES!!! So it should be ok. ;) It does suck that some are excluded. They should have just cut to the chase and said add a primaris librarian. :p Even though the event is sales driven I'm still looking forward to it. Ill be starting art forge/40k threads to report painted units/games. It's fun to feel like I'm contributing to the universe I've partially lived in for 20+ years.
    1 point
  40. Yep, painting faces, still sucks. Or I should say, I still suck at painting faces. Even when I've lucked into a good OK outcome, repeating it is a no go. @Kremmet, Looking at your beautiful models makes me feel inferior. :) Keep up the great work! Speed painting. Got it. Check out the "side-eye" the model on the right is giving us...
    1 point
  41. Not so much the skin as the faces!! I've never missed space marine helmets so much as when I started painting Infinity models.
    1 point
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