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Ordo Blood Bowl 2 League Signups - Season 4


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Season 4 is coming soon.  Please signup here if you want to play.  I will give it a few weeks before we start up the new league.

This season will be less games as we will split into divisions.  I want to avoid Wissen so need teams to be in multiples of 8.   I also want to avoid multiple teams per player.  This may mean we have a couple of AI's. 


Returning teams from previous Ordo BB leagues are allowed.  New teams will get a 3 game (auto resolved) bonus to be setup by admin.

@Burk, @Weav, @Spielmannsfluch, @SigurdBC, @Maxwell Christian, @michaels, @savion47, @scotthartman, @Ish, @CountElmdor, @Bosco, @Russell Castronovo, @peter.cosgrove@WestRider, @Keith Amberg, @Keith Amberg

Teams in:

@Burk - BB2 team name: Ho Ho Ho's - BB2 name: Burk

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2 hours ago, Rhuell said:

Is this on Steam through BB2?  I'm interested if it is, can't really commit to real life games right now.  And is there a specific night? Sorry, I'm just new to the Ordo forum and area in general.


Yep! I'm like 300 miles away from everyone else here, so it's great for me for similar reasons. Arrange games with your opponent for the round whenever they work for you both.

Speaking of which, I'm back with the Tlaxtlan Panthers again. Maybe I'll actually manage to win a couple of games this time around!

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8 hours ago, Rhuell said:

Well then I'd like to sign up. I play rats in another league so I think I would want to try something different.  My Coach name for the game is Rhuell.

Sounds good.  Keep watching the thread.  League is relaxed.  Try to get a game a week, but sometimes it goes longer, sometimes it goes quicker.  


Generally a couple of divisions depending on new or returning teams  New teams get a 3 game Admin'd boost.  feel free to create a new team and stand by.  League will start in a few weeks.  

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11 hours ago, Rhuell said:

Is this on Steam through BB2?  I'm interested if it is, can't really commit to real life games right now.  And is there a specific night? Sorry, I'm just new to the Ordo forum and area in general.


Welcome to Ordo, and to the Ordo BB2 league! Very pleased to have you.

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Teams/players in for season 4:

@Burk - BB2 team name: Ho Ho Ho's - BB2 name: Burk

@Weav - BB2 team name: Tzeeentch'ezee Titans - BB2 name: Weav

@peter.cosgrove - BB2 Team Name: Blarg Blarg Honk III- BB2 Name: CPTButchFlowers

@CountElmdor - BB2 Team Name: Lucavi - BB2 name: Elmdor

@Bosco - BB2 Team Name: Balloon-knot Bonanza - BB2 Name PDXBosco

@Spielmannsfluch -  BB2 team name:  Boring Dinos of Eastwood - BB2 name: Spielmannsfluch 

@Russell Castronovo - BB2 Team Name: Goretown Gutsquishers - BB2 Name Daxer777

@Maxwell Christian - BB2 team name: Knights of the Stag - BB2 Name: Ironwolf3113

 @WestRider - BB2 team name: Tlaxtlan Panthers - BB2 name: WestRider   

   @scotthartman - BB2 team name: What the Devil - BB2 name: PajamaRed 

@SigurdBC  - BB2 team name: Pestilential Powerhouses - BB2 name: SigurdBC

@michaels - BB2 team name: Whiskey Collective - BB2 name: Michaels

@Rhuell - BB2 team name: The Danse Macabres - BB2 name: Rhuell

@Keith Amberg - BB2 team name: Nightmares to Assemble - BB2 name: Koach Keith

@Zorcon - BB2 team name: New Oxyl Patriots - BB2 name: Zorcon

@dylanator - BB2 team name: Need to Feed - BB2 name: Dylantor

Still need to hear from: 


@Ish - BB2 team name: Silly English Khanighuts- BB2 Name: Another Ish


Others pinged in case they are interested this season



Finally, for those starting new teams, please create your team, and then post in this thread, your team name (and BB2 name if not noted above).  I will then create a 3 game admin league for you.  I will admin the results so you get a bonus to your new team.



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