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Rate the Last Movie You Saw


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Spectre - 6.5/10:  Not my favorite Bond movie. Easily not my favorite of the Craig Bonds. It's odd, but I didn't mind the Quantum of Solace, and this one seems like just such a weird attempt at a movie after Skyfall.  Of course, I still think Casino Royale was by far his best of the series so far. 


Fantastic Four - 4/10:  Would have been higher if it weren't for that horrific Doom. The story wasn't awful and I actually give them props for doing something different.  


Episode Seven - 5/10:  To call this anything less than plagiarism is to not be honest with yourself. I had a good time, but Disney decided to do something safe, unoriginal, and unimaginative. The 'shock' I saw coming when the cast was announced, and overall they seem to have written/filmed the movie to have a checklist of all the things that made A New Hope fun, with worse pacing and some big leaps.  A die-hard Star Wars Fan who hated the prequels with disdain because they weren't remakes of the originals will have a great time.  For someone looking for something new in the Star Wars Universe, who might actually have questions of why things are going on in this film, you will have some popcorn munching time but will probably come away thinking it's probably lining up as number 4 in your list of favorites.


Deadpool Christmas Trailer - 8/10:  That thing was hysterical.  I have no doubt that Fox will somehow screw up the movie.  But what they've shown so far is pretty dang funny.

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Bounty Killers - 3/10 the kind of movie you find on late night TV and watch because you are too lazy to find the remote.  World goes Apoc because of corporate greed.  Bounty Killers get money for bringing in corporate criminals dead (tax evasion, etc).   Shane would watch it....

You're missing the 1, it's clearly a 13/10!

All the best parts of B-movies, very few of the pitfalls. Main dude has a goddamn gun caddy....let that roll around your mouth for a bit and savor the cheese.




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The Force Awakens - 8.5/10 - First saw it on "Small Screen" second rate Theater and liked it. Then saw it yesterday in xD and it was AWESOME! Slow, story telling, more than anything. But still loved it.


Pan - 8.5/10 - Wow, didn't see that coming. Here's to hoping they do more of these.


Dragon Blade - 9/10 - Great Asian movie released over to the States. Really liked it

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DOA: Dead or Alive - 6/10 - based off the video game, fun and no brain cells needed. Oh, and have Jaime Pressly AND Devon Aoki.


Coriolanus - N/A - didn't finish it as it was not what I expected at all, based of William Shakespeare play and that is exactly how they talk.


Black Snake Moan - 8/10 - didn't really know anything about it other than half naked Ricci is held by an angry Jackson. Definitely worth the watch.

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Mad Max: Fury Road - 5/10 - I was excited to finally see this movie after all of the rave reviews it got. It did not live up to the expectation. I really don't understand what people were so keen on. Is it well made? yes. The fact that they used practical effects was really impressive. But the whole movie was one car chase. That was it. And Max? You could have tossed any actor into that "role". I think the movie would have been better had Max not even been in it. It completely felt like he was added so that they could use the known IP. But the main reason for the low rating was the fact that there just wasn't much to the movie. It was one long car chase. It was cool at several points, but that doesn't make a movie.

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Dirty Grandpa - 5/10 - had some funny moments, but the sheet amount of disgusting/sex/vulgar shock moments was just over the top. I can't really believe that De Niro signed up for that role. I'm not typically turned off by vulgarity, but when it makes up 50% of the dialog for just shock value...yeah..that gets old real quick. Nothing I would take any of my teenagers to, nor my wife. Preview showing, but can't imagine they will change the film at this point. However, I'm sure it will do well with the unwashed masses of America.

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Fantastic Four (2015) - 7/10 - Interesting, really missed the cameo and ending scene. Google reports both were missing and Larry King asked Stan Lee if possibly they've tried too many remakes of this one. YIKES!


A Good Day to Die Hard - 7/10 - Good movie to re-watch


Die Hard - 9/10 - I forgot we killed Snape in 1 movie in '88, why did it take Pothead 5 movies to do it?

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